Jow Forums Secret Santa 2018 #25

Archived #24 >
>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info.
>How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter?
Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
Remember to have a good time, a lot of us don't have much else going for us in the year, so this event can be fun if you follow the guidelines and tips. Remember to post images of whatever you get so we can make new compilations, big thanks to all participants this year and on and so on.

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Other urls found in this thread:

DO NOT "INVITE" PEOPLE TO YOUR LIST, use "send list to others" instead, thanks


>heh, you fuckin idiots...last year i got an epic haul by making fake addresses and got tons of gifts for doin it this time again too :))))

>look at all these things you guys bought my baby, that i totally didn't buy off my own wishlist and post pics with to fuck the thread up!

>god damnit this shit again??? clogging up the top threads of r9k, how else am i gonna see 10 trap threads?????



>Do not reply to anons claiming to have ##$ for any anons replying to their reply.

>Do not engage with Rich Fags

>Grinchers want attention, do not give them attention

>keep the thread comfy

>do not have Nintendo Switches on your list

>If you claim to have bought something, post proof in the thread

>Trip codes are welcome and even encouraged in this thread

>Do not respond fall for, "Hi, just off to work, I'll look when I get back but here is my list NOW" or "I don't have money rn, but I get paid this Friday, this is my link NOW btw"

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Reporting for duty Mr. Sandler

I guess we skipped 24 because fuck 24 whoops

No wait I just somehow linked to 23 instead of 24, 24 exists, I promise I'm awake

Posting more comfy snow pics

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I just had the grinch button removed from my list and I re-added the stuff I suspected was grinched.
I'm still taking free requests and I'm gonna start user's Crow drawing as soon as I have my coffee.
I'm just using this wishlist as a tip jar and a gift would be very nice.

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I'm going to take my time to edit my list with this stupid phone, I guess I'll be back in a few.

Yesss we need more cozy art and holiday pics in these threads

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user's Andrew Jackson drawing.

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Hello anons! Someone already somehow legit spent over 16 dollars on my ass, but since that's literally just 0.16% of my list that is, in total, worth around 10 thousand american dollars, it's pretty much nothing so here I am begging again. Did I say begging? That's just not right, because guess what, I'm pestering amazon support to STOP those grinches from ruining our christmas. Join me in this valiant effort and reward me with at least a few monitors, GPUs and CPUs for my mining basement and all the other expensive accessories I've always wanted! My parents are rich as fuck but they just won't give me enough money lol so it doesn't count. Also I'm helping. So what are you waiting for? Thanks in advance. Like this post if you shed a tear for me getting grinched like 60 times. I deserved none of it and I'll pester amazon support wagecucks about it for the rest of my life because wagecucks are subhuman to people like me.

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user's wheyfu.

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one more day till christmas guys! Feeling a little blue, but its really sunny and warm out which is nice

Are any robots going to celebrate this year?

Made a new link. Cheers.

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so i had 4 books purchased on the 25th and so far only one has shown up on the 27th.
are the other 3 books phonybuys or is 5 days not long enough

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Do you have a list fren?
Maybe we can turn your sick day into a sick day

You have gotten grinched.
on here to try to get my mother a bed cover lmao

Eh, my sister (married to an automotive CEO) does an "Open House" Christmas thing every year where she invites every single American family member still alive (aunts, cousins, uncles, 2nd cousins et al). They're going to Colorado for Christmas this year, so we're having it on the 22nd.

books typically take 2 weeks to be delivered

Get them tripfags setup
Still looking for gift canidates reply to me with your link and tell me why you want the specific item
My like if you wanna buy me some stickers or Japanese candy

that sucks, i was hoping since the dates were before when the grinching shit started id be ok.
its all good tho im still at 2:1 and even gave out some steam keys to some nice anons. so atleast we know not everyones getting grinched

It's the shipping charges on books that always kill me.

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Link* guess Gboard hates me today

well to clarify, still dont know if it makes a difference but they were mangas that were even on prime.

In the military, but I get to go home for two weeks for christmas. Haven't seen my friends or family since July. Sooo excited. All I think about. AND MY DOG AAARGH.

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why is your dog all lumpy?

I do, but I already had a photography book ordered for me and it's supposed to arrive on friday the 7th, so you might want to make another user's day sick. I'm already happy and got way more than I deserve if it does arrive unlike last year, chilling in these threads for the good vibes god knows I need them

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he's swol and vv furry

Thas a goob boi right there


If you get your list "Purchased", google "amazon live chat and ask them about it. Send this link to illustrate the "buying this gift elsewhere?" issue:

and explain that it is being abused. Ask them if the purchases on your wish list were real amazon purchases and they should be able to check and reset fake purchases. They will also file a ticket/feedback about it. I got them to start investigating it yesterday so more reports will help speed up killing grinching for good!!

Let's save christmas anons!! Don't be grumpy fucks, I'm good on gifts for now. I actually found some crazy shit at goodwill last night that goes absolutely perfect with the gift I actually got, so I'm super excited to make that post in a few.

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Sorry, I have it on good authority that your battalion is going to be activated or Reforger on the 21st.

t. AFC2IC butter bar.

Update again!
There was a Brit user from the previous thread
who wanted a history book, well it's shipped off and on its way!
Merry Christmas brit user!

I'll also go ahead and repost my list here just in case

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Aren't you the one that asked for $5000 worth of computer parts and monitors

anyone recommend some good comedy SoL manga?
not no moe shit, stuff like nichijou, yotsuba and asobi asobase

The name translates to we did it. I think it's bokutachi ga mashita something like that. Few people read it but it's very very good.

