Who would win in an mbti race war and why is the NTJs?

Who would win in an mbti race war and why is the NTJs?
old thread

Attached: mbtiwar.png (1335x491, 111K)

**TJ alliance would objectivley ass fuck everyone and i say this as an intp

Sure, you'd win, only to realise we were the moral victors this whole time.
You've won.
But at what cost?

Attached: enfp.png (400x400, 12K)

None of the normalniggers would be able to successfully outmanuvur us in a strategy situation. We would let them think they did and then they would later find out it was a trap after getting rekt.
>Good luck taking a intj stronghold you faggots.

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F spergs don't deserve any type of moral consideration

It would be expensive to clean up and dispose of your bodies, but the post war economic miracle would more than make up for it

INTP would let you think we thought we outmaneuvered you while waiting for your next move and fapping to hentai, mostly we'd be fapping to hentai though, any outcome in our favor would happen by sheer luck

>No next move
Try harder faggot. REEEEEE

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Actually, my next move would be to sneak a messenger out of the stronghold to call for reinforcements while you wait for us to make a next move that won't happen.

INTJ-T here
What does it means?