just busted a nut deep inside my beautiful and sweet girlfriend, after we played video games and shopped all day. how does this make you feel, incel?
Just busted a nut deep inside my beautiful and sweet girlfriend, after we played video games and shopped all day...
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that's not your girlfriend, it's some spanish actress
Sounds good.
Haven't gotten laid in 6 years. I stopped caring after a while.
Like shit. How else should it feel?
Makes me feel indifferent. Tons of people have sex. If I got mad or jelly over all of them, I'd be mad or jelly every moment of my life and that's no way to live.
I do question why you're bragging about doing something like 99+% of people do or have done. Is your life otherwise so pathetic that you need to brag about having sex to incels?
What kind of games do femoids like, anyway? Mario Party?
Proud of ya, son
I can attract girls but they're all normie as fuck and I have to fake my personality. Where to find a gamer gf?
Larper faggit
you have the balls of steel for having sex with women after #metoo and risking baby jail. don't get ass rape by Tyrone in prison OP.
and i thought i was fat...
>shopped all day
Why are you bragging about this? Going around wasting time shopping with a woman is the most retarded boring thing you can do.
>shopped all day
ugh yuck
how pussy whipped are you?
Quit larping faggoy
Unmoved. I've long since taken the black pill and given up on losing my virginity.
i wonder what a fresh nut feels like. is it warm? do you feel the warmth inside you?
>shopped all day
how much $ did you spend, a hooker wouldve been cheaper
>playing video games with a woman
>shopping all day
You're like her little pet at that point. The last two digits of my post denote how many alpha men she's slept with behind your back since the start of the relationship.
>how does this make you feel, incel?
not an incel, but I don't care, hope she's on contraception.
>need to kick someone already lying down to feel better about yourself
this is how we know you'll always lose
Glad you and your gf had a good day OP.
>and shopped all day
lmao i might have been jealous if you left that part out, now it sounds like my own personal hell.