Country of origin: ____
Country of residence: ____

Attached: certain words.png (255x181, 103K)

Moved around a lot because of my dads job

Portuguese living in Brazil reporting.
Not that uncommon, I believe, but the other portuguese I see here are always old men.

Country of origin: Honduran
Country of residence: AMERICA
and I'm illegal too :) Jow Forumstards can't do shit hahahahahhahaa

Country of origin: Saudi Arabia
Country of residence: America

The girls here are a fucking meme.


> Country of origin: ____
> Country of residence: ____

I fucking hate the Swiss! They are subhuman mountain Jews. I share their blood but never felt welcomed. I have had better encounters with Italians, Germans and French than with these vermin. Even the Germans say they hate them and don't feel welcomed and if it weren't for that traiterous bitch Merkel they would've stayed in Germany


Why do you actively hate the people that literally make up the system that you are a parasite on?

Why do you hate on the people who probably get laid more and will probably destroy the white race via racemixing? :)

Attached: 435342.png (400x383, 112K)

Terrible troll

You are confusing people disliking being around you as intimidation


Fight Me.


Doesn't change the fact that you can't deport me and never will :) I'll be more than happy to bring my family members to take advantage of the system

whiteys btfo

Is there anything more shameful than being a refugee?

>Country of origin: hong kong
>Country of residence: why my parents ended up in kansas US is beyond me

Moved here for a change of scenery. I like it so far.

Half English Half Kabylian

Live in France

Attached: 1477949014-1462613716-82.jpg (950x376, 253K)

Anyone else forget their own language?

I'm sorry I was a kid when I moved.
Why are you looking at me like I'm different?

Attached: 502797DC700C42AF83EF11EC0DF5967E.jpg (346x348, 39K)

because youre a nigger, duh

I'm white.

Pure white.

Attached: 084167974fccd4854d69e0eb26cc1999.jpg (350x262, 21K)

Country of origin:
Country of residence:

Basically exiled by my mother because of my NEETdom.Dad stopped paying alimony,thus i couldnt continue college and couldnt find a job with a General High School(i think its called a grammar school in English or something idk).

Now i weld,drill,cut,grind and carry pieces of metal to build concrete mixer silos.

>Inb4 le Germans, Meditera, Slavs and Nords are not white

Attached: imageedit_5_7253525055.gif (497x224, 46K)

being a stranger in your own country because of all the immigrants

Attached: dabs.gif (554x400, 120K)

Country of origin : Algeria/Kabylie
Country of residence : France

I have relatives in england are you them?

Attached: 1535079527549.png (689x473, 97K)

From Italy to United States.
I'm back home now to visit my parents. Moved for l o v e.

Maybe, if Shemseddin (not the good orthograph tho) ring a bell for you ?

Attached: portrait-of-a-kabylian-woman-by-Frederick-Arthur-Bridgman-005.jpg (430x534, 41K)

Aint that the dang thing

Attached: IMG_9480.jpg (750x833, 141K)

Country of origin: UK
Country of residence: UK

Attached: Mashed.gif (800x450, 531K)

Chad was my original country
Live in America now

nope, but that name sounds Iranian to me

Viva La Mexico

Attached: 154front_1k_171.jpg (565x565, 41K)

>My mum was fan of James Dean
>Even the muslim thiks my name is weird

Attached: g7Fk5gAWDm-1.png (300x250, 22K)

I am neet since i come here the cuks pay good welfare, have not to work even and fuk white puss

Attached: german-syrian-flag1.png (2000x2217, 104K)

>Even the muslim thinks my name is weird
every Kabyle names are weird to anyone. Personally, i got a Greek surname with a berber one. Thinking of changing it because they both suck

Country of origin: Estonia
Country of residence: Finland

No need to change it. Your name is what makes you unique, I have intersting conversation about my name but I'm to fucking beta to do more or go further in a discussion

Puis les francaises font trop leurs princesses pareil pour les francais aussi, il y que dans le sud de la France que je vois de meilleurs relations ou des gars sures.

Country of origin: ____ Deutschland
Country of residence: ____ Albania
I was on a vacation around the balkans 5 years ago i came to albania and spent 3 months here. For these 3 months i realised albanians are the true aryan ubermensch so i got on german welfare bought a house near Sarande and spend my welfare fucking albanian prostitutes

>I have interesting conversation about my name but I'm to fucking beta to do more or go further in a discussion

The typical life of the beta/virgin Kabyle : we're so exotic to normies yet we don't know that and that causes us to be autistic. I believe it's due to our education or a curse. Every time people seems to be curious about what I am and I often lie or say nothing about me which lead to more curiosity which leads to more awkward talk

I'm not an immigrant myself but my parents are immigrants from Brazil. I live in the US (Texas).
They're there for the whores.

