Aren't you better off staying a virgin? Imagine how long it would take you to get over it if you show a girl your penis for the first time and she laughs and tells you she can't do it.
Aren't you better off staying a virgin...
Stop with the psyops. The only women who would laugh at a man's penis are massive cunts. Any normal person would just go through with it.
im amazed at how well she hides her disappointment. I couldn't control my face muscles enough for that
She probably just loves the person and therefore has genuine sexual attraction to the person as well as their penis. I don't care about a man's penis size. I'd just be happy to be with him and share that experience together.
Trannies opinions are not welcome here
Yeah fuckoff tranny, we know it's you trying to make people faggots.
You are a disgrace and will kill yourself eventually.
>Yfw you've made 2-3 generations of men completely ignore women
>Yfw you're going to blame anyone but yourself when women bitch at you about the lack of attention
Just because she chose you doesn't mean she still doesn't want 1,000 messages in each of her social media accounts at all times.
I have never had a penis. Stop trying to make men feel bad about their dicks.
>big dick
>at least a 4
This incel shit is no joke.
Women love to make men feel insecure about cock size, even when it is average or bigger. If you actually have a sub-4 inch penis there is a very high probability a woman will laugh uncontrollably and ask that you redress. If you think you can handle that rejection psychologically by all means go for it
>Love causes sexual attraction
JFL. How retarded can a person get?
Unless you're this small it's not a valid excuse.
That would make a beautiful trap
I'm gonna need a source for that. Cuck porn and tweets don't count.
I'm a female. I've dated men with below average penises. There was nothing wrong with them.
Not a LARP. I know him. I have legit taken a facial from this guy.
That's pretty hot. I'd like to tongue his clitdick.
Fleslights feel better than pussy/ass/mouth.
Dont seek women if you dont want a relationship.
I knew a guy with a 4 inch dick he was gonna get blown at a party the chick came out laughing in tears and let everyone know how small it is
Perfect trap material let's see her boipucci
I wonder if this is a woman thing, because I've had awesome times with guys of all sizes as another dude. I think maybe it's because guys know how it's a sensitive subject and how to work with it, be it 2" or 12". But I've never seen a guy into dicks bully another guy about his dick size.
Why would I want a 4 inch dick when I can get a 8 incher? Below average is beta land
Not him but I had a bipolar xgf who let everyone know I had a small penis and couldn't get her off even though I could and my dick is 8.5x6.5 women are bitches
Do traps dick shame people?
If any poster here is a dicklet or is under 5'10, reminder that you must never pass on your genes and should just transition into a girl already.
Besides, real men find small girldicks really hot :3
Limited experience with traps here but I haven't had any issues with the few I've been with, but at the same time, I've always been the aggressor and been in control of that situation.
Why would I want an 8 inch penis when you can't even fit the whole thing? I'd rather have than a guy with a large penis as long as he's sweeter and is open to various sexual acts (no, not cuck stuff before you degens chime in)
At least you're making them happy if they are laughing. I'm 8 by 5 and girls just get a look of fear and say that isnt touching their pussy.
I'm not a dicklet but sometimes I kinda wish I was because sph is pretty hot.
very true. that's one of the biggest reasons I'm still a virgin at 34.
7 inches and handsome, slut.
I always catch girls glancing at me, i even had people tell me, i'm just smart and autistic enough not to waste time and energy with whores.
Also i've just answered to obvious bait
Does he look otherwise normal? Or baby faced
All man lets (under 6ft) and dicklets (under 6.5x6) should transition into traps or become a sissy bottom
Lol you have a boiclit
that and i'm afraid of intimacy
Handsome, a bit older, clean shaven and smooth all over, would just look like a well groomed handsome guy if you saw him at glance.
Not him but why not go on Grindr and get laid they won't make fun of your dick
My dick isn't the problem, it's my ogrish face and raging insecurities. If six inches isn't enough for her, oh fucking well.
Why not tell them to off themselves instead?
I don't see the difference as 70% of trannies kill themselves after "transitioning".
Trannies are delusional robots living in a fantasy where all their problems are reduced to their male body.
You can't escape ypur social problems by taking estrogen no matter how often you tell yourself otherwise.
But you can if you get rid of your little sissy penis and become the girl
You won't magicially turn into an accepted member of society by turning your penis inwards and destroying your body in the long run.
People who meet you in person still won't like you even if you take hrt.
The only way to improvt this is by improving your social skills and working on your workplace competence.
Not every social interaction is only determined by looks or sex, this gets more true the older you get.
Trannies >30 yrs or older don't pass period.
And if you don't pass you're a freak in a dress not a cute sissy trap.
And even younger hrt victims only pass in 5% of the cases i've witnissed on this site.
i'm not gay or bi or anything sadly i'm straight
>The only women who would laugh at a man's penis are massive cunts
>implying most women aren't massive cunts
Which of these men would femanons rather date?
Better off being a virgin clearly
I don't want to go through a relationship where I can't give any pleasure
She might beat it but why fake it? I know she won't enjoy it
Maybe I should find an asexual girl but they'd probably leave for Chad
>inb4 tl;dr
Not trying to shill, but go to There is a membership paywall, but it's totally worth it. I've known about this site for years and ignored it because of the cost and chose to look for information online and eventually found thunder's place ad other jelqing websites. I used their myriad of exercises and techniques for years and never had much gains. Then recently, I came across thepenisprofessor in my bookmarks and decided to join because I had money lying around doing nothing. I mean, I'm just going to spend it on fastfood or snacks anyway. First thing I noticed was that these were the same exercises, just different routines and there were other tricks I have never had mentioned to me. I've had the best results in under two months of doing their routine and I'll complete it January 2019 and decide if I want to continue. I don't even measure myself anymore. The results are so obvious, I don't even waste my time. Jelqing works, but I think most are doing it incorrectly and I know most of you will not want to join this site so I'm going to post a thread soon and screencap it for robots. Just to let you all know, my dick was 5'4' and now it's over 6' and I'm trying to get to 7' just for good measure because that seems best to me from what I've read and been told. I'm not taking any supplements or using any devices or dieting or exercising other than what I already do. They do advise to take some things, but I haven't. I just get into a hot shower, do their warmup and stretches and then do their routine. About a week into this, I started having harder erections and getting morning wood. I'm also still fapping and occasionally look at pron and it hasn't stopped my results.
Depends which one has autism
would date the short one because it's thick enough and length doesn't matter much to me. it rather hurts.
See attached herein.
Except im hung like a horse, my personality is what keeps me back
But what about girth?
t. 7.3x5.1
Thank god, my dick is huge.
This isn't blackpilling enough, they should have asked women what they think big is. Having sex with the top 20% all the time their idea of average is probably huge.
Im 18,3 cm fully horny m8. Fleshlights feel better than vagene ass or (particularly) mouth
Reminder that 7 inches is ok. 8 inches is the optimal penor.
Anything else is absolute delusion.