CW: sex

CW: sex
Hey here's a fun fact (rant):

Sex is just an activity.

It's just people smushing their genitals together, and it's one of many many ways humans might want to spend their time.

It can be great, it can be boring, it can be painful, it can be paid for, it can be abstained from, it can be not wanted, it can be lifechanging, it can be meaningless, it can be hilarious. Just like literally any other activity.

Stop assigning fantastical/spiritual meaning to sex as a whole. Stop assuming everyone has it and wants to have it. Stop pretending 'virginity' exists.
Stop this "sex makes us human and is sacred and intimate and you give a piece of your soul to every person you fuck" bullshit. That may be YOUR personal relationship to sex, but it is not fact, and to pretend it is is harmful in so many ways.

It's harmful to ace folks, sex workers, assault survivors, and particularly women in general since this opinion directly ties to misogyny and the idea of women "losing their purity" when they fuck. It's harmful to men who are taught to seek sex like a prize, whether or not they are ready or informed or even want to have it. It's harmful to queer, trans, intersex and gender diverse folks who might not have the kind of sex you'd expect. It's harmful to people who never have sex and never will, and it's harmful to people who fucked eight guys for breakfast today.

Perpetuating a society that links any kind of personal worth to your sexual activity is FUCKED. I don't care what religion or sex ed or your mum or your yoga teacher or the girl who slut shamed you in high school told you. Stop it.

Sex - whether you have it, how you have it, how much you have, if it's paid for, if you have one partner or a thousand of each gender - has no bearing on your soul, your purity, your integrity, your value as a person, or your humanity.

Normalise the idea that sex is just a goddamn activity

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I'm a woman and hearing shit like this makes me cringe. It's just disgusting whores, both male and female trying to justify their diseased fuckparts. I hope you swine die.

>Stop pretending 'virginity' exists.
This is the only useful advice because it can be used to get your confidence up enough to bang a girl.
The rest of thepost is trash because no matter what is said things are the way they are.

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But in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.
She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.
Now then, my sons, listen to me; do not turn aside from what I say.
Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house,
lest you lose your honor to others and your dignity a to one who is cruel,
lest strangers feast on your wealth and your toil enrich the house of another.
Proverbs 5:4-10

It was good until you implied that you should only aim to have sex and nothing else

extremely baste and Christpilled

>It was good until you implied that you should only aim to have sex and nothing else
Bang a girl or not, whatever. It can still make you confident enough to actually talk to a girl, which many robots can't do solely do to social anxiety.
But let's face it, most girls are pretty lame and aren't interesting to talk to, so what's left? To bang them of course.

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Damn nice femcel rage lmfao

heres the thing, if a guy cant get sex without paying for it it means he cant connect with fellow human beings, meaning he has weak autistic genetics and wont reproduce. sure sex isnt a spiritual divine thing but if you cant manage to get another person to touch your peepee you are still an inferior human being

Pseudo-intellectual garbage. Get the fuck out normie.

If sex is no big deal then why do people get so upset about rape?

>Stop pretending 'virginity' exists.

Virginity actually exists.
There are different levels:

- the highest one: being "innocent", "pure", "modest". You know sex stuff exists, yet you don't obsess over it. Not only you never had sex, you also never masturbated, neither watched porn. You just don't give a fuck about nudity; at most, you turn your head away;

- the intermediate one ("not anymore innocent"): you watched porn and you have to fight your urges. You never masturbated;

- the low one (conventionally "virgin"): you masturbated. Eventually you'll end up watching porn. You fantasize. You tell yourself you can stop whenever you want, yet you realize you can't stop. That's why nofap is a thing;

- the lowest one (figuratively "incel"): you crave for throwing away your virginity; you know porn and masturbating are part of your life; you're basically obsessed with sex. You're "virgin" only in physical terms. Sadness, rage, frustration, loneliness, hidden or clearly expressed.

Once you had sex, even if non-consensual, you aren't anymore virgin. People getting raped/abused can't be qualified as "virgins" because what happens in your body can't be wiped out by your mind. Maybe someone who got raped when a child could eventually get back to some "pure modesty" state.