If you're a white American, you're the descendant of refugees.

My relatives from Mexico are coming over in waves and they'll all vote Democrat.

I thinks it's more on the education, I was always told to be more gentle towards others that may be the problem. But now things are more smooth since I moved from my family on the south of France.

Maybe you should try to work on your way to speak, it was the problem for me. I've always explain a lot but now I only talk in a few but important words.

New Zealand

will try, godspeed my Kabyle user. We're a dying breed so it's always nice to speak to a Kabyle that isn't my family.

Attached: 1531831463263.jpg (251x201, 10K)

How did you manage it? I want to get out of this cu de mundo too

I'm Romanian.
I'll probably go somewhere up north because I love the cold.
Finland or Sweden, I guess.
Maybe Rasha if they don't go down in flames.

I'm from England but I'm getting the hell out of here at first opportunity. The plan is getting a job at an international firm and signing up for abroad positions as soon as they arise. My dream would be settling in the US midwest.

There is more of our kind in the south of France, and people there are cooler anyway

I'm also glad to see one of my people, you've just shinned a shitty day for me, brother

Attached: u6z7lvhmyoyy.png (1000x1000, 128K)

This kind of shit is nice to see. I hope you too have happy lives.

based FSA loser
3ashat suriya al asad

Thanks fren, I hope you and everyone in this be also happy

Attached: Kabylie.png (430x298, 122K)

Country of origin: Poland
Country of residence: Netherlands

Live in a comfy little village.
Expected dutch people to be way more fed up with us slavs at this point, but they are very nice to me. Or at least they pretend. Either way I like it here

Attached: dance.gif (480x270, 936K)

>Country of origin: SK
>Country of residence: US
I was brought here when I was just a newborn.

France -> UK

Attached: IMG_20181130_085303.jpg (1241x907, 133K)

Country of origin: Venezuela
Country of residence: Burgerland
fuck this gay world. back in my country goverment is fucked but here the people is so apathetic. plastic people in a plastic city. I just want the recluiter to let me join the marines so i can die in a shithole

Attached: C7y95z0UwAAzUnH.jpg (583x472, 32K)

Country of origin: Russia
Country of residence: Finland
Feels good to live in a 1st world country.

Greeks and southern Italians are not white .

>tfw even the burgers are plastic in burgerstan

Whatever u say sven

Attached: weizmasterrace.png (1569x530, 1.11M)

country of origin: CUBA
country of residence: AMERICA

Attached: cuba pepe.png (500x500, 382K)

salim se neet sam i jos gore srbin sam i jos gore zivim u americi i jos gore ako ovo umes da procitas jebem ti kevu

Country of origin
Country of residence

>hate the Swiss

Attached: 1460815192612.png (4496x4328, 183K)

>probably destroy the white race
no one in america has ever been white since 1619.



>Country of origin: Somalia
>Country of residence: UK
Probably just gonna join the RAF or something, I'm getting sick of all the Arabs speaking to me in Arabic and looking confused when I say I "what". Fucking hell I just want to buy my sweets and shit.

Attached: 786794.jpg (431x608, 28K)

Nice meme you stupid retard.

>I'm getting sick of all the Arabs speaking to me in Arabic
3rd gen American sandnig here. I fucking hate this.

Based and redpiller.

Country of origin - Norway

Country of residence - Ireland

Had to do anything to get away from the cucks of western Europe and the hordes of niggers. This is the last bastion of based, white non-slav Europeans. Live a real comfy life here now and heard the good news yesterday that the number of nogs here is declining.

I don't get it though how the hell am I meant to know Arabic, I'm flipping Somali. Either way your sweets are real nice and calling yourself a sandnig doesn't seem like the nicest thing to do to yourself. You good dude?

Attached: 2kKnbZ2.png (475x347, 38K)

Based. Remember, it is your duty to BLACK whites as much as possible. I didnt even hate white people before i found out about Jow Forums i actually liked them, but they went too far with their recent flare up of racism. They deserve white genocide now.

>Country of origin: ____
>Country of residence: ____

Just a joke m8. I used to be insecure about being brown when I was a kid but not anymore. Just annoying whenever I'm minding my own business and muhammed walks up to me and starts speaking a language I have zero knowledge of.

Oh cool I thought you were one of those depressed self-hater dudes for a second and I was going to go into how you should be proud of what you are, all's cool. Yeah that random guy speaking to you in another language thing just spooks me for a bit and most of the time it's a language I don't speak but after a while I've gotten use to it and sort of signify I don't speak it.

Attached: ikkunaapu.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

do you work under the table?

do you have that same wallpaper but with pepe?

You and millions of others. Don't think the free ride will last forever. No such thing as a free lunch, your parasitism will have future consequences.