Secret Santa

Archived #23 >>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info.
>How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter?
Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
Remember to have a good time, a lot of us don't have much else going for us in the year, so this event can be fun if you follow the guidelines and tips. Remember to post images of whatever you get so we can make new compilations, big thanks to all participants this year and on.

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Other urls found in this thread:

DO NOT "INVITE" PEOPLE TO YOUR LIST, use "send list to others" instead, thanks


>heh, you fuckin idiots...last year i got an epic haul by making fake addresses and got tons of gifts for doin it this time again too :))))

>look at all these things you guys bought my baby, that i totally didn't buy off my own wishlist and post pics with to fuck the thread up!

>god damnit this shit again??? clogging up the top threads of r9k, how else am i gonna see 10 trap threads?????


If we notice particular shitposters via their amazon wishlists, I'll add them to an "avoid these IDs" part of this second post.
Remember to ignore obvious shitheads, list spammers, and anyone you don't want to buy for. Only spend money if you have it to spend, and you pick a person you think deserves a gift. Enjoy, have fun. Keep it Cozy

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>Do not reply to anons claiming to have ##$ for any anons replying to their reply.

>Do not engage with Rich Fags

>Grinchers want attention, do not give them attention

>keep the thread comfy

>do not have Nintendo Switches on your list

>If you claim to have bought something, post proof in the thread

>Trip codes are welcome and even encouraged in this thread

>Do not respond fall for, "Hi, just off to work, I'll look when I get back but here is my list NOW" or "I don't have money rn, but I get paid this Friday, this is my link NOW btw"

hey music bro back. hows everyone Christmas doing. i need help writing a song. tell me what its like to be a robot
thanks in advance

making a discord for this right now. keep posting in this thread for christmas cheers
sandler if you can manage to contact me my discord is LovesTheToothpaste#1325 so i can make you a role someone unironically tell me how to tell if ive been grinched or not.

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Can Paindeer (or anyone) reply to these posts so people can see how to get the shortened link from the phone
First. And check my 5

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if you are having trouble w/your link getting marked as spam and need the shortlink, I'm here to help.
Go to your wish list IN BROWSER, and click the dropdown i circled. Select "enable desktop site", it should be towards the bottom of the dropdown menu. Once you do this, tap the underlined link "send list to others" and the shortlink should be at the bottom of the share options that pop up.

hope you all get something nice this year, party on robots

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To be fair I did the work thing, got paid and bought a dude mein Kampf off his list

still, gundam fags around?

>grinched twice
why is Jow Forums so mean this year

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see gonna try to keep posting at the start of each thread

Discord is a bad move bro. Hadajor shit happen last year from it

We need a discord to escape the grinch. Make it private and people need to post proof of purchase and their name to get in.

I could make a Google docs if that helps? We could do what Jow Forums is doing and post a package to one person each.

I need your help. i'm trying to write a song and need you guys to tell me whats it like being a complete robot. give me the worst/ most awkward types of situations you can think of

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can someone give me reikos discord link as my present?

Thanks in advance. Also, if you think you've been grinched, do you reset your wishlist?

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I am here!

I'm a Gundam fag. There's a few /m/echanics here at the moment. No one has gifted a kit.

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pwease :3c

that is good of you, I really should have said 'don't fall for' not 'don't respond fall for'
Because some people actually do go to work and all that, then they come back and a wholesome, I just don't want anons falling for the gag.

if they ask questions and stuff and the poster seems legit them what is the harm right?

Did you post proof?

Thanks, yes, this is exactly what was needed

it says everything on my list has been purchased. ive been grinched huh

Final update from me since no one wants to confirm they got my gifts.

Knife user, check your mail friday.
Panties user, you should have yours.
Flag user, you should have yours too, and thank you for the tea in return!

Maybe I'm too immature for gifting, because it makes me sad when only the people gifting dozens get noticed.

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Hey guys, here's the link for anyone who needs help thinking they got grinched or wants to post without the chance of being grinched
discord dot gg/GMUG6Bc

Alright now this time no one will get it for sure. Guess this anime.
Hard mode: no Google or image searching

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is the assembly part fun? or is it just the building a mech you like

user you can get a 128GB microsd for $20 why have a 64GB one for $15 on your list?

any texasfags here? i hope its actually cold this year. last few years christmas was warm.

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Wow, you're a good Joe.

Yeah I deleted the pic though. It had a delivery date of December 19th

y'know, a grincher can join disc too...

Still taking free requests.
I'm just using my list as a tip jar, basically.

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he'll get banned m8 if theres any indication

I think you got my books again thank you kind user!

I enjoy it, it's a creative hobby that's really cheap when you have the tools. It's expensive to get those tools but a 10 dollar kit will last you like 50 hours if you're hardcore.

Try an airfix or a revell kit. They're really cheap and easy to find. If you ruin it then it didn't cost you much. Everyone ruines their first few kits, it's an easy hobby to destroy things in.

can you draw brendan lee's crow in a santa hat

hello texas friend i hope it snows a little

I love building em but fuck it takes a while but it's ok worth it. Tried metal models once never again.

Those are the only three I've gifted so far, I got a little discouraged after the threads started going to shit. What's your list?

