Can someone explain to me why, despite most Americans wanting it, we can't have free healthcare like everyone else...

Can someone explain to me why, despite most Americans wanting it, we can't have free healthcare like everyone else? Why are you personally against it?

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how does universal healthcare and open borders work, exactly?

Nothing is free, nigger. America spends most of its money on a massive shitty military that it uses to protect its crumbling empire. That's priority #1 for the state, not grandma dying of lung cancer.

Americans are retarded honestly

Because of the economic implications of it (higher taxes and a government monopoly). Competition iterates the best product at the lowest price desu

Most Americans *don't* want it. There is a reason only politicians from exceedingly liberal areas are encouraging it. Here in the U.S., we could never afford it. Unlike the entire rest of the first world, we actually have to foot our own defense bill. We could never afford both military and healthcare. Plus, "basic human right" is a meme. You don't have the right for tax payers to fund your health problems.

old people already have taxpayer healthcare so that claim is stupid
it's the people aged 25-50 that need healthcare
except it doesn't because there's a pseudo-monopoly on insurance in america the same where there is with internet and cell phone carriers

Who said anything about open borders? Universal healthcare works by funding it with taxes.

Main reason is health insurance company lobbyists. They give congress and the senate so much money that I'd be genuinely surprised if anybody alever voted against their wishes

a federal system of periodically checking peoples health (not by doctors, healthcare technicians would require minimal training for this, even machines could do it) in order to doll out healthcare would be good

if you're too fat you don't get free healthcare, if you're an alcoholic you don't get free healthcare

>free healthcare

Of course it's not actually free. But if the US stops spending so much on terrorizing poorer countries, we could afford free healthcare.

so are you going to close the border and institute strict immigration controls? or not?

because despite telling us to want it for them, our jewish masters don't want it for us.

>lowest price
Is this why people go into debt because they can't pay medical bills? Or why people turn down help from paramedics because they can't afford an ambulance?

Yeah, that's my point dumbass. Give it 10-20 years for the next big war to come around and the US will fall apart from within. Whatever rises from the ashes can be more interested in the welfare of its people because it doesn't have a fucking GLOBAL EMPIRE to maintain.

and no, it won't simply cede that control willingly and peacefully to other people. It needs to be destroyed like all empires have been for there to be any change.

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In most polls, 60-70% of Americans want it

Thats because the US regulates medicare so much it may aswell be a public entity. Regulationism isnt capitalism, its corperatism.

Why the fuck are you talking about immigrants? This thread isn't about immigrants. Fuck off.

how are you going to provide high quality universal healthcare while keeping the borders open to the entirety of the third world?

why are shitlibs like you always so disingenuous? anyone with a higher than middling iq range (85-115) sees right through your bullshit. even you don't believe your own lies so i suggest you stop lying.

if you want universal healthcare you need to completely close the border tomorrow and regulate immigration in a way that would make even trump's proposals look draconian. end of.

but you don't want that of course because muh poor brown oppressed people and stuff.

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There are pros and cons. I like paid healthcare honestly. Sure it's expensive (get insured) but in america you can find you have a brain tumor and get that shit handled the next day.

Talking to people in Canada it sounds like they find and issue, 6 months later you consult 6 months later your put in a surgery list. make it to your surgery date then good. die then sorry.

I know it's an exaggeration but you get the point. Paid healthcare is unique, fast, and the best. Universal is bogged down by every average Joe who thinks their mole is cancer

>free healthcare like everyone else
don't you kids understand shit ain't free. all that free shit your parents provided you they worked their ass off for.

I do think the cost has run amuck and insurance providers take advantage of that

Americans would rather pay a hefty premium to mr nosebergstein for insurance they might use, rather than paying a little more in tax so everyone gets healthcare

Free healthcare isn't free. Someone has to pay for it. Americans have this retarded idea that the grass is always greener on the other side. I am from a country with universal healthcare and have lived in three others, the systems are more or less the same no matter where you are. I still have to have insurance to ensure I don't die while waiting for treatment and ironically I pay an additional premium to ensure that I can go to the USA for the highest level of treatment with the latest medicines or surgeries that are not available in any other country.