Gay people by definition are at most on the lowest level ("incel"). If you think yourself as being different from what your chromosomes actually state, it's a sex-related thing.

Once you had sex for the first time, in a short while (a few weeks at most) you literally start craving for having sex again. Maybe a different kind of sexual pleasure. Maybe a different partner. Basically you become obsessed with sex, just like people become obsessed with masturbating the day after they fapped for the first time.

The worst nightmare for people having had regular sex is titled: OMG it's been six months I didn't have sex.

Thus, let's reorder the list: * pure innocent: not obsessed, no urges to fight
* not anymore innocent: not obsessed, but has to fight urges
* conventional virgin: not obsessed, but probably slave to porn and fapping
* incel: obsessed with porn and fapping; possibly sad, frustrated, desperate
* non virgin: obsessed at least about having sex again.

Porn, fapping, having sex: once done for the first time, quickly become an obsession. Even when you think you reached your peaceful state of mind, you will fall for it as soon as you have an occasion to. Just like heavy drugs, self-control is way easier if you never did them.

Today basically everyone gets exposed to porn quick early; kids get sexualized; homosexuality is encouraged; sex outside marriage has no social stigma... This is plainly wrong because basically makes everyone an "incel" as soon as possible (note that even the chaddest Chad McThundercock, 24 hours after fuckintg a 10/10 Stacy, feels like he's gone cold turkey and craves again for sex or at least a fap).

It does not take too many biology classes to understand the only reasonable consequence: monogamous marriage as early as man and woman can provide for kids.

if sex is just an activity, why is rape such a big deal?

Echoing my thoughts exactly. People that want sex to mean nothing are just angry because they've decreased their worth in the eyes of people that actually have morals. Sorry but sex will always be more than just an "activity", virginity exists, lower partner count increases strength/stability of pairbonding and sluts will continue to slut and wonder why their lives are shit

modern society has become so sexualized I just find sex uninteresting now, it's lost all mystique and is another commercialized product

Shit maybe that's what I've been thinking

I got lost down the psychedelic rabbithole and now the animal-shit humans do seems seriously surreal to me.

Lol what is this drink? All of my arthoe friends drink them, one of them gave me a sip yesterday.

I don't give a fuck if you want to present as the opposite gender, if you are homosexual, whatever, it's not my business, but I have no respect for promiscuous people and never will.

>yerba mate in a can
whats wrong with you burgers?!

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You know how I can invalidate your entire post just by looking at the opening?

Dunno, but mate (The leather ball/gourd with yerba/herb and a cooper straw) its like mix between coffee and green tea, its really bitter, you can fill it with water many times (Cheaper than coffee), keep a teapot/flask with hot water at your side and youll stay all the nigh awake.
Its popular between nightwatchers, old men, NEETs (cuz cheap and keep hunger away.), and sedentary workers.

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>Finally I get to score some chick
>Feminist, well over 100 kgs, pink hair
>She gets in my room and rushes to the bed
>I go to the bathroom to clean a bit and change
>When I get back, I see a supersized starfish in the middle of my bed
>"Come over when you are ready"
>I get on her, and she starts to breathe like a dying deer
>I struggle to find the hole between all that grease for about 30 seconds
>Finally find it, while her thighs flop around my hips
>She starts moaning like she's about to pass out
>We change positions and she gets on top
>As soon as she starts hopping on my dick, the bed starts shrieking in pain
>A few hops later her sweat lands on my chest, and a nauseating smell comes out of her mouth
>I feel my hip being reduced to sand while her saggy tits clap on the waves of fat over her stomach
>She gets tired in less than a minute and decides to change again
>She cums and I get my dick out of that puddle
>She's asleep a minute later
Never again.

Dumb bitch haven't you seen the dad thread?
Sex is for making babies to pass on the family name and legacy dum dum thats the for thing you should've said.
There won't be any last words for you I think you've said enough

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