This is your brother now Jow Forums

This is your brother now Jow Forums

wat do

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Destroy his boipucci, then redpill him on why he should repress his homosexual tendencies and get a wife and kids after he grows up.

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>Fuck you, you degenerate queer. Time for the rope!


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you know what i would do


very originally

Transition as well
>now we're sisters

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Bully him until he kills himslef

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Bully him until he mindbreaks and then make him love me

Feed him BBC

based and redpilled
enlightened and agreeable

Move with him to Alabama

Checked and checked also sounds like something I would do as well. Maybe share one if I was in the mood

Drown him in a lake, I guess.

Subtle Silent Hill reference.

Absolutely redpilled

Kill "her" and take her hand

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irl i think i would abandon the freak

Teach me your ways, brother.

Wait, so he's a closeted trans guy?

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Holy shit, bro! When did you turn white?