49% of my salary is taken in tax by the government. The largest proportion of which goes towards funding the healthcare of a majority of people who don't give a shit about anything and expect everyone else to look after them.

friendly reminder the only reason you see so many fags and trannies screeching about universal healthcare on twitter all of the time is because they want the state to pay for cutting their dicks off/hormones and all of the anal reconstruction surgery and aids meds they need for their faggot degenerate unhealthy lifestyle

the average straight person between the ages of 18 and 55 is in such good health healthcare is a complete after thought to them except for maybe dental work

whenever you interact with somebody who is constantly screeching about this odds are 9/10 they are some weirdo sexual deviant that belongs in the bogs anyway for their degenerate lifestyle the more you know

im a straight white 25 year old male and i had fucking measles last year because i haven't had insurance for the last 7 years of my life
i want universal healthcare because i shouldn't have to pay 20% of my fucking income and then EVEN more when I actually do get sick
Universal Healthcare IS CHEAPER

When people say free healthcare, they don't literally mean "free".

i have a permanently damaged nerve cluster in my back now and im only 25 fucking years old because fucking old boomers are scared of taxes being the worst fucking possible thing to them
i have the back of a 50 year old now because i can't afford to live in this fucking country like this

well user I'm sorry you had measles most people get vaccinated for it as a child even in third world shitholes were you parents crazed anti vaxers or something?

either way my post is still true

vaccines wear off you fucking retard
you actually need vaccines like every 5 years

>leddit spacing
>no one is talking about having open borders on a fucking healthcare thread

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>still talking about borders
I don't give a fuck about opening borders. You've been itching to talk about open borders an ethnostates and you finally found an opportunity, thinking I'm someone that supports having an open border. I don't, clown. Just because I like one thing doesn't mean I like another. Get the fuck back to pol.

uh what lol no they don't lol

seems you're just another immunocompromised hiv positive faggot, the only shots you really need to stay up to date on are tetanus shots

>political topics are hermetically sealed and exist in a vacuum totally independent from other issues
truly low iq posting hours

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It's not fast. The waiting list in Canada is based on importance. If one person has a brain tumor and another person broke their ankle, the person with the broken ankle has to wait. We have a waiting list in the US too, it's just that our waiting list is based on how much money you have. So if the guy with the broken ankle has more money than brain tumor guy, tumor guy has to wait or start a GoFundMe.
literally 5 seconds in google you absolute mongoloid

why shitlibs like you always lie? or are you just stupid?

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I like just paying for my health care services so I don't have 10 cuts out of my pay for people who want free healthcare. It's none of my concern if you're going to die from a brain tumor; that's for your friends and family to worry about.

The overly simplistic yet true answer is because The US has a strong tradition of corporate propoganda.
If you want a good yet slightly outdated example of how these things go down you can look to California Medical Association's propoganda campaign against socialised medicine in the mid 1940s

The question of how and why America got such a distaste for collectivism in all its forms is a very very deep rabbit hole. A lot of it has to do with the fact that the labor movement was never really allowed to flourish in America. Now if you want to get into why that is you have to look into very old political ideals which stem as far back as the genesis of the nation and how these trends led to extreme capital accumulation in the hands of a few individuals. But this is only half of the puzzle: the other half is to what degree different administrations were willing to uphold labor rights. At the same time this adds another degree of complexity since these two blend into eachother at multiple points in US history.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're looking for an actual answer to your question you've got a lot of research ahead of you and as with any complex issue there won't be one singular cause but rather many many overlapping causes which themselves create political and economical trends which entrench themselves into the American tradition/identity/zeitgeist through the usual process of narratives being woven by the victor and woe to the vanquished who in this case are long gone.

>despite most Americans wanting it, we can't have free healthcare like everyone else
1. Taxed healthcare isn't free.
2. Democrats only want free healthcare for poor people. Not themselves. (Poor people don't vote)
3. Nobody deserves to have to pay for the medical bills of an obese, mcdonalds eating, cig smoking, beer drinking retard who has a hundred hospital visits a year.

Most polls also gave Trump a more than 90% chance of losing as well. Polls mean jack shit. Personally though I cant see Canadian or whatever style healthcare working out so well in a country with 320+ million people, hell even the roads have issues getting worked on sometimes, imagine how horrifyingly incompetent that style of healthcare would be, especially with the republicans and democrats being taken into account. It would be a goddamn nightmare.
Literally no one but you talked about open borders you memeing mouth breather, if anything tight borders would make quote unquote free healthcare more affordable since illegals would get the boot.

