Board burning thread

This will be the first of many board burning threads.
R9k is turning into /b/, constantly muddied with /r9gay/, orbiter threads, shitty bait threads, and porn, despite the existence of /lgbt/, and porn boards. Mods are part of the problem and banned bangposters to stop them from fighting back.
The purpose of this board burning thread is to rally people who want Jow Forums back and to spread the message of purification to bring salvation upon this board.
Expect more burn threads, and keep fighting back. Disruption and dispersion is key to dissolving the shit in this shithole.

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Stfu faggot no one likes you

Anime tard

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Burn Baby Burn

Fuck off faggot double nigger is it good that shit tier memes get banned often, no one enjoys them beside subhuman faggots like you

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All of the trap and r9gay threads do need to fuck off though. There's 1-2 on the front page every single time I'm here now

Thank you, I enjoyed your music thoroughly.

whats wrong with being gay. I agree with everything else but r9gay seems to be the only thread where everyone isn't telling eachother to kill themselves (aside from the random user that wanders in). The mods already got rid of steam friends threads and they ban anyone who contactfags in r9gay threads.


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R9K is kinda like old /b/ now just with a word filter. Slowly evolving into trash.

They have their own damn board, you don't see /mu/ spamming threads about their favourite bands do you?

lgbt is full of trannies, people trying to brainwash eachother into becoming a tranny, and normalfags

Exactly. Fags have their own board, and robots and cyborgs have our board. Never the twain shall meet.

You shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot why don't you stay in your own fucking board instead of shitting it up like the nigger you are. You call me a nigger yet you do exactly what a nigger does. A gay nigger. Now go back to /lgbt/ you goddamn normalfag

No one called you a nigger, user. You called yourself a nigger.

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You're the faggot for spamming this board with faggot threads, faggot

Oh shit i read the other anons reply that called me a nigger and i confused it nooooooo

>Oh shit i read the other anons reply that called me a nigger and i confused it nooooooo

Dumb nigger

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Then start r9gay there and have one good thread where it doesn't happen, right?

I could accept some r9gay threads one in a while, for gay robots who want to talk to gay robots; but over 500 daily /r9gay/ threads get extremely annoying.

Fair enough. However, the dozen faggot threads daily bore and disgust me.

that's because /mu/ is a board for music, Jow Forums is for general discussion.That includes discussion among fags.
this isn't "your board," this is a random discussion board.

Why do people hate r9gay so much when the only way it effects them AT ALL is taking fag's attention away form other threads? Would you rather have the people you hate so much in your threads or in one dedicated to them? And as other anons have said earlier, fuck going to /lgbt/. That board is horrible, and not at all like r9k.

How? Hide the threads. Get a script to remove gay threads from the board for you. Do it for tranny and trap threads while you're at it so everyone else doesn't have to see you cry about it constantly. There are plenty of ways to just ignore it yet you're doing the exact opposite.

Its less about r9gay existing but more about having many faggot threads in general. All the ironic hrt brainwashing, MANY trap threads and LOTS of gay shit is really plaguing this board. IMO the fembot/femcel and orbiter threads are even worse but they are all bad

Oh enlightened one, please indulge us newfags with your supreme knowledge of the realm in which we reside. Tell us the tale of hiding fags and traps on r9k with such elegancy far greater than the princess of the east.

Attached: Give us your knowledge.jpg (656x732, 426K) to hide threads on Jow Forums
There you go, brainlet.