>snipes you
Heh I guess my work here is done
Fembot he-
Other urls found in this thread:
Doing the work of god
Can I get an AMEN?
Women can be in the board if they want to, faggot.
Public board, people can post as they wish. Go make your own board of you can't handle that. Grow up
I found other wommins.
Who wants to snipe them?
Fuck off faggot. It's a public board and you don't own it. I'm as much of a neet as anyone else on this board except I'm a woman. Please handle your insecurities somewhere else.
>snipes you
Ty for the information soldier
Sniped ok?
>snipes you first incel fag
Tits or GTFO
Also talk dirty on vocaroo.com sweeties
Not possible. We have a 9 male to 1 female ratio here. Before you can even think about grabbing a gun, guns will be pointed at you
Big dick or GTFO fag.
Well it's possible now, cunt.
Glad to see bang posting is taking off recently.
Doesn't work, because no user says :"Male user here" in order to get attention.
I'll be generous today. Make a vocaroo:
There are no women on the internet. Liar liar, pants on fire
Well yeah, because because males are the majority. But there are still plenty of females.
There are no genders on the internet. Liar, liar pants on fire.
No, because gender on the internet, shouldn't matter, Femalebot threads are you ways to get guaranteed replies and destroy this boards qualitiy. Besides, you're probably a fat neck beard, and not a cute women like you claim. You could prove us wrong, but you won't, since you're a male haha. Lmao at your life
haha you're outnumbered roasty, you don't get special points here. Oh man this board is great, roasties need to SUFFER
>Well it's possible now, cun-
"Engaging target, one-hundred and fifty meters, South."
"*static* Tango-Papa-Actual, you have fast movers bearing 250 degrees, toward the South West, how copy?"
"Solid copy, IncelCOM, engaging. Corporal! Engage with the .30, bearing 250!"
cling cling cling cling cling
"Awaiting further orders."
based, bangpilled and extremely and quintessentially original
I agree those threads are shitty. But all of a sudden I'm a fat male neckbeard, lmao. I didn't know I was a shapeshifter with magic to change from female to male in one second because someone said I was male. Kek lmao. Fuck off fag.
Oh look a useless bangposter. Die useless cunt.
Then prove it cunt. That's right you wont, because you can't lmao
Who ever said I was a roastie, dumbass. I'm not a useless Stacy slut you assuming fag.
>Women can the in the bo-
BOOOM splat
You're attention whoring, just like Stacey. So what's the difference? lmao
>people can po-
BOOM tchack BOOM
Why should I prove that I'm female to an incel cunt who would probably just jack off to the a perfectly normal photo I would send them.
>Oh loo-
How am I attention whoring? I'm just responding to all the replies I get. That's not attention whoring it's called having a conversation.
>I am as much of a ne-
Madam, I have to ask you to show tits or gtfo. What, do not resist.... pew pew pew
Hah that's where you're wrong kiddo. It's No Nut November. Additionally I only wank it to hot women, and since you're here I strongly doubt it. Anyways, if you'd show a pic you'd actually be more than just a larping cunt, so go for it
Wew, even I dont want this one
Another one kek. Sniping me won't do shit fag.
You explicity pointed out that you're a female and you probably do that always whenever you're making a thread. Are you atleast willing to prove that you're a women via s short voice message?
Based and redpilled bang poster
Back back up, We need back up. We have a tough """""female"""" over here.
I actually have a social life unlike most of you on here. And since you're on here as well I doubt you're even a 4/10
>kek lmao pl*bbit post
Bang bang bang bang bang *target down beta command*
Okay I'll go to the website. But I'm currently at work. I'll do it once I'm on break.
Kek I'm an 8. I could prove it to you on discord lmao. Only if you're hot though
>why shou-
Recording takes literally 1 minute. Either way, I'll be waiting
>going for shaming
>states she has a social life
You do not belong here THOT, you and your kind are not welcome here
When I'm done do I give you the link to the recording after?
Yeah I may have a social life but I never said I was a roastie or Stacy which I'm not at all. I don't go around sleeping with useless Chads.
Yeah it's pretty easy. Click record. Then save the recording and copy and paste the link here.
A robot is a being who has no soul, hence he is dead inside. The desription doesn't fit you. Also gib discord
Right an "8/10". For someone who's lurking here and has a problem with females being on a public board, I have a hard time believing that.
Good for you, but you still do not belong here. This board is for guys with fucked up lifes, not for some near normie becky to attentionwhore. Bye bye thot
Gib discord and I'll show you. Btw I have a problem with attention whoring and that is exactly what "Fembot here" threads do
THIS. Cue the victory royal song lads
>not for a near normie becky attentionwhore
LMFAO, kek. If you think I'm some kind of normiefag, then you've got it wrong. I'd kill myself if I was one.
