I love you Sophie poster
can't believe it's basically december
I also have a headache and did a 13.5 hour shift today
9 hours tomorrow though including a train from Hull to Milton Keynes
Got a 30 page reading to do for tomorrow about comfort women and really can't be fucked to do it, I just want to sleep.
Sounds interesting. What's the module called?
What are the chances of a genuine /britfeel/ meetup? Has anyone met anyone from here irl? I'd be well up for that, considering we're all like-minded and we'll adjusted individuals
Go to the doctors and get signed off bonkers, live your neet fantasy
I've met 3 people from here and would meet more
I would not go to a group britfeel meet up, but I would meet up with a few of the posters
>In the staff room
>Co-worker asks me if I'm religious
>Tell her I am
>starts spotting off about how religion is dumb
Why would she think this is okay?
My social anxiety is too bad to meet up with random people.
'The shaping of the Asia Pacific Region'
It is interesting, some poor lass just said that the soldiers used her as a 'shared toilet'.
I would unironically be up for it. Even though I suspect it would be cringy ta'fuck.
>Milton Keynes
finna git SPOOKED
>Bought a new phone because my other one is finally dying
>My sim card doesn't fit
I was laughed at today in McDonalds. I was having a mini mcflurry and a tea and some cunt kept looking over his shoulder directly at me (there was 3). He did it 4 times. On the way out they were looking at me and laughing too. After I slightly responded one waved as they drove out of the car park (I didn't see the wave but dad did). I'm still angry
Because in the current year, it is accepted and even encouraged to denigrate religion and those who follow it.
I really want to meetup but there's only one britfeeler near me that I know of
I would 100% not meet up with Shippy though, I reckon he'd call me names and chase me about trying to tickle me
I've met a lad from Jow Forums when I first came to uni, we used to go spoons, have lunch and get steamed. Was pretty chill.
this desu Imao praise kek
it's not and you could probably file a complaint about her
Just watxhing man on the moon starring Andy kaufman as Jim carrey
>Just fapped and nutted
>Starting to get really sad and regretful
Well...Anyone had this feel?
>some poor lass just said that the soldiers used her as a 'shared toilet'.
absolute state. porn stars are literally paid to do this. put it down on her cv and she'll have job offers flowing in.
this desu it's not on and HR will take it seriously
Why were they laughing lad? Fucking normal scum
I don't know if i would ever go to a britfeel post. I like most of the lads here but the types that meet up with other posters on the regular seem psychotic. yes, i am looking at you Andrew and shippy, Both of you frighten me.
I've burst into tears after cumming before. I think it's to do with the depression.
all the time lad I just quickly clean up and watch tv pretend it never happened
Shippy is a massive softy
What phone did you get? Better be an iPhone SE. Your sim card should be one of the triple ones.
They were laughing because you bought a mini mcflurry, pay the extra 30 pence for the regular mcflurry
I'd go to a /britfeel/ meet safe in the knowledge that I could probably snap most of you in half.
>tfw iPhone SE master race
i'd be up for it but probably back out of it at the last minute
I have zero idea. I did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I was just drinking my drink. They were pissing around on their phone and I noticed the one with his back turn look over his shoulder directly at me so I started monitoring them and they kept doing it. I wasn't sure if they were looking out of the window at first at something so I gave them the benefit of the doubt instead of reacting though I did loudly state if something was funny to my mum. The shenanigans on the way out (making some gestures, continuing laughing and looking at me) all but confirmed they were taking some sort of piss and also the wave too, I stuck two fingers up at them from the window when they left but I couldn't see them (only dad saw the wave) so I presume they saw it
Alright, who's a hard cunt? I'm going to hit you with the Rolling Death Cradle right now, and then I'm going to nuzzle you and commit acts of fursuit sodomy
Being able to beat people in a fight means nothing when they can easily ignore you and exclude you from things. we're not kids lad, people with a problem with you are not going to take the piss, they will talk shit about you behind your back and ignore you.
Honor 9 lite, it was the cheapest one which looked good enough. My sim card is a micro sim and it only has a nano sim slot I think. Full size mcflurry is too much for me if I have a hot drink too, a 59p mini mcflurry is a well priced small snack, though it's all I've eaten today (I stayed in bed for 17 hours)
Well I am Indian so I doubt I would attend
Wanked myself sore lads, fucking SSRIs
>tfw you drive a mercedes and own an iPhone SE
trvly masterrace
working too many hours in the off-license, eh?
