Do you think you could kill someone?

If so what is stopping you from being an edgy mass shooter?

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Wasted a couple dozen in the gulf war
once they start splattering your buds wasting them becomes a fucking thrill

im not a nigger. and im immune to niggardry

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why would i want to hurt other people, especially complete strangers

>what is stopping you from being an edgy mass shooter?
Not without a lure, but what would that gain me but some rather shortlived excitement?
My very own bullet, or a jail cell with mail from fangirls I do not get to fuck plastered on the wall?
Sort of a stupid move if you do not get paid for it.

I cant eat garlic bread if Im dead

Anyone is one bad day away from committing a crime.

The gulf war? as in the one in 1990 where 147 coalition soldiers were killed out of 956,000 ? That gulf war?

Yes I could definitely kill jews/nonwhites, why would I? No desire to spend the rest of my life in jail

There is no honor in it. War at least makes it so the other is armed, and you have reasoning for killing another. What reason would I have to kill a defenseless civilian?

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hello FBI nice to see you here

ecoterrorism (aka planting invasive vines) > real terrorism

I'm not white enough to go all mass blaster


Because killing without any purpose is meaningless.

>Do you think you could kill someone?
Not with these skinny arms
>If so what's stopping you from being an edgy mass shooter?
I want to get rid of my skinny arms first

Having the capacity for empathy and a conscience.

I could kill someone if I had to, but I could absolutely not slaughter people like these guys do. There is something fundamentally broken in all of them.

the lack of guns in my country, and lazyness

>mass shooter
kek. That is just sloppy and you get caught or commit an hero.
It takes more planning to not get caught

>There is something fundamentally broken in all of them.
So like most of us on r9k

Every single person has the capacity to kill.

>do you think you could kill someone?
Honestly yeah, but it would be more respectful to do it to a bunch of people versus one guy
>what is stopping you from being an edgy mask shooter?
Family is in debt, no time to spend my money on guns I don't know I will use or not

I have no access to weapons nor the will to kill.

I don't want to have my ugly mug on the news and no guns here

T. Richard Ramirez
Fucking hero

Under the proper circumstances i could probably bring myself to kill someone but it'd fuck with me for life, I bet.

I couldn't be a mass shooter though. I was in a Firestone waiting room today with these 3 women and I just tried to imagine pulling out a gun and shooting them all. I couldn't do it without feeling evil.

Mass shootings aren't a nigger activity, that's Porky's pastime.

Even if they pay you a billion dollars, it doesn't matter because you're never getting out if jail.

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks, goy

All of us do that. Its normal, user

the cosequences

>so many response refusing a mass shooting
Jow Forums is like facebook at this point

Don't wanna go to prison or be sentenced to death

Been in the electric chair before I do not want to die in one

Then kill yourselves after the shooting like Eric and Dylan did.

I don't even like killing bugs. so I could never kill a person just for no reason. if someone was trying to kill me, it would be different, I probably would out of desperation but I'd feel bad after.

I could kill a thief if my life as on the line. Like more than onde threat. But I would try to solve the situation without killing anybody. Like God would like me doing.

Like the other user just said: nice try FBI

Enjoy not even being 15 minutes of fame worthy. Literally forgotten next day and mocked lel

If someone ever hurt my dog I know exactly how I would kill them if I could get them tied to a chair.

Could if I wanted to. Come close because of my bad temper.

Haven't done it because I really haven't any reason to. Nobody's really harmed/threatened me or my loved ones all that severely. The risk/reward is steep, and the odds of getting away with it drop every decade as forensics improves.

Not becoming a mass shooter because I don't want to. No reason for it. The average person is not my enemy. I have nothing against them. No ill will. I don't want to hurt people for no reason. I'm not a fucking psycho.

No way, I've heard stories about you.

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I can't even say something remotely rude or offensive to another person without feeling extremely guilty for days or weeks because I might've hurt their feelings. I have far too much empathy for other people to do anything mean. I shot a bird once and literally sobbed for like 2 hours straight because I felt so bad and I still feel guilty about it to this day

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>Do you think you could kill someone?
Yep, you and the rest of the retard losers on this board. No problem

not me gay boy i'd stick my pee pee in your mouth before you knew it

Resources, unironically.

You could start with yourself then.

Yea sure you would faggot. You are a loser and a wimp.

Nah, i have a lot to live for loser,unlike you you insufferable faggot

you can stop now, your bait is stale.

>you can stop now, your bait is stale.
You can die now,your life has no meaning shitstain.

But not immune to cheap clickbait racism. Go suck a dick

I would if it weren't for jail

Because l would die

A lot of people undermine this when it comes to one time offenders

Back when my country was about to go to war i was sure i could
I aimed my rifle to a patrol 100 meters away

nha I'm not that far deep yet, still care about people n shit.

Still waiting for SHTF. Gonna crucify some ATF niggers when it happens.

>If so what is stopping you from being an edgy mass shooter?

There's this thing called "law" and "imprisonment"
You should go out more often user, like school.

im depressed as fuck, but I would never hurt others because of it. I've hurt myself though

Always wanted to do a D.C. type deal. See if I can get away with it, if not, paint my roof pink.