To be honest that's actually a pretty good book.

Let's make this thread a comfy one boyos

if you are having trouble w/your link getting marked as spam and need the shortlink, I'm here to help.
Go to your wish list IN BROWSER, and click the dropdown i circled. Select "enable desktop site", it should be towards the bottom of the dropdown menu. Once you do this, tap the underlined link "send list to others" and the shortlink should be at the bottom of the share options that pop up.

party on robots

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You got the wrong archive link
here's the real 24

i found it, sounds pretty interesting ty user

good morning anons. have an okay day

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Still taking requests.

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Are you going to lewd the dragon loli?

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I ain't gonna say much about it but please be patient with me I am dumb. I got grinch before and I wouldn't be surprised if I got it again. Can't get that buy it elsewhere button to gone but whatever. Also I won't be able to join the next few thread in 24 hours due to myself unable to pay my phone bill since I got robbed a week ago, didn't say this shit to gain sympathy but just wondering in case any user buying my list and I wasn't there. Now I'm heading to bed since its 2am, have a good night anons.

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Guitaranon, your picks are on the way.

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no grinch plz. maybe we can have a cozy thread today.

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Draw this thankies

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woke up today to find I got grinched a lil bit.

Was excited, but I went back through the threads and saw nothing of it.

Someone grinched some long johns on my list. I just want to be warm when I deliver food.

poverty stricken doomer
merry kekmas user...

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My list says everything is bought on it but someone tried grinching me. I'd be perfectly happy if you got me anything on here. Merry Christmas everyone!

>women's knee high socks
>don't ask

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I hope I can get a nigga something nice this year.

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post how old you were when you lost your virginity and you could win a nintendo switch!

make sure to include your wishlist!

i was 17, almost 18. i would never want to relive that hell.

I was 3 years old when I lost mine
Thanks in advance!

>lost virginity

Anally, 8
Willingly, 16

Have not lost it, possibly will never lose it and i dont want a Nintendo switch
Here is my list

I feel like the secret santa should be more of a sitewide thing, but then it'd be less comfy.

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Story? If yall dont mind sharing like this to

rich fag buys things off your list and cancels them.

don't reply to anybody called rich fag

Notice I didn't post a link? I haven't had a console/gaming unit since a PS2.


Rich faggot the obese unemployed human piece of shit is back and grinching all wishlists. Hopefully he'll try to stand up against which will cause him to pass out.

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Hahaha I think I just got grinched on every single thing I had on there. How can you tell if you got greened?

True but i just dont care anymore
>tfw witness the misery that unfold in /ss/ #15, whenever this fag posted

Happy Holidays everyone
Grinches get fucked

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it made me feel really sick to my stomach and i had to concentrate on not vomiting. it felt like my stomach turned to acid. plus, the person i was having sex with was not a nice person and very mentally ill.

If everything has a quantity of 1
>tfw the progress to fix it up is a pain the in ass

if they don't post in the thread a screenshot of their purchase, they probably grinched you.

you can also ask amazon live chat. just google amazon live chat and ask them.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Another Nintendo Switch Contest! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

he's so creative and intelligent! i want to be like rich fag!

Is it still grinch if it says Has: 1?

>mentally ill partner
Isnt this what bots dream?

Just delete the quantity. Still shows up as purchased, though.

Yes, which one are you though

>it's a namefag wants attention and everyone gives the namefag attention episode
blame you're selves

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How do I fix my grinched ass list, negroes?

where does this episode meme come from
is it from an anime?
I've been hearing it for a couple years and I feel old as fuck

I'm not the guy you originially replied to, I'm I got a lot of gifts in a really short period of time and I don't know if I've been grinched or not.

well, the goodnigga here to help.

Just go to filter and sort, then drop down to purchased. Then edit the quantities back. You have 0, but quantity 1.

do NOT respond to namefags. you stupid dumbfucks

i don't mind mentally ill but schizos can stay the fuck away.

there's nothing inherently wrong with namefagging.

A particular someone is what you want to hate.

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Hello boys, posting my list again
Nothing is actually purchased if it isn't clear, it's all memed on

I dont believed that you were grinched user because grinchers usually "buy" everything on your list, well i guess you have some gifts coming through
>merry Christmas

GM everyone, I'm heading to work, what are you all up to today? I think I'll pick up a hot cocoa

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Happy holidays, anons
have a neat one big boys

is a cross dresser who trades drawings for womens clothing. do you think he knows how shamed his father is of him?

grinchers will buy you anything if it makes you think you actually got something.

I forgot who wanted this, but it was delivered. Merry Christmas.

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Here's a fixed version

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geez man is anybody actually getting what they want or did they specifically add things to their list that anons could afford so they can pretend someone cares about them enough to give them something?

>yeah I want this 1.50 chinese trinket I found at the bottom of the "sponsored products related to this item" page

user can check USPS informed delivery if they are in the states, since Amazon usually uses USPS.

Well shit i have been out since /ss/ #12, voluntary ban, did the null and black do anything special or is the rich fag epidemic was their plan

its barely noon for me

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Thanks in advanced robots

I don't want random strangers to spend more than a few dollars on me. Especially since most of this board is underage. I think the gifting aspect is what makes it more fun than getting valuable stuff

>no one bragged about grinching my list
feels sand man

im about to play fallout all day. sadly i have work tomorrow but thankfully its morning shift