>Flaunts her pussy for the world to see
>Feels violated when someone sees her pussy
Is being female a mental disorder?
>Flaunts her pussy for the world to see
>Feels violated when someone sees her pussy
Is being female a mental disorder?
What women are showing their pussy and getting mad about it...?
>Flaunts her pussy for the world to see
>Feels violated when someone WHO ISN'T CHAD sees her pussy
If i had a gun i would shoot the guy in the head and rape that bitch next to his twitching corpse.
>Lays down in a public place
>Feels violated when creep who was ALREADY taking pictures of her prior starts masturbating
Is being male a mental disorder?
>Just because im naked it doesnt mean i want people to admire my body
I wonder how autistic you must be to take creep photos, but then get caught.
>I'm going to refuse to accept the consequences to my actions therefore it's your fault
Thats a part of the fun ;)
All of them. Back in high school i remember girls would wear the sluttiest things and complain that guys would stare
Unless of course the one taking said photos wanted to get caught
Some girls enjoy the attention
Wasn't that way in my school. Every once in a while some chick would wear a low cut shirt but that's the extent of it. Do you live in a place where it's very hot out?
You are right they do, and on the other hand some just feel so...violated. Makes me rock hard.
That depends on who's providing the attention
Knowing that i can violate someone with nothing more than my eyes makes my blood rush.
I hope society can devolve so it becomes PC to keep women chained up in your basement.
Not autistic at all. Most the same type of men you saw ousted during the #MeToo explosion.
Women cant resist a chad like me
Until they find a chad of higher level
and that one would be me
>and that one would be me
That "confidence" would be more effective if you weren't posting it on Jow Forums
it's quite the rush, not gonna lie