Should I travel 200km just to lose my virginty. Would be a 2 hour train ride...

Should I travel 200km just to lose my virginty. Would be a 2 hour train ride. She already send me nudes and told me she wants to fuck me.

t. 20 yo virgin

Attached: 1542295444543.jpg (329x328, 6K)

You're being catfished user

>user travels 200km to lose a kidney
I want to watch a documentary on your story.

If you're absolutely sure it's legit, I would say go for it

This but if you insist on going take a gun or something since they're probably going to rob you after setting you up.

Good luck my man Id do that if I was desperate or felt something towards her

>2 hour ride
that's literally nothing you idiot. But you gotta make sure it's legit first.

No you are being catfished you wilk end up mugged and if I was doing the mugging prob rape you, anyway go on Grindr and lose your virginity right now you don't even have to leave your house get a sissy bottom to show up fuck his boipussy cum in his mouth and tell him to gtfo

That's sketchy as fuck I wouldn't do it make her travel to you or you will get robbed and the shit beat out of you, you will go anyway but its not me so gl

Eh like the other user said just fuck a bottom on Grindr