Last time you looked forward to playing video games?

Back in high school, I would spend every class either thinking about playing Halo 3 on XBL or Left 4 Dead on Steam. Whenever I wasn't doing that, I was planning out builds for a new Fallout 3 playthrough or debating whether I wanted to play vanilla or modded Civilization IV. Even after I left school, I would still look forward to getting home so I could kick back and play video games. Whenever I didn't have school or work the next day, I'd get annoyed whenever I got too tired to continue playing and would drift off to sleep thinking about how much fun I'd have when I woke up and could play video games again.

I haven't felt any of that in years, and it's not just that most of my buddies no longer have the time or interest to game with me anymore; I don't look forward to playing singleplayer games either. I mostly play video games in my free time because I don't feel like doing anything else, not because I actually really enjoy them. Any of you faggots experience something similar? How long has it been since you actually looked forward to getting home and playing video games?

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Halo 3 was the days seriously that was the funniest shit ever. Sad to see that time of my life fade but I still play the campaign to this day, so fucking fun.

Honestly after kh3 comes out I won't play video games ever again. I don't think anything will ever amount to that personally.

The last game I truly enjoyed was the last of us, the game I truly loved the most was Oblivion and of course halo 2/3. Those were the days. XBL custom games, party chat. Ever since then all I play are visual novels or rainbow six siege.

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Dude fucking Halo3 the memories man. It came out in 07 I remember playing the first and second religiously. Forge was the absolute shit nothing like it before in a console game. I remember kicking back and playing some matchmaking and whatnot. When. Reach came out was just as hyped but the older I got the less it appealed to me. Guess that happens with age

Yesterday. Between school, my job, cooking & gym, social life, etc I have very little time to play TF2. So when I finally get the time to just sit down and pub for a couple hours it's something I really look forward to, and I had that time yesterday.

>ywn invite a bunch of recent players to a private lobby with some buddies and play custom games for hours

>ywn play co-op campaign with your bros and try out that cool easter egg or glitch you saw on youtube

>ywn join a lobby and hear a bunch of people who sound like they're talking through a tin can because they all have cheap af default 360 mics on 2007 voip tech

>ywn go into theater mode to get that clip of your killimanjaro on valhalla and demand that all your buddies watch it

>ywn spend hours watching anoj's top 10 on youtube

Last of us was an experience for sure. There's a place that reminds me of the game. It's an old factory floors are covered in moss and flowering plants old machines now offer safe haven to birds and other flora it's magical

everything i enjoyed as a teenager has died or is currently dying but i haven't replaced it with any new things to enjoy. i used to play halo 3 religiously with my bros. i haven't talked to any of them in years though and it fucking hurts..

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The last game I probably looked forward too was Red Dead Redemption II. But before that, it'd go all the way back to 2013 with the PS4, if that counts.

Games suck these days. And I'm always bored.

Weekly, go to chill at a friend's place and shoot the shit about older survival horror games. Going to play Siren next, good times ahead.

Theater mode was always cool to look at the madness that was the game. Halo 3 physics where interesting playing on sandtrap with my buddies. One has energy sword two of us charging him. I fire my sniper rifle as hes fighting other guy with shotgun be both die instantly. Go back and look while he was swinging the sword it hit my bullet deflected it back to me and got me in the head while he killed the other guy with the sword.

>played all the ps1 / ps2 era classics (pc too)
>gaming habit died off for a few years because I spent too much time playing pointless shit like league
>that feeling was brought back by Dark Souls
>continued when I got a DS with an R4 and played all the great games on it
>now 27
>discovering all the masterpieces I've been missing out on, from indie games like underrail to big releases like nier: automata
>haven't touched an online game in years
>the excitement is probably bigger than ever

Actually, after more than a decade I'm looking forward to game almost every day. I'm playing Okami which I missed out on back then and it is awesome. When my friends are up we have fun with supposedly shit games like Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Do you mean excited for a new release or excited for a game I've already played but am looking forward to continue playing.

This brings me more pain than I expected coming into this thread.

I like the used of colored boxes to keep the post organized. That being said, most of us will migrate to another chan if Jow Forums does die.

Halo 3 physics were the perfect balance of realism/exaggeration and stiffness/ragdoll.

I feel your pain, It has been a year for me now.

I'm mostly referring to games you enjoyed so much that you looked forward to playing them whenever you were doing something else.

Relate to you pretty hard. If you know where to look, there are games for your individual tastes that come out every once and awhile.

I wish I could go back to the days when me and the bois would play local multiplayer in Halo 3 on the couch 2v2.Now all they play is fortnite,

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If you have an Xbone you can play halo 3 on the master chief collection. Still reasonably populated and you will get games quick. I still play halo 3 almost everyday.

I made halo 3 forge maps, would spend dozens of hours on a single one, stayed up until 4 to get foundry the night it came out

I made alot and people stole them and took credit, by looking at heatmaps and listening to the design team talk on the forum i would make maps

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In that case, it's been a while. I think WaW was the last time I really wanted the day to speed up so I could get home and play games all fucking night.

