
Can we have a cutting thread?

>Why you cut
>When you first cut
>Where you cut

Pic unrelated

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Cutting is a symptom of mental illness and people who do it should seek out psychiatrists for help.

>why you cut
stress relief
>when you first cut
middle school
>where do you cut
anywhere it cannot be seen. mostly my belly, chest, legs, and biceps

>Why you cut
so i can make it one day
>When you first cut
when i realized the world doesn't owe me anything
>Where you cut
fat content all around my body

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Fuck off attention whores. Cutting is nothing more than a means to be an attention whore on the internet. Fuck off

Used to burn myself, cuts freak me out even though I do get a rush when I end up ever getting cut on accident. I stopped when I realized how much skin I fucked up and can't get tattooed on for years which is a big deal for me, and self mutilation is pretty fucking retarded.

Yeah and get thrown in the fucking nuthouse? That'll help, having to bunk with a schizo crackhead for 2 weeks because you cut yourself.

>middle school
I didn't first cut until I was like 20. Is that abnormal?

Post tats, fren. I just got a fuck huge forearm piece to cover a lot of my old scars.

Also >how much skin I fucked up and can't get tattooed on for years

A few months is enough unless it's a real big scar, dude. Who told you a few years. Granted a few years would make 100% sure it's healed enough but still. Year max.

Been about a year. Haven't even mentioned covering them up yet to my guy since I'm trying to go from the top of my arms down and all my burns are on forearms down to my fingers.

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