I feel like this is sarcasm.

im wetawted

I wouldn't even continue posting this list if I knew if the pedal was grinched or not. I'd prefer to not milk this for multiple gifts and give others a chance to get one but I have extreme doubt in getting things. (also if you buy people stuff give proof and don't forget to censor names)

fuck off with the discord dude

My list is
I've been gifted but have also given back


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Can't argue with that...

You're muted! You cannot post until 11/30/18 00:48:29

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I like metal models. If you enjoy model kit building then Gundams are a treat. They go together cleanly and have a heap of detail.

Only greedy niggers keep posting their lists after receiving a gift

>this year
do you not remember contestfag last year?
>made many "contests" where you had to guess his favorite movies, cartoons, bands, etc
>bought the winners stuff, posted proof of purchase too
>posted his own list while at it
>cancelled the orders but still received his own stuff

Buyfags post proofs now.

If I really need to post a pic of the item again as proof I can...not gonna lie feels weird buying Hitler's best seller

is it safe yet? let's get cozy, plz guis. it's raining and i want a cozy.

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me too. it just feels so weird to see a sunny day on christmas

rural or are you a city slicker?

Can all buyfags post pics of what they've bought so we can make sure we haven't been grinched?

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This was last week though. Might gift again end of next week.

weve all been grinched

Here ya are. Again weird fucking buy but whatever

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It ain't much, but I bought.

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a cityfag who lives in the suburbs. id never go downtown. ill never understand how leftists can drive through 5 thousand niggers just to get to an art museum

rich fags like fish

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lol someone is posting my pics from the discord

Hey guys lets make a discord and get comfy

i got grinched didn't i :(

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Any fellow card game players?

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All I want for Christmas is this tomie manga. I'd appreciate it a lot! I'm a NEET and can't buy it for myself because no one will hire me.

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did already
discord DOT gg/GMUG6Bc

Looks like, my friend.

definitely. sorry bud. i was hoping the grinch had gotten bored or tired by now.

i used to play some yugioh
cyberdragons bro

Sweet hope it's a fembot friendly discord lol

Do we have to show proof of purchase to join? I know you have no reason to believe me, but I'm just waiting for my Amazon credit card points to hit before I start my purchases.

he's done this for the past three days or moreyep, no grinchfags here

Yu-Gi-Oh! shitter here. Not many people to play with where I live, but I get along. Was thinking about buying some Kaijudo packs just for funsies since the game is dead in the West.

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i collect but not play. too poor to throw down 50 bucks on a card ill wear down with use. didnt realize mtg was so pricey. the most ive ever spent on a card was a $17 blaziken ex, and $40 on a base set unopened pack
i plan on buying yugioh cards but only the ones with cutie animu girls

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Thank you very much for looking at my list.
I think so dude.

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no, but you should post your proofs of purchase after you purchase items for other robots

>tfw grinching fags this year and last
>tfw you fags bought my gf stuff without knowing it
And the best part is you'll never know, hahha

Hello robots its me again still in need of the final two books on my list :(

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I had one $200 item on my list (a 3D Printer) with a note that said, "Not asking any user for it, just marked so I can buy it for myself later" and my whole list of $2-$20 items was Grinched.

That dude is a cunt.

Good evening, gents. Ignore "last purchased,"user was just being grinchy. Amazon support still hasn't gotten back to me.

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henlo everyone

My email says scotanon got his gifts and so did food container user. I hope you're enjoying them. I haven't been in the thread for a few days but I'll start looking for new things to gift as I have some budget left.

I can gift USA but there's more chance you'll get an item if you're in the eu since I can use my old gift balance

also me:

also did that guy who got a 140 dollar fig get grinched?

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Happy holidays my dudes

Just trying to get a little something for my doggo


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do you like orcusts? I have a full deck I was planning on selling/donating (its basically a theme about a guy and his cute sister)

Merry Christmas Everyone

/co/fag Your book has not been shipped yet, neither has yours Paindeer
That is to be expected though

As for Wallet user
your package has arrived and it says that you have picked it up. I think it was you to say that you said you were waiting to post your picture until you got additional gifts or something

Zimbabwe user, It should be there tomorrow
Look for it in the mail

/Kit Kat user/ and /Master and Margarita user/

Your gifts should be there sometime next week

Stay posted and post pics for Sandler!

There will be no thread discord
It is in the rules

yes, you got grinched

I can't remember when I posted my link last, here but I made a new one for US amazon Shan was complaining that I was Canadian
.l (USA)

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please my friend, nobody has touched my list yet
i would love a knife or two

i like this Discord. where are all the femanons? you can become a cam girl on my website.

im a complete newfag to yugioh. but yes, if there is a cutie girl i will be adding it to a binder very soon. they are just tangible jpgs for me

meant for

yo yugioh player join th e discord

rats, foiled again!

i will get back into the discord!

migrate to magic, like me lol

just kidding. i'm still there and not euro

I hate the fact that its only been like 5 days and I've already gone through 3 of my pen nibs for my tablet wtf how do i fix that

i dont even care i just need more nibs or a method where im not a complete retard and let my nibs wear off so fast

thanks for reading

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stop pressing hard? If it's a newer intuos those are notoriously shit, get a cover or something.

im not lying. I can see what your typing rodeoJones


i even made the pen pressure even more sensitive but i still notice wearing

I just got grinched for the second time today. I feel you user.