There was always some silly shit going on. Also ever see when your player gets killed by a huge explosion? The model gets all stretched out and silly looking also remember this old 360 dash ?

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I kept myself from buying games for around a year and a half cause I wanted to save up for a car and maybe an apartment and my passion for games disappeared. Recently I repurchased Minecraft, bought Dragon Age inquisition for 5 bucks, and tried out a few f2p mmos and I got my passion for gaming back. I'm even replaying old games with a similiar passion. Im playing oblivion as a heavy armored conjuration brawler and booted back up my sims 3 legacy. I've been having fun online for the first time in awhile.

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Good times man. Used to get snowed in at a buddy's house and play games.for hours

Anyone try that Halo 3 PC "port" by those Russians?

Most dudes that still play are sweaty as fuck. I used to do ok on the leader boards now they mop the floor with me lol

One of the last good CoD games

Was buggy as shit first time around friend has it said.ita gotten much better and they have assets from all games

Sweet, might be worth a look. Hope they get it sorted out, sounds promising.

I have played it. It's not so bad modded servers are actual chaos though

I played ElDewrito on my computer for a bit after it came out. Felt nice to return to Halo 3, if only for a short while.

Four Player Melee on the Gamecube followed by All cups Mirror Mode on Double Dash. To be 15 again...

I enjoyed MW2 and BO as well. MW3 killed any interest I had in the series though.

if it's going to die then i wish it would hurry the fuck up. i want off this ride but im too weak to get off on my own.

The last game I looked forward to was fallout 4, bought the pip boy and everything. I was let down hard. That is the day that gaming primarily became a chore or something I do very rarely

I'll give you that mw2 and the first Black ops where good I should have rephrased WaW was the last good CoD WWII game

i've been trying to find a way out of this shithole for a decade. it's conmforting kniowng i won't have to search for much longer

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When I played dayzmod for arma 2 with my best friend in 8-12 hours long sessions. It was the summer of 2014 or 2015 I think.

Same here, that 'spark' definitely isn't there anymore. I do enjoy some vidya but it's rare that I get genuinely excited. Maybe we're just getting older.

We'll never be free of this place. Don't delude yourself.

Yeah, Blops was the last CoD I enjoyed.

I remember playing that game with my buddy back in like 2012. It was so fucking glitchy that bumping into each other would cause your legs to break.

It was beautiful.

reminder that halo 3 servers are still up, social slayer still has a dedicated player base, & there are still custom games Xbox clubs even today

this could be u in 2018

This website has been dying for a long time. I'm glad gookmoot is finally putting it out of its misery.

When nfs most wanted came out

Path of Exile a few weeks ago. It had been a while since I enjoyed a game so much that I went to bed looking forward to playing it again in the morning, the last game to give me that feeling before Path of Exile was probably Dark Souls 3.

Feels good to know that I can still love video games as much I did when I was a kid, I thought I had lost that passion forever.

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Yes I liked going to school then come home play videogames talk about them with friends. I used to play wow with friend from school talk about it. When I got older just played with a old friend, we kind of grew up.

I never got into WoW but most of my friends played it every single day. They reminisce about it constantly.

I still occasionally search for old halo 3 videos and gameplay of matchmaking or custom games.
halo 3 is my favorite xbox 360 game, 07-09 were golden ages for halo 3.

It has been a loooong time OP

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feels my brother, I haven't been into a videogame since like WoW in cataclysm.

I was looking forward to playing Red Dead 2 because I absolutely loved the first game. Suffice to say, I was extremely disappointed.

Play during adolescence and pre-adolescence is supposed to be teaching you how to live, and as a result we're probably hardwired to enjoy it the most at that time.

Adults enjoy play less because we're supposed to be actually living.

Some months ago. I was in the top 1% in an MMORPG but the game is dead, all my friends quit, no new content gets released and I stopped playing too so all those hours I spent getting better daily feel like a gigantic waste.
I kind of miss it even though I didn't enjoy it that much at the time.

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not since the early seasons of LoL
Jow Forums and evryone on it deserves death. this is the lord's will.
fallout 4 killed my last shred of hope for the industry
all i learned during adolescence was how to be an insufferable faggot

2000-2009 was the golden age of gaming for me.

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God, don't remind me. I don't need this nostalgia right now.

I don't even know why I still play games.

What didnt you like there?

holy reddit spacing batman!

Haha, good one, user! Complaining about that meme never gets old!

Keep up the good work!

In elementary i played a lot of ps2, xbox and gba and loved it mainly ratchet and clank and pokemon and halo. In 6th grade through 9th I played 360 and xbl a lot mainly gears, halo 3 and cod4. Then I got a gaming pc in 9th or 10th grade and stopped playing as much and found it harder to be interested in vidiya but got really into just browsing online and watching anime. Still played xbl sometimes with a friend but wasn't like the old days. Through college iv just had PC and rolled with a discord group and as of late I've gotten a bit more into vidiya again.
Fun times. Wish I'd played less.

