If you're above the age of 20 it's over for you. Chad has already popped your oneitis cherry

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I'm lined up to pop a second one when my gf and I finally get married.
She's a cutie virgin.

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Surely most girls probably busted their own hymen long before Chad, Brad or Thad got anywhere near them.

i have bad news for you cherrypopoer

Cope, Chad got to feel her barrier breaking raw while you MIGHT have a chance with her after she has "discovered" herself and ready to settle down at age 30.

You don't know shit. She's been basically locked in her house by her very strict stepdad all of her life. She and I met on Roblox and she's only a year younger than me.
I'm her first boyfriend. Shit's cash

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How the fuck did you find a virgin gf that waits till marriage in this timeline? Is she one of those girls that says anal and bjs don't count?

He's definitely been touching her.

lmao, cucked by her stepdad

>Having your hymen intact
Now this is epic!

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>actually wanting to "pop" a cherry
You guys are fucking retarded. If you're "popping" shit, you're bad at sex. It's totally plausible, and much better for the woman to go slow and pass through the membrane naturally you absolute fucking retards. This is why women don't want to fuck you. You're terrible at sex.

This too. If she's used tampons and wasn't careful, she likely popped it. My childhood best friend's mom told me she did it horseback riding.

My current gf said she was a virgin. She's 22 so I obviously didn't believe her, but it's no big deal if she wanted to forget about some old fling or whatever. No skin off my dick
Then the bitch bled all over my sheets when we had sex for the first time so I guess that's what I get for presuming to know better

Already popped 4, ex chad here.

As I said before in the last b8 thread, they don't like it. It's associated with bad memories and feelings (and usually it hurts because they can't relax, even with Chad) and the types of people to have done it to them are the types to have used them/lie to them. I'd rather be associated with good memories with her in that way instead of bad. I'd rather be known as her best lay that she uses to get over shitty experiences than her embarrassing past she'd like to forget.

horseback riding and fencing are activities that will do it, maybe gymnastics as well? i've always thought it was one of those neat little trivia facts.

>You guys are fucking retarded. If you're "popping" shit, you're bad at sex.
It's not about the physical it's more about the mental. Knowing that you're the first and that she'll always remember you is a great feeling imo so stop coping faggot

Yeah losing my virginity was all regret. It hurt and I was awkward and I didn't like the person I was with and felt extremely pressured and uncomfortable. You're right that it was something and someone I'd like to forget but as far as I can tell, unfortunately it's kind of a milestone and I won't be able to for the foreseeable future.

girl i planned on fucking popped her own cherry with a dildo
>cucked by a dildo

Fuck off, also could you feel the hymen tearing with the tip of you peepee? Is there also still hope how old where you and she when you popped the cherry from the oldest girl?

dead ass didnt mean to reply, goodnight user

So instead of saving yourself for future husband you just lost it to a guy you didn't even like, let me guess he was a Chad

16 and 16, 18 and 17, 18 and 18, 20 and 18. Not really, only the first one at 16 had an obvious tearing during intercourse, wasn't enjoyable but had a towel down luckily. After that I made sure foreplay was done a lot for any virgin. Plus how many times can you enjoy going down on an unused pussy. Enjoy it if you ever can.

Lmao horseback riding. Funny how every religious girl uses that excuse now days

some times one of you people types some dumb shit like this. everyone in this fucking thread knew at least one horse girl in school, you fucking loon. it's a common thing that happens to women who ride horses.

Ye one, but it seems ALL religious girls use that excuse today lmao

>stop coping faggot
Then say that. Say, "I'd like to be her first", not "I want to be her first and hopefully her first time is physically painful". lern2romance

Well the whole discussion got started because my best friend growing up was a girl and she started yelping while we were bike riding in the woods. Then I got to sit in the living room and listen to her mom talk about it with her. Not a comfortable experience.

Breaking her seal seems to be a very intimate experience even though it might be a bit painful for her. It would definitely make you bond with her even more imo

>met on roblox

where the fuck did you get this image.
This is not what it fucking looks like you fucking brainlet holy shit my head it hurting from how stupid you are.

How does horse back riding rip skin inside a vaginal wall?

Yeah, fuck off dude. Going through painful experiences (ex. childbirth) is emotionally rewarding when there's no other option. You fetishizing a woman being in pain because you're projecting some sort of fucked up ownership onto her when all it would take for it not to be painful is some technique and a bit of lube is repulsive.

You can't say you love someone when you hurt them for no damn good reason. Your rationale is on par with roasties who key up cars or act like jealous cunts because hey, pain is romantic.

When did anyone say that it has to be painful? Just wanna break a girls seal (hymen) man, seems like a very intimate thing.

