What would you download if you knew your internet was going to be permanently cut off in 24 hours?
What would you download if you knew your internet was going to be permanently cut off in 24 hours?
Best porn I know and can find, as many games as humanly possible and possible some programs that I can use to do shit.
as many vidya as possible
I wouldn't bother, honestly. No matter what I downloaded, I'd get bored of it.
Coding books and AI stuff so I can make my own internet buddies to shit post and play vidya with
warzone 2100, openttd, minecraft, counter strike 1.6 with bots, need for speed most wanted.
>find my usb drives and get a few external hard drives as well
>a shit ton of music
>the latest wikipedia dump
>several libraries of ebooks
>some useful programs i could need in the future
>some anime & manga as well
only a fool keeps the relics of the time of the internet. The scholar keeps the works of literature in their physical form
wikipedia probably
i already have a shitton downloaded [17TBs] so id be good for a long time
on a side note that is a lot of roast beef
I'd go through my pornhub account and download all of my favorites, then do the same for as much hentai as possible. There's a lot more music I'd want to get my hands on as well before my internet went down. Maybe pirate some games too.
some old rpgs like fallout 1 2 baldursgate 1 2
>meet up with friends
>play vidya
>get some finnish bong action going
>go to club
>get drunk
>fuck some party sluts
>go home
Inb4 someone says kiddie porn
nothing since i have hundreds of gigs of anime, porn, music and pdfs on my external.
As many games I can play offline like rpgs, mostly torrents along with tormented movies and anime, id also go straight to the store and get another hard drive for this, and put things from google drive to my regular drives even if its not much
stop looking for validation of your disgusting perversion
Kiddie porn tbqh
stack of roast beef
disgusting btw, makes me physically sick looking at it
Computer Parts, no shame at all come at me faggots
Get another HD and download the shitload of steam backlog.
I got porn to last.
I would be liberated and begin living a new, successful life
You can stack as many roasts as you want, they are still disgusting.
A step by step plan on how to set up your own internet service at home.
is there a term for positions like the one in the picture?
porn, movies, tv series, ebooks and video games.
Deli counter
the pedestal