And I'd be able to snap everyone in half. So you'd all better behave.
t. bra-wearing manlet
Yeah between that and driving an uber, I'm very busy
Uni is being really fucking stressful right now so I'm getting wankered on Polish beer alone in my room instead of doing any work
Slightly related, anyone from Coventry here?
>tfw drive an Audi and own an iPhone SE
Step it up lad
t. mong with no argument
So where are we meeting? I'm up norf atm. Reckon we could have a cracking /britfeel/ Christmas do
50p m80, you know the drill
Bloody hell /britfeel/ fight club when?
I went to uni in Coventry (university of warwick)
got kicked out after the first year
Cheers lads, how do I go about this if I want to? I'm off half a mind just to let it go, seems a but much to tell just because she was a bit thoughtless, but still, its quite rude
getting wankered alone and also in first year of uni
Starring Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman lad (unless that was some meta joke?)
Let me know if it's good bc it's on my watch list
Kings Tun in Kingston
Saturday 15th December
please put in a complaint about her, unless you're a muslim
t. DEFINITELY a bra-wearing manlet that couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
>smelly mc butt nugget!!
You're always laughed at in maccas.
*biffs you in the bounce*
We don't talk about that there
*Wafts off*
where in the north lad
Come on lad. Mercedes > Audi
Enjoy your budget German car while I enjoy my superior German car
Peak, what course were you on?
t. DEFINITELY a skinny mong with no argument
full of oxbridge rejects
Physics. I didn't turn up to me labs
No but working in an off licence would be more interesting than what I actually do. I work for a local authority. Job hunting. Either going to go into a trade or gonna join the police force.
Saturday 15th December London /britfeel/ meet. It's not a joke.
I've met a lad from /britfeel/ when I was living in Dublin, he was visiting. We had about 5 pints and called it a night. I had a nice time.
Where are you studying friendo?
Depending on what happened, probably not worth it as it's your word vs hers, do you really hate her that much? Your coworker is unlikely to be fired for just that comment. And then afterward everyone knows you reported her for making fun of religion.
meant to check this earIier
>tfw only told this story to one person from here and they betray your trust
I think it's hit me this time lads, just had a donut and some Pepsi to try and cheer me up, didn't really
t. got his feminine bollocks in a twist because no /britfeel/ lad will rail him in a van.
I'm doing maths, can't imagine having to do physics instead
Almost was doing dual honours in first year, changed that right quick
Luv you XXX
Fuck co-op shuts at ten. got to grab some clothes and run up there.
*ignores your post and proceeds to talk shit about you to other people*
Get rid of it and buy an iPhone SE. 128GB version will cost under 200 bong. Get a Mercedes while you're at it
Ah, like a proper whore then. HRT's working a treat for you eh lass (lad)
Good luck lad, grab us a dark chocolate bounty if they've got one
Should be outlawed and replaced with TRT
Simple as
No lad, I don't hate her, just its a funny position to be in. Let me recount what happened:
>Blah blah blah talking
>Mention giving some money to a local church that my friends dad a pastor at because they do good work with the homeless
>"Are you religious then user?"
>"Ohh, no offense, just I could never get into it myself, kind of silly really, no offense"
>"I just can't see it all being real, and some of those westboro baptist people in America do some really horrible stuff, but I'm sure you're not like that"
If you drove a Mercedes S-Class you could cruise there in luxurious comfort and style. With a 0-62mph speed of under 5 seconds you could set out at 9:58PM and arrive with minutes to spare.
So could we have a separate /britfeel/ meetup for robots that's not full of normies who use whatsapp and drink alcohol?
Let's get the word out
Harrogate, you lad?
How's the weight loss going fat boy?
>Should be outlawed and replaced with TRT
been tried doesnt work
I'd meet a lad or two from here but theres none near me as far as I'm aware.
Come along, I'll buy you a coke.
That poor poor man...
Another life lost to HRT
liverpool - basically living in my parents house as a neet other than the two/three days i am in
doesn't really sound that bad and i doubt anything would happen, next time just give her your opinion back
Tell her theres whores who scoff shit for cash but that doesnt mean all women do it.
But he is happier and chose to do it himself
He'll an hero by 50 anyways