Just a meme religious girls spew to have an excuse for having a broken hymen from getting dicked in college

>The hymen almost never covers the entire fucking vagina you idiots. if it DOES it's a medical condition and usually needs surgery as it causes complications. THATS where you get the imperforate hymen. What you think is "popping" is just stretching, and you won't experience because she's not a virgin but because you have a tiny dick.

The fact that so many of you think this is real makes me what to fucking end it, you all can't possibly be THIS autistic.

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I took a qt3.14 average korean gf's virginity but there was no blood or anything. I've never seen a hymen and I would probably hate one. Sex with someone that has no idea what they're doing is worse than no sex at all. It's performative masturbation where you feel horrible cumming and worse when you cum.

How do you not pop a cribiform hymen you autist?

Are koreans virgins longer? At what age did u pop her cherry?

Not really true I'm almost 30 never had sex because I didn't want to. Not fat or ugly.

I'm not sure. I would assume with a higher Korean population it'd be average with American but she was 17.

>looking for every tiny chance you can still pop that cherry

ok autismo, again if you looked it up most cribiform hymen tend to sort themselves out before puberty and can cause complications and often also need attention. Also the holes tend to be a lot larger than pic related, you all really like to cherry pick you fucking facts and photos.

lmao, have you been brainwashed by liberal professors saying that you can't pop a girls cherry? Suuure dude that's why so many girls have blood and you should go super slow the fist time. Feminists trying to say a women doesn't change after sex because they wanna promote promiscuity.

OK that's bullshit, gymnastics and horse riding kind of makes sense if they fuck up, but how the hell does poking each other with rapiers rip hymens?

Breaking the hymen is by definition painful. And stop talking about "seals", Ingmar Bergman, I'm not a Great White so I don't care.


Why would you want to?

Most Asians tend to be virgins longer because of their culture.

You've never been fencing before have you? Its mostly all about leg work and movement and that goes for most sword fighting.

Am I the only robot that's moved on from caring if a woman is a virgin or not without moving on from women totally?
To me it doesn't matter as long as she meets a couple of criteria regarding her past sex life
>no more than 2 partners
>neither of them can be inconsequential flings or one night stands
>neither of them can be outside of long-term relationships
>no niggers or other non-whites (Asians I couldn't care about, not like white women fuck them anyway)

I popped mine with the end of a hairbrush so no one else could take it

for one, I'm a girl, and I'm an EMT so stay mad.
Spoken like a true virgin who's never seen let alone looked at a vagina.

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A female EMT, riiiight totally seems like the person to chill on Jow Forums and not something a neckbeard made up

Why tho, did it hurt? Why take away the pleasure of breaking the seal from your future husband?

you "forcefully stretched" yours with a hairbrush. see also I ruined mine with an extra large tampon, that was a horrible time.

If I get anything by now it will be a huge profit for me.

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it kinda hurt, but I knew I wasn't going to wait till marriage and lose it to someone inconsequential (which is true)

you're not ruining it though, just preparing for someone else

Lmao the amount of blue pilled copes in this thread man, what happened to r9k have we become reddit or some shit?

Roastie pls stop excusing your whoring

i took a fat girls virginity

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Horse riding with a stiff saddle can be like fucking a vibrator for women. Its super common for women to get aroused while riding

wait the hymen is an actual wall of flesh in the vagina?

Yes it is, that's why sex hurts for a lot of women for the first time.

WTF, so when girls ride horses they do it because they get sexual pleasure out of it? I didn't need to know about this degeneracy women never surprise me.

this is why in the past they were forced to ride side saddle

I've never seen this picture before and it hurts me to look at. I still remeber the pain of my first time. It's a more painful experience than having my child. Because at least when I was having a baby there wa soo much going on and drugs at my side to control the pain. With my first time it felt like actual ripping and bleeding inside. A place where I couldn't see, or hold, or do anything about.

I also tore my ab muscles that sticks to me but this image. It adds a visual I never thought I'd have burned into my thanks user, this will probably keep me up tonight

Do you get triggered by the people who try to say that the hymen doesn't rip/pop or whatever?

No. I'm not bothered easy at all. It's just a painful memory and the picture out a vision to it that I had never imagined.

Im no expert at sex. I wont pretend to be one

what ever you need to tell yourself.
stay mad

fuck off fake, it did not hurt that much

how do you tear your ab muscles, that sounds like you were doing a 200 lb weighted situp

fuck off you piece of shit. if you are not going to marry them then don't have sex with them.

desu I think I lost all sexual interest a long time ago, can't really jerk off anymore

I took a girls virginity and she never had a hymen or anything. Honestly it was business as usual

>you're terrible at sex
Of course he is, he never gets any practice.

Wtf this can't be real. Women are so bizarre.

Wtf I'm scared to have sex now!