How would you feel being an albino?

How would you feel being an albino?

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Seems like it would be a dream come true to be that white for this board.

i feel like shit and hate people looking at me and being visible in public, so if i looked more distinctive i would probably feel even worse

No one gives a fuck
they just look kinda weird/unique

feels quite albino i'd wager

I'm already pale as fuck, prone to sunburn, and a carrier of ocular albinism genes, so I'm not far off. It's not too bad, I just had to get transitions lenses for my glasses so I didn't have to carry those stupid clip-on sunglasses around anytime there might be a chance of me going outside.

Albinos tend to have poor vision and it can't be fixed with glasses so that would suck. I think they're very pretty though.

No racebait, but imagine a dick like pic related just resting against her face.

Attached: tumblr_o82nslwks91v9soy6o1_250.jpg (200x290, 7K)

my skin is already barbecued just from being a redhead
being an albino sounds like hell

you're trying too hard, lay off the stims and stop posting for a while. youre in Jow Forums timeout now

Yeah Kierkegaard, fuck off. You're actually making that poncy theology major cunt who larps as you look dignified in comparison.

Albino boy

Attached: 1536239467018.jpg (1280x851, 125K)

it would be great. I am the complete opposite of albino

my cousin is an albino black guy

people can clearly tell hes black

NB4 "race is just skeen cullah"

mind posting your hand? I am the daughter of cameroonian immigrants and i doubt anyones darker than I

alsong as im not a niggerbalbino lile picrel, id be a little pissed off cuz i need to stay away from the sun

Attached: albino-people-tanzania-ukerewe-island.png (1200x797, 471K)

you have melanism?

Attached: 1538210491416.jpg (497x380, 59K)

OwO I almost got pents sooooo fvcking lclose

yall think ill get pents?


kekus vult plant more trees

damnit i was so close if only i had pressed the captcha at the exact moment man


You look like a fucking shadow lmao

any pics with better lighting?
damn and i thought i was black
you must have like a 20 incher

Can I please see your dark boobies?

Albinos are genetically inferior. They can't see for shit and have poor radiation resistance. Being an albino would suck major ass due to those core reasons.

im flat chested due to not eating anything to maintain facial aesthetics

Flat chest is best chest. I'll post a cute cat gif if you deliver.

seconding this
If digits you must deliver

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Is this you perchance?

Attached: 1536506617829.jpg (480x720, 42K)

not her but I posted my flat chest on here once and I got made fun of and riddled with insults. never will I make that same mistake again.

It's okay, I'm still interested if you're willing to post boobs

thats gotta be one of the most attractive albinos ive seen

i thought they were all ugly as shit

I'm sorry you got insulted user. Small boobies are nice and people shouldn't make fun of them.

>browses the depression capitol of the internet
>still has feelings that can be hurt

you people need to get a higher purpose besides temporary physical pleasures.

I suggest weightlifting, origami, or reading philosophy

peopl with low impulse control lack intellect so go to complete calculus, ochem, biology and physics then you may have permission to return to r9k\\


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The only people that will insult you are lil dick niggas. Flat is justice
stfu i want to see some chocolate tiddies

>>still has feelings that can be hurt
the real depression capitol of the internet is actually facebook and istragram normies are pretty depressed actually they know their missing something but lack the capability to find out

or maybe 7chan /grim/

>lil dick niggas. Flat is justice
why do you normalfags come here?

netflix should've never existed and made anime so mainstream

also im gonna need a nother hand pic that actually has the light shining over it

>not her but I posted my flat chest on here once
I probably have it saved (simply because I save all self-photos of posted here). If it was described as "pathetic", then I have to agree also; it's just a non-sugarcoating opinion.

My guy you gotta post'em.

I'm half-black so I'd fucking hate it, I'd look so weird and my melanin won't be able to hide my innate ugliness. I don't go outside very much so the skin thing doesn't faze me otherwise but the poor eyesight would suck too, I'm already wearing glasses now.

You mean gamer gate and the 2016 elections.

Dark user, boobies please

misshaped and it looks like tire gum.

Saw a guy like this in Gambia like a decade ago. I wonder how he avoided the stonings and witch hunts.

Is that lion more aggressive and violent too?

I'll post another hand pic if you posts bobs

I already avoid the sun wherever I go, so I don't really mind.
Dressig all-white and pastels would look amazing tho

I'd probably look into some cream or something from a dermatologist to add a bit more tone to my skin. The hair and ice blue eyes are based though.