Who remembers when they would get home from school and all they would care about was going on google, typing "free online flash games" and playing the night away. No worries just a bunch of free games. Lets go back Jow Forums.
i'll never forget you cactus mccoy you beautiful madman
Jayden Lopez
Blissful times, in hindsight it probably fucked me over doing that at 5 years old but w/e Someone will learn from my example
Josiah Diaz
*sigh* yeah, good times...
David Harris
hours upon hours spent on helicopter game, snake, and drag racer v3
Michael Bell
I remember being raised on zone-archive porn flashes. I still watch/play some of them, because nobody can execute the concept better. Also I'm just starting to remember some normal flash games I used to play and those were bomb.
Anyone remember Frank's Adventure? My cock remembers it well.
Colton Sanders
Oliver Carter
Fuck I miss playing OurWorld on miniclip, I was so much cooler on there. I really miss the popularity of MMOs that aren't just, "See someone and you shoot them."
Connor Richardson
sex kitten sim date how this is not original
Christopher Thomas
>that one time you went to newgrounds at a young age to play a flash game but ended up seeing furry porn instead
The first porn I ever saw was furry porn, it definitely led to me being a degenerate later on in life. Anyone else know this feel?
That's me, the sim dating game was not the end all but it was a sign of things to come for sure kek
Aaron Rogers
The first time I went on newgrounds I got a virus on my dads work computer. I never went on newgrounds ever again.
Angel Price
>be me >3rd grade >back corner so teacher can't see us playing games >we all go on the normal flash websites a few kids have some flash drives with games on them >im sitting next to this kid constantly bragging abt how his dad is a cop >hes a real fucking prick >he wants to play flash games too but can't find a decent site cause the faggot says our games are stupid >i tell him i can help him out >search up a site my older brother told me about that was all fucked up with viruses and such >he opens it >ohgodyes.png >a message pops up and he cant close the browser >THIS IS THE FBI YOUR COMPUTER IS BEING SEIZED FOR BREAKING THE LAW (i dont know the exact message this was years ago0 >kid starts freaking the fuck out >begins to cry as quite as he can that his dads gonna arrest him >teacher hears the crying and starts walking over >some kid says 'the teachers coming" >kid freaks out even more >pulls the monitor out and starts jumping on it >teacher has to hold him up while he's crying and screaming >after class told teacher he was searching up boobs >kid gets in trouble when we get back to the classroom >kid had to pay for monitor and tried to deny porn but it didnt matter the damage was done
posting a fucked image from another thread with it so redditfags cant screenshot it and try to get internet points (thanks for the image user from another thread)
God that image is disgusting, where did you find that?
Jason Taylor
like i said, another thread on here, its some normie asking for images for his normie group chat and a ton of robots gave him the good shit
William Lee
I'm the user above you and despite playing a lot of porn flashes I never ran into this one, was it any good?
Ian Bailey
Thank fucking god i caught the end of the "Flash game" Era. I came late into the scene but those days will always be the most formative and exciting time on the internet for me. I didn't even used to go on Youtube like i do now, maybe search for some GameShark cheat codes here and there.
i very well remember those times, coming home from shitty elementary/middle school to my shitty half broken toshiba satellite laptop just to type in newgrounds, addictingflashgames, mofunzone, etc... and waste hours, entranced in the creations that newgrounds or other flash games had to offer. at late nights, it would be mostly meet'n'fuck games. truly and addictive time waster for sure though.
>mfw newgrounds got rid of the catgirl portal >mfw you have to pay for the chatroom now >mfw all the newgrounds pioneers are annoying twitter fags now >mfw sifting through all these abandoned projects because time had to move forward and people moved on with their lives
>you will never play swords and sandals 2 for the first time again >you will never visit y8 after coming home from another mediocre day at school as a kid >adobe is going to stop supporting flash in 2020 What will become of our childhoods or otherwise fun times, fellow robros? Shit, I should go for another run as a gladiator one last time, it may be a shitty flash game, but man was it fun. Used to sit around playing it for hours, taking time to decide what should be my next move to not get decapitated by that pig faggot with the mace.
Anyone old enough to remember that flash sniper game where you had to assassinate Bin Laden? It came out just after 9/11 but was blocked on our school PCs.
James Wilson
what about the game where you're George Bush and have to shoot invading bad guys