Hi Kim. How are you subjects?

If it isnt life threatening you wait, if it is, you jump the line.
Fuck off mutt.

Why do the rich get billions in tax breaks?

Why cant that go to healthcare cause i dont think its fair that most of us just keep paying taxes and cant afford what other countries can, but some rich guy bought a plane and that somehow got him a tax break big enough to cover the entire cost of it

Average life expectancy in countries with healthcare are about 3 years longer than life expectancy in the US. I think a lack of access to healthcare is partially responsible, but so are many other factors like lifestyle and pollution. Maybe there should be free coverage for children or the disabled, but thats about it. Most adults have access to healthcare already, public healthcare isnt really necessary.

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>Literally no one but you talked about open borders you memeing mouth breather, if anything tight borders would make quote unquote free healthcare more affordable since illegals would get the boot.
the OP is specifically talking about universal healthcare in the united states, and the united states will have open borders for the foreseeable future, the open borders discussion is quite literally baked into the pie of any good faith discussion you want to have about universal healthcare in this country.

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>its another GIBS ME DAT I DESERVE X from underage gen z trash

Jow Forums has the shittiest political threads. Stick to posting greentexts and nogf, for the love of God.

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goddamn this nigga was so reptilian looking in the wire, where did they find this guy

the actor is of Haitian descent i believe, haitians are especially ghoulish looking even by negroid standards

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You dont know how polls work you brainlet. The fact that millions of people like you exist is why we need a very LIMITED government

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It's too expensive. We'd have to completelt restructure our budget and get rid of social security to allow for free healthcare. Also our healthcare system itself is already fucked and unnecessarily expensive so that's another glaring problem.

I can't believe how some of you are convinced universal healthcare is bad. I found out it takes over 10K just to have a baby. It's crazy how some of you are happy to get fucked by big pharma and insurance just as long as some poor schmuck doesn't get healthcare. They count on your greed and malice to fuck everyone over, but you don't realise you're all in the same boat making end meet.

I'm almost 90% sure you also believe racism is bad and open borders are a necessity for a healthy economy

>we need le big military so we dont have enough money for healthcare

Do you think the national budget is a pie chart?

>obvious deflection

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Not really surprising that the board that is most chock full of losers, faggots, trannies and incels also seemingly is full of bernie bros who want free stuff.

Seems like a good step forward.

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>free healthcare
Well thats the problem isn't it, it isn't free.

Yeah I knew it. These beliefs are always rooted in this childlike imaginary view of equality

>the bad guys are the corporations mannnn we're all equal

"Most Americans" also want gun control and hate speech regulations on free speech. The US was made a constitutional republic and not a mob rule direct democracy specifically so the retarded majority doesn't trample over people's rights.

pew pew pew
>deflector shield up

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i'd support universal healthcare. but are you going to close the border or not? why do you refuse to engage in this topic?

This is an 18+ board kid. Finish high school and then maybe, if you're good enough, you can have a political opinion worth anything.

Most anericans are fucking retarded and would go in for stupid shit just like what happens in Canada. It's the same people up there, just a different government. I've heard of wait times for broken bones being 3+ months

Get insurance poorfag

The border isn't a wide open door that people can just happily run through. It wasn't under Obama and it isn't under Trump. Mainstream Democrats have never advocated for open borders either.

The people who pay the most in taxes should get the most out of it. Why should he have to pay more for people like you just because he is successful and you aren't?

I just made an observation about healthcare. I'm not even American and have no control over your fucking boarders. I never said anything about boarders or open boarders you fucking mongoloid. You just want to stop talking about the topic at hand. It's like Homer Simpson shit oh look at that squirrel. It's obvious you're just a shill who wants to derail the whole topic.

I don't need it retard I have the NHS

People don't seem to understand that the current healthcare industry being totally corrupt is NOT normal. They are too dumb to understand what kind of change is good or bad.

Political opinions, in general, are best suited for children, or drooling idiots. Intelligent people will always gravitate to naturalism and apoliticism.

