Dudes born after 2000

there are "people" posting on this board who were born during or after 2000! this is fucking disgusting how is this possible!!!!! FUCKING LEAVE YOU SHITTY POST MILLENNIUM SUBHUMANS GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY BOARD, some of you niggers were born in 2002-2005 which is even more disgusting!!!!

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who else here /1997/

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I bet ur just a reddit fag that wants to get attention. Kys fag

Go take your meds, granpa. This board is ours now.

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So, when do we remove the zoomers?

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fuck off nigger i but you heard of this site on know your meme

the 90's was the last pure decade. if you didnt live through it's entirety, just neck yourself

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nice try at a new form of bait.

>tfw 99
You have no power here.

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you should've killed yourself in 1999 just like our columbine heroes

yeah it was so fucking great it drove them to shoot up a school.

99ers are ok with me, they dont bother me as much as people born in the 2000s

Tfw born too late to be Gen y and too early to be Gen z

>shit gay haircut
>shit hipster clothing
>youtube for brains
>parents are cucks: one is fuckin a migrant the other one is jabba the hutt dyke
>thinks he's the best generation ever, because "always bored"

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Nothing will absolutely match 89 let me tell you exectly why.
It was era of computer, it was transition perody of great techonlogical afvancement at slow pace.
It was revolution it was so exicting hearing every year about new ground breaking stuff comming out.
Nitendo, commodore, walkman, discman, mobile phones.
For me it was especially interesting because my country was transitioning from communism to standard socialist capitalist society. I remember when I was calling my friend over this phones where you have to turn dial to call.
This era was so magical so much things to explore and wonder.

Now any faggot born 2000 and later will never understand it. Their parents probably gave them smartphones and tablets when they were 5 browsing youtube and watching shitty crap and thinking how it was cool.
Also era of internet that we went was 10000x times better. No normies, no women, it was wild west, uncensored, OC on every corner, strange sites I could go on into infinity.

00 here, turned 18 in february

you can't do shit bitch now go fap to "she"males

i can call you a faggot and a nigger you post millennium subhuman

well i ain't either

you'll be thanking my ass when i institute the new world-system

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the fact that you still have any faith in this board being anything like it was when it became a self loathing cesspool proves you are a total fucking idiot. you deserve to watch these people destroy this place because you are too stupid to find an alternative

Why do you think people born in 2000s are bad? It doesn't make your personality or interests worse. Except for zoomers, being born in 2000+ doesn't make you much different from people born in the 90's/80's.

>tfw born November of 1999
Watch me hit that naenae

its like living in the US it was great but all the newfags made it shit i guess ill just sink with the ship

>tfw born in 2000 and got laid already

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How'd you do it? Greentext

t. 1999er

My brother hates me just bc born after 2000. Hes born 1999.

Just post more loli and it'll scare them away

as someone from 1996 i can see a clear difference between someone born in 99 to someone born in 2000 you lot are somehow absolutely soulless and lamer in every way possible, it gets even worse when your talking about people born after 2004

this is why people like OP make there threads

You literally can't be 18, fuck off

Let me guess *sippp* you boyh wus birthd at 1999. Fuckin millenials, back in mah day yallwouldve puul yourselves buh the buttstraps. Now you folk only complain bout our good president Trump and yall depressed. Bah in my day there was no such thing as depression. Only weak has mental ilnesses, its made up, yall just lazy.

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What country are you from user? I'm a 90s fag but this sounds amazing.

im from 96

>be me
>born in the last week of 1999

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2000 (July) here, diagnosed schizophrenic and about to drop out. Fuck off and take your pepe&wojaks with you.

Actually here from a friend , i have some unlike you

>has friends who use Jow Forums
>is a 2000s nigger
god i fucking hate you losers

you do realize that under age posting is against the rules right? seriously how retarded and new are you nigger?

>be me
>born after Jow Forums was created
>I can post here and you seething faggots can do N O T H I N G about it
Stay mad lol

born after 2003
read this nigger


god i fucking hate kids who were born in the mid 2000s i honestly dont think that they're human

Jow Forums is a website devoted to anime and games. Do the math. Men generally don't keep up with pop culture once they get laid or have careers. Only women try to keep aware of the latest trends.

Jow Forums isnt pop culture you stupid nigger only you zoomers think it is

>Born Feb 2000
>Parents didn't have me until they were in their late 30's early 40's
>Raised me differently then the other kids my age with 20 something parents
>Weirdly stuck in between generations because of this
>Don't really click with anyone of any age

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