My little sisters are sluts
post pics, we need to evaluate them before we can offer advice
fuck you Im not posting pics of my sisters here!
I know what you autists a capable of
All women are sluts whats the problem here
>fuck you Im not posting pics of my sisters here!
>I know what you autists a capable of
well then we can't help you
Sorry mate. If you are not willing to work with us we cant work with you.
We can't help you unless we know the extent of the problem.
I've posted pics of my former oneitis here a few times, and nothing happened to her or me.
Cut their clitorises off
If you don't post pics we can't known the extent of the problem user, shame.
They've been infected by the social media hive mind. Honouring them for dishonourable behavior. Corrupting them at a young age, and ensuring them to be loyal consumerists for life.
It's already over, user.
They're already normal user, to be an average female in 2018 means being a whore
put them into chastity belts while theyre asleep
Rape them, obviously. It's the only way.
it's your fault OP. If you'd been fucking them right they wouldn't have needed to look for dick elsewhere
>be me
>tittyfuck my best friend's teen daughter
>I used to jerk it to these threads but now I feel guilty
By sending them to Guangzhou.
>still no pics
wtf loser
>not posting the story
Don't be a faggot, user, this sounds kinda hot
>she's pretty smart, working at a record label or something in her teens
>tldr she and her coworker got fired because the coworker wouldn't suck another dude's dick
>okay it's a little more complicated but basically she had her career shot ruined because she stood up for an employee that had his life ruined as a result
>she walks home from getting fired
>it's raining
>rather than commute all the way home she stops by my downtown apartment
>let her in
>she explains the above
>she cries a bit, worries about her friend, calms down and decides to watch some arthouse shit with me
>on couch
>initially far apart
>she starts putting her feet on me
>stretching out
>she leans on me
>nuzzling my shoulder
>start to chub up
>she has massive tits
>notice that she isn't sitting with her normal frumpy posture but actively sticking them out
>holy shit they're so fucking fat
>her nipples are still cold and hard from the rainwater
>the one nipple is super hard, pinchable and thick against her shirt
>she dresses pretty modestly
>but her tits are so huge they spill over from her bra so she has free tit hanging out the sides and top of the bra
>you can see the outline of this and notice how this spillover jiggles substantially more
>cannot stop staring
>she moans a little into my shoulder
>okay I'm done
>gently start to tap her left udder with my fingers
>slowly move hand down
>rub the spillover from her bra
>move hands over the nipples
>she gasps a little
>grab as much of the tit as I can and squeeze
>grab both
>she sort of wriggles onto my lap
>start squeezing and flopping both titties around
>her right nipple must be inverted, but I notice as I play with them that it starts to pop out, although running my hands over it causes retraction
>she keeps moaning real low
>lift tshirt up
>two massive mammaries in a tiny, offwhite bra with a clip in the front
>she is still sitting on my lap
>she turns her head to kiss me
Keep going?
never ask to keep going user, always post a full story
then rape them violently and decapitate them
So it's a bait thread? Why ask if your not gonna post pics dumbass. We won't be willing to help if you don't.
Alright, my dudes.
>Start french kissing while she grinds against my crotch and I grab the sides of her bra and bounce those things around
>ask her the size because fuck if I know
>"triple Ds"
>yeah I still don't appreciate what that means but she said it super low so hey I'm horny
>"You like that, you like my big fat tits?"
>don't respond because I no brain good
>pull on front clip
>tits everywhere
>she turns around and shoves my face into her tits while she grinds on me
>just sort of motorboat her and appreciate how soft they feel on my face
>start rubbing them again
>pinch her nipples
>she squeaks
>put one nipple in my mouth and suckle like an infant while my other hand kneads her like a kitten
>she's moaning and asking me if I like it the whole time while I mumble "mmmhmm" into her titmeat
>alternate between nipples, sucking and licking them while she straightens her back so they're taut in my face
>start sucking both at the same time
>she keeps moaning
>running her nails through my hair
>she stats grinding more slowly, but way more deeply
>actually sort of hurts as she grinds really strongly
>she leans her head on my shoulder and I start pinching her nipples again
>she moans a lot more loudly now
>she suddenly stops dead
>sighs a little
>realise she just orgasmed on my lap
>she nods off and sleeps
>I still have a boner but I guess this is my life now
>she's gone for a half hour
>watching art house shit with my hands motionless on her chest trying to ignore my massive case of blue balls
>she wakes up
>lazy, sleepy, warm kisses
>"that was nice."
>she gets up and makes fucking spaghettios
>I'm still rock hard and dying
>she comes back
>"that was fun, did you cum?"
>gesture to my erection in my pants
>her eyes pop, guess she thought it was the pleat of the jean or something
>starts rubbing my dick through my jeans
>feel fuck all to be honest
>she pulls it out in the underwear
>starts slowly running her nails along it through the fabric
>she humms a little at the wet spot
>she pulls it out
>gets between my legs
>kisses it
>starts essentially french kissing my foreskin
>starts running her tongue all along the top
>waits till I twitch then goes to the bottom and kisses her way back up
>does this a few times until my stomach feels out of sorts
>"you wanna cum in my nice warm mouth?"
>"can I come between your tits?"
>she has been topless the whole time
>sort of looks down at her own tits confused
>nonchalantly says, "sure"
>tell her there's cooking oil upstairs
>comes back
>I take a tiny amount and rub it between her breasts
>she leans down again
>wraps those things around me
>starts frotting up and down
>they're super soft but there's enough friction to make it work
>ask her to lean back on the couch
>get on top and start riding her chest, essentially
>rub my cock all over her lips, tongue and nipples
>entire time she's asking me if I like her fat tits, if I wanna own them
>while I pound her cleavage I mumble something about making her pregnant and having her tits get fatter
>she plays along and starts going off about me making her belly nice and round and having kid after kid, me making "my" tits big and milky
>fucking lose it
>just plaster her tits and neck with jizz
>Hop off
>have an almost headache from cumming so hard
>come to when she snaps her fingers for a tissue
>hand it to her
>we watch the rest of the movie toying with each others bodies but going no further than that
I saw her a big after that. It was super weird being around my friend. She's really funny and we're pals but I doubt she wants a relationship. I sort of have feelings but I supress that shit. Sometimes I catch her squeezing her cleavage together at me but that's about it.
Good LARP, thanks user
>you like my big fat tits?
Fucking turn-off
sounds like a shitty porn star with nasty fake tits
tfw high functioning autist
>tfw functional enough to not need neetbux
How much are you selling them for? Is it buy one, get one free, or are they both one purchase?
Delicious asses.