Don't mind me, just the best monster flavor to ever fucking exist passing by

Don't mind me, just the best monster flavor to ever fucking exist passing by.

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You can say that again, best taste ever.

The only monster flavors in my country are
>White sips (Zero Ultra)
>Black/Blue (Absolutely Zero)
>Lewis Hamilton 44
>the yellow Valentino Rossi one ("The Doctor")
I wish we had other ones

>56 grams of sugar per can
might as well be drinking regular soda, shit saps your energy and gives you 'beetus

the best ones I ever tasted were the original and the peach rehab, the peach one is life. Hamilton, and the white Ultra is fine, the red Ultra is okay, not good but okay. all other monsters are fucking disgusting garbage and tastes like vomit

Yeah I don't think so bud *sips*

actually the Ripper is the best

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Literally the most accurate post EVER made on this site.

Falling for the liquid jew
Just drink water fag

Rehab Peach is best!

Don't mind me, just the ACTUAL best Monster flavour to ever fucking exist passing by.

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>pic related
is the best /sip/ of all time

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U hv 2 b ovr 18 2 post @ dis zite

Step aside plebs, superior energy drink coming through

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this is fucking expensive though over here its 1 pound 35

I'm from the UK, too. I waste a lot of my autismbux on this stuff.

Kinda weird that the best monster drinks taste like most Rockstar drinks

>energy drinks
Are you 14? Even worse than coffee fags.

parhain makuvaihtoehto

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i tried the vanilla light one and that was based. i live in small town so all the shops only have the normal and no sugar one usually.

You fucking idiots. Fresh lemonade. Fresh and good and pure, citrus. It's all good

Attached: Monster-Energy-Ultra-Citron-Flavor.jpg (600x374, 45K)

>ultra citron
myyyy nigga

Relentless Origin is the clear superior drink

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>cranberry vomit