Is this the female equivalent of having a small penis?

Is this the female equivalent of having a small penis?

Attached: 000045.jpg (1944x2592, 913K)

There is no female equivalent to having a small penis

??? this is a fine looking pussy desu, there afar worse looking ones

i'd fuck it

I guess. It's purely genetic contrary to what memecels say. I'd still smash tho

Why does this only happen to wh*te women?


No. It's having small tits.

its called being a black woman

Having a loose pussy is the equivalent to having a small cock. The pic above is equivalent to having an ugly dick.

There is a ton of guys who prefer small tits and another ton who don't have a strong preference either way.

Don't black females get laid all the time with no problems?

all the tiny women with fake blonde hair in porn have massive roasties

woah that is a whole roast beef buffet

The equivalent would be having an impossibly tight vagina and asshole.

No because most men could still love them unconditionally. Woman despise small penises.

I guarantee there are way more men that love roast beef, than there are women who love small penis. women don't tend to fetishize the body anywhere near what men do.

There's people who prefer small tits. No one prefers small penises.

The female equivalent of having a small penis is having a very large vaginal cavity. Labia don't matter in copulation but not being able to feel the walls of her pussy means that you can't cum inside of her.

Though, I'm thinking function, not desirability. You would have to have a very small penis to not be able to function in sex.

No, because she can fix that with surgery and there's still no real solution to having a small dick.

>The female equivalent of having a small penis is having a very large vaginal cavity.

Nope. No matter how huge the vag blame will be placed on the mans penis size.

I like how I dabbed on what you just said before you said it.
>Though, I'm thinking function, not desirability.

far more men like small tits than women like small dicks. its nowhere close to equivalent.

No one gives a fuck about function

This. Many guys still derive satisfaction from roast beefs but no girl derives satisfaction from small penis.

how many Chads until it starts looking like this?

Please no bully, user.
oregano fs

this post is both based and redpilled

The female equivalent of having a small penis is having an STD. Pretty much the only thing that makes an otherwise attractive woman unfuckable to most non-infected men.

So having a small peepee is the same as having a quite possibly deadly disease.
Sounds about right.

>So having a small peepee is the same as having a quite possibly deadly disease.


Attached: penis pill 43.png (1236x452, 38K)