Same here, Path of Exile has relit my flame. I feel like a kid again looking at the expansion trailers. Sadly, my current pc is a potato so I can barely play it but I still enjoy it a lot. Hopefully I can get a decent pc soon.

Yeah, as much as I enjoyed spending 90% of my waking time playing games with my friends, if I had to pick between reliving those experiences and spending that time actually learning skills or laying the foundations of a career, I'd pick the latter in a heartbeat. Sooo much fucking time wasted, in retrospect.

unoriginal newfag

Thank you overseerer, thank you for guiding conversation

Oh man, I miss watching Anoj top 10s. But even he knew halo was dying and finally quit to start a family and get a job.

I enjoyed the story but the "realism" in the game play really put me off. When I say it out loud it seems silly, like not being able to get my horse if it's too far. I understand what they're going for but it just wasn't for me.

Southpark was dead on the nose with saying red dead was too similar (uhh, whoops i was playing red dead 2) in that it was the same preachy centrist view point over and over

What do you mean by that? What kind of centrist view?

How long does it take to reach the engame in PoE? Is there even an endgame?
Also on an unrelated note is there any robot warframe veterans. The game looks kind of fun but I'm not sure if I want to invest hundreds of hours into it.

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So you're between 25-30 then? I miss Halo 3 too man. I wish MS could have allowed eldewrito to live.

I still look forward to some games. I'm just jaded at this point. I can't stand all this micro-transaction bullshit. I miss the days where you'd buy a full game, and you'd have a full game; and any "cosmetics" were something that you earned through gameplay, as opposed to pulling your fucking credit card out. I've been playing Reddead Redemption 2, and the single player's great for the most part, but I just heard that the online's gonna have micro-transactions out the ass. I think that the only reason it's working is because younger people don't know how it used to be, and they think that companies have to do this shit to survive. One of these days, I'm just gonna play through my backlog with 1000s of games in it, and leave the shitty modern industry.

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eldewrito was fun while it lasted

i meant as a response to

Our time is over john

This makes me want to play Undead Nightmare again but I'm too lazy to sit up. I'm apolitical so when I saw that scene when I first played it and even now, I just think it's funny. I'm not a very bright person but I think if you take offense to someone's political stance, you give it legitimacy.

Sure, it's not being updated anymore, but people are still hosting servers, plus they still have their "official" servers up. There's still a small but dedicated forging community as well.

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My critique is an artistic one

Its just artistically regressive, where as rockstar always focuses on genuinely saying something with their games

The game is definitely poignant in its themes of contemporary masculinity but it loses points because it uses the same structure and frankly flavour of discussion that south park uses for each mission, its honestly pretty heavy handed if youre familiar with writing formula

I think a lot of the reason ElDewrito was more of a temporary nostalgia trip for people is that it lacks a lot of the social aspects unique to Halo 3 and Xbox Live.

Something you just can't replicate unfortunately, especially since it was pre-Party Chat Xbox Live, where you had to be out in the open game chat if you wanted to talk (well, talk to more than one person anyway)

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It's funny because things are so much more convenient nowadays, especially on PC, but it also makes things less fun and social.

bruh, words too big. make understand to me, you fag.

these days i just take a week off to play a new released game.

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>you will NEVER play sky castle infection custom game in halo 3 after school in a full lobby with all your friends who only take breaks to eat dinner EVER EVER EVER again

I really liked walking around the desert in gta online while listening to music, i bought a house in the northern most part and rode my bike around the mountain, thats all i liked doing

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I do this in an abandoned WoW private server and borderlands 1/red dead 1/fallout 3.

better times

Bloodborne didn't suck.

>Left 4 dead
My nigger
>Halo 3
>Fallout 3 builds
Fallout 3 was great for what it was at the time; the sheer size of the game, the environment, the atmosphere, but as an RPG it was awful, not good for builds, unlike New Vegas. Also fucked up the lore

Or you could not buy games from these companies

It makes me furious that people still enable EA by buying their games

The last game I was excited about was Spyro Reignited, because someone The Dragon was the first console game I ever played that didn't belong to some other kid

Cool it smooth skin

same user, used to think about what could I build and what creature i could create in spore,how could I improve at tf2 and basically just think about vidya all the time.
Then they became boring, I usually dragged myself to play because I didn't want to lose my favourite hobby but there's nothing i could do.
I started playing less and less until i quit vidya altogether.
The last time I've even started a game was like one year ago.
Life sucks.

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Yesterday when I booted up Skyrim for the eightyth time. I end up shitting it off after a bit cuz my character isn't very good yet and I hate grinding.

Future scientists will have spent 30% of their waking time as a child playing minecraft