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the border is de facto open and i think you need to start to come with terms with it, democrats do not explicitly state they want open borders but are not willing to truthfully do what must be done about it, and in fairness neither are republicans in their heart of hearts despite all of trump's showboating

"Free" healthcare isn't free
Everyone has to pay for it whether they like it or not.
Even though everyone pays for healthcare you can not choose what quality of care you want even if you can afford it

>I just made an observation about healthcare. I'm not even American and have no control over your fucking boarders. I never said anything about boarders or open boarders you fucking mongoloid. You just want to stop talking about the topic at hand. It's like Homer Simpson shit oh look at that squirrel. It's obvious you're just a shill who wants to derail the whole topic.
politics and policy are not theoretical hypotheticals that exist in the realm of pure ideas, if you wish to discuss one issue you must discuss it holistically in the context of the greater system, if you do anything else you're just participating in mental masturbation i am truly sorry you struggle with this because of your room temperature iq

I'd rather pay for free healthcare than a trillion dollar war.

True. But for now, we guide them gently with an invisible hand. They'll realize the real path soon enough, or die ignorant.

>implying your political opinion is worth a damn

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I'd rather pay for a military than get invaded

I respect you man, but fuck that. I'd gently guide them to their graves if i could.

America does have free healthcare. You either have to be working a good job, or making very little money. Otherwise it's skewed toward benefiting older people, but if you want shit quality doctors you can still spend very little.

Expensive heathcare is a myth. The kinds of people who actually get financially destroyed by our system wouldn't last 3 days in another country anyway. And to the mongoloids whining about how taxes are spent on defense budgets, there's a fuckload of waste but there's a fuckload spent on disease research, disaster response, and getting dogshit countries to have clean water for the first time in millions of years.

America sucks dick for a ton of reasons. Price of healthcare isn't one of them, because of our low taxes and high salaries compared to the rest of the world.

Not even close to true. Life threatening conditions are always treated, regardless of if they pay a dime, it's everything else that the waiting list stuff starts to kick in.

It's not a theoretical hypothesis it's something that works in any decent first world country. You're going to pay for it either way, the current system fucks you over and benefits insurers and big pharma. As an example my brother had a kid, got taken care of, wife stayed at the hospital until she was good to go, has a midwife to check up on her at home and not a single penny was paid.

Because chances are theyre successful on the backs of poor wageslaves that cant afford healthcare and dont have a choice because practically every job is like that and its why he majority of us live paycheck to paycheck

>wahhh free healthcare isn't TRULY free, dummy!

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nice anecdote bong but your NHS is being crippled because of the million people who legally migrate to your country year after year along with all of the substandard doctors you hire from southern asia who barely speak your country's tongue, you are the last one to talk about whether or not immigration is not relevant in the greater scheme

have good one, i won't be replying to any more of your insipid posts it is pretty obvious you don't know what you don't know

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Because most don't.
You hear that most do because the media has an agenda and gives a platform to those who do

I originally love these memes.

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No it's something that has only worked for the last 25 years because the developed world stopped having kids 25 years ago, and therefore with an extremely large Boomer population saving for retirement, they could pay for everything, leveraging debt off the boomers, plus not having to fund a real army generally helps expenses.

Id rather pay for the military to protect me than to fund the military terrorizing people like I do now

me too fren
if there's one thing that makes life bearable it's the stupidity of americans

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Goy just siding with republicans on healthcare because if it's free it's SJW and liberal friendly, and that's not based and redpilled.

Americans are just indoctrinated to believe that anything that helps anyone else besides themselves and their immediate surroundings as communism.

Basically sheep for the jews. No wonder you pay billions to Israel every year.

>No it's something that has only worked for the last 25 years
>Created in 1947
Why do you lie

>nice anecdote bong but your NHS is being crippled because of the million people who legally migrate to your country year after year
What is Breixit.

>substandard doctors you hire from southern asia who barely speak your country's tongue
Completely false medicine is the hardest and most competitive degree and they all get hired by the NHS.

Make an immigration thread if you wanna talk about it so badly cunt

what should i? this is an immigration thread by proxy because immigration permeates literally everything and anything politics wise and policy wise

Stop being such a faggot and deal with his point. You can't handle the fact that you can't have open migration and a welfare state. Its one or the other.

50 cuts out of your pay go to useless military expenditures, and it probably costs the tax payer more in the long run to support such an expensive healthcare system

Because we don't want to give all our fucking money for prostitutes up to our shitty government that why.

This thread has really been eyeopening to see how many robots are commie scum. It really explains a lot.

Almost all the people who want a Canadian-style single-payer system also think borders are racist and want all of Central America is flood our country because DiVeRsItY iS oUr StReNgTh.