We're on a roll lads lets aim for 20 kills
>Btw I have a problem with attention whoring
>Gib disco-
Sorry bro, traitors have to be shot as well
*bang bang bang bang bang*
I only said I was one to point out the fact women can be on Jow Forums too. I don't go around saying it just because. And I don't make "fembot" threads either. Those are shitty and useless so I agree with you on that.
Why dont you just kys anyways? If you have a social life and are a female you are not part of this community, go shit up some other place. Crystal cafe is good for mentaly ill thots from what I hear
True, I just wanted to see whether she is a qt or just LARPING
Okay great, then I don't nderstand why you critiqued OPs post though. He criticized exactly that.
Btw you still haven't shown tits yet or spoken on vocaroo.com ;)
Did I say I had a good social life? Did I say I had tons of friends and went to parties and got drunk and fuck useless chads? No, I didn't, and I don't do that.
Quick rundown on Crystal Cafe?
Yeah but you can get one any second, it is a little bit different for robots. Especially since feminism fucked up women. I don't hate them though, I just find it hard to believe that you can enter into a long term relationship with one nowadays
I criticized it because usually bangposters have a problem with women being on here in general. And I can't talk right now, I'm not on my break yet. Add me on Discord and I'll show you some of my pictures though. No tits though.
I hate modern feminism. The modern community of feminists are usually made up of lesbian females who just want all males to die. I don't support that.
You did say you have a social life, which you used as an insult to people on this board. You also try and shame people who post here for how they look and for being incel, so do not act like you belong here. This just adds to the fact that you are female and get upset at OP for stating that fembot posting is shit tier. Fact is, you are only here to attentionwhore or gawk at the people that browse this board, and could walk out there right now and get laid tonight, so do not even pretend to be able to relate to people here
Mentally ill thots and larpers posting on their shitty copy of Jow Forums
No, how did you come to that conclusion? They just, like me, are sick of the fembot threads.
Kek I have to check it out. Any thread you recommend?
I know that people who point out that they're fembots is shit-tier. I hate fembot threads myself. And I used incel and that shit because they were bangposting me anyways.
I came to that conclusion because many users from Jow Forums have migrated over to Jow Forums and like to point out shit like "fuck women". I don't reply to those bait threads though. They usually go to page 10 real quick.
There are no women here, nor men. Only anons and gender should be kept away from discussion
So why exactly is that incel behaviour? All users on here are robots and not """"fembots""" or """female""". You yourself made the claim that you'e a women. Btw bangposters are the best thing on this board, by far!
Thank you. And I think this debate should end.
Yeah because women are pretty shitty nowadays? However I agree, some are blinded by the hatred and hate ALL women, however modern women are really mostly trash and degenerate. And not faithful...
If you are not incel you should not be posting here. If you state you are female for any reason you should not be posting here either. Bang posting is based and helps keep this board clean, learn to deal with it
No idea, I am a male with a penis so I do not post there. Just try it if you are female and preferably stay there
I made that claim because it's necessary. It's a bangpost thread after all. I don't just go around on all threads announcing I'm a woman though.
Not the women. I just wanted to check it ut and MAYBE even troll a little bit kek
Then you should have said: "I'm a women and I agree with OP. Great work"
Most women are just roadnot all. I agree that most are not faithful. But I'm totally faithful. I've never cheated on anyone but I've even been cheated on before. So it's not just women who aren't faithful. Men are too.
Then I'll be sure to do that on another new bangpost thread.
The war must go on.
Most women are just roadnot all. I agree that most are not faithful. But I'm totally faithful. I've never cheated on anyone but I've even been cheated on before. So it's not just women who aren't faithful. Men are too.
Edit: roasties not all.
creator of the - *POW* meme here. You didn't even use it correctly you women. Its - *gunshot* not *acion*
Hope to find a faithful women like you one day. Maybe I should se it more positively, be honest, kind, and tough- Better give her no reason to cheat, if I have bad luck I'd go for a church femanon I think
And why should I not be here if I say I'm female when it's necessary?
Because it wasn't necessary and you fucked it up by criticizising bang bang posters
Good luck user. I hope you find someone who is faithful and a good person for you.
Yeah thx u 2. Stacey.
U too. Chad.
Okay this thread is dying down. So I don't care anymore. Bump.
It is never necessary unless it is unavoidable as part of a greentext or such. Even then you can avoid it
Heh. Gotcha kiddo
Oh my god this is my vote for Meme of the Year 2018
Fuck I love this thread. Archive this shit
Cheated on by CHAD?
Heh Stacy, can you handread?
Here read my hand and guess my Nationality
Thread theme:
Additional thread theme
I miss DOOM.
Wtf is this? Haha great
>not knowing eggy
Lurk moar
Required blackpill viewing for all robots:
Yeah unfortunately by a chad. I couldn't really tell he was a chad until the end since we already had been friends for quite some time.