Post some comfy Christmas choons to celebrate the start of December edition
1st for the britfeel radio host, mayuri, andrew and sp
zeus zeus zeus zeus
Comfiest and best Christmas album ever coming thru
The biggest group of pedos since rotherham
When's the new brit feel picture?
Lads ruining the threads for their own selfish gain. Absolute cunts.
Can anybody confirm whether the britfeel radio hosts are a pair of benders?
Might stop fapping if they aren't.
so beautiful and heartfelt
going to be getting ready for bed soon
southerner does sound like the stuck up selfish sort tbqh
Can I join someones rd2 posse pls
Absolutely based. This, Mark Kozelek, and Sufjan's christmas albums are the best
Full blown benders. They're moving in together next year.
Ben 10s ginger cousin phwoar
Odds I get a cup of tea
Evens I go wash up my plates and pans
Lads how to move out if your a NEET living with parents?
I think living on my own would be better for me going forward as living with my parents is just stagnating me.
I only have 2k in the bank and currently on the dole, is there like anyway I can go to the local council to get them to sort stuff out for me or is that only for single mums etc...?
Hey here's a mike tyson brainlet wojak, save it and distribute it
>has 2k in the bank
>on the dole
Just move out and report a change in circumstances to include your new rent, the Universal Credit will go up accordingly to pay your rent.
ripp to you lad
you will be on the waiting for years for a house as a single able bodied male that isn't already homeless
>Zeus and host lie in bed imagining themselves becoming big youtube stars
There's a housing list but you'll probably be in a shitty band and it'll take years unless you have a good reason. I had to pay six months rent up front with a guarantor for it to be possible
I know. I'll have the tea after
heard they've been chatting shit
Ayy lods get the hats out and christmas tunes on
you can a certain amount of savings while being on the dole, i think its 6k
Have you got anorexia?
Phwoar lads look at todays Mubi offering
can finally start the advent calendar in the morning
Wow. November went quick. December
>britfeel meet
>new years
Time flies when you're neet
You can have up to 16k in savings for Universal Credit.
6k+ just puts you in a different bracket I think where you get less.
>talking about boxing
well my zopiclone is kicking in, it was nice listening whilst it was interesting
a triple threat of tits
I've been referred to an eating disorder clinic but it was primarily OCD which caused weight loss. I've put on weight since moving out, about 3-4 kgs so far
yeah well you wouldn't want to be put in the lower bracket
if i ever got to 6k savings on bennies i'd unironically start putting it under the mattress
Move up norf n eat all that greasy food, you'll fatten up in no time.
Goodnight lass see ya in the morning pal
just appeared as a guest on radio :)
I'm norf, there is a lot of chippies and stuff here but I don't really trust them. I eat 3-5 bowls of cereal a day + some other random meal and a few snacks. I've never really had takeaways though, only McDonalds.
>zeus defends bullies
As expected
Do you have parmos available?
Prime weight gaining food.
what cereal? get some weetos and shit down ya
Whatever happened with you and Tilde lad? You seemed to get on well ages ago and now you seem very distant.
I love Sufjan but his two, 5-CD Christmas boxsets are overwhelming. This song is a banger though.
You can tell this britfeel host is a southern softy when the worst thing that happened was someone got tied to a pole.
In my northern school people had their eyes knocked out and shit.
>just sold my last item for the month
Ebay is actually pretty easy
>0:07 1st December 2018
What you been selling mate?
They're actually together Ebin just doesn't talk about her in /britfeel/ because she wants to leave
What do you sell lad?
>fucking mute me again robot, I triple dare you
Yeah but the fees will get to ya if you don't take special offers.
don't know what that is
I did have some weetos but finished them, I stick to 3 type of cereals now. Right now it's weetabix, shredded wheat and a bag of granola, before it was raisin wheats. I'm going to stop so much cereal now I've bought pans, i'm going to try cook eggs and pasta and shit
In my school a lad got fireworks shoved in his blazer pocket
I also punched the principal in my school when he tried to break up my fight
He was a right wanker
pastas just easy fucking carbs init
Just spare shit from the card game I play
Yeah I find it annoying that they're so staggered from the sale date. You make the sale, get the money then like 2/3 weeks later Ebay take their cut.
Parmos are basically chicken, cheese and bechamel sauce, delicious.
Just eat a ton of pasta or something to gain weight.
You aren't Ebin. Your opinion on this matter is worthless.
What card game?
I need to sell some mtg cards to raise some funds.
People die on christmas too, so comfy is subjective, here you go anons!
if zeus comes to the london meet I'm gonna pretend to be his friend, get him drunk and bludgeon him to death in a Weatherspoons toilet
I used to run a business on ebay and just got sick of keeping track of their fees.
I swear they sometimes double charge you for the same sale.
DM lad calm down.
If Zeus comes to the London meet I'm gunna pretend to be his friend, get him really drunk and then fuck him in a Weatherspoons toilet.
Mystery u say?
He isn't coming. He has no money. How is he gonna get from yorkshire to central london?
Cardfight Vanguard, its semi popular. Magic is deffo a different beast though, the cards in Magic are insane price wise.
I am reminded of...HER
He's coming down to sleep with his britfeel cohost this month though?
Didn't realise cardfight vanguard was really a thing in the uk.
The host loves in Gloucester. It's 50 quid from Gloucester to London single.
They'll share a pair of pants and split the 50.
>The host loves in Gloucester.
is that a Freudian slip?
any pics from previous britfeel meets? or screenshots of stories?
>inb4 the failure of a /brit/ meet, as funny as it was
Wonder who will be the tallest at the meet
I'll give Host a lift down on the Friday and back up on Sunday but he needs to find somewhere to stay.
KarenPoster, if he doesn't come down then DC.
I met a /britfeel/ lad in Dublin last year. Had a few beers and chatted a bit. It was alright.
I think shut in is over 6ft
y'all need to reforest caledonia using this method
I remember a brit/pol/ meetup some years ago where only 2 out of 10 turned up and they autistically sat at opposite ends of the table posting on Jow Forums on their phones and barely talked.
Fuck off, none of you even wished me a happy st andrew's day. You're all dead to me.
>called shut in
>going to a meet up
Alright lad. Meet me outside mcdonalds yeah?
That's unnatural as fuck though.
The trees are all in orderly rows and there's no undergrowth or fauna.
Real forests are far more messy.
The one in Temple Bar yeah?
its the best we've got though because we fucked it up.
Na that's literally a forest designed for commercial purposes, they'll be cutting down those trees some day.
It's not that hard to introduce undergrowth and animals.
Yeah 6ft something. That's why my hair is receding. Proper windy up here.
Aye lad. Not the other one :') I'm back in England now. Trying to organise this London meet. How you doing pal?
sorry lad, ill say merry christmas when the time comes tho
What you getting for Christmas lads?
Battlefield V (So I can slaughter feminazis)
Red Dead 2 (Was too broke to get it)
Few gift cards for Amazon and Xbox
well yeah we cut trees down, we need the wood.
we do need more natural areas and reserves though but we wont see the benefits of those reserves for a couple of hundred years
I'm alright, how are you? I'd go to this meet but I can't be bothered going down to London.
I'll be waiting. Nice Apu, haven't seen this little Hamish fren before
>need the wood
That's why I don't consider it true re-forestation and wouldn't recommend it for Scotland.