Which one of you losers did this? This is the exact same brand of shit you spew here, keep it in your containment board

Which one of you losers did this? This is the exact same brand of shit you spew here, keep it in your containment board.

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Honestly this "roasty" doesn't even seem that bad. They didn't even match and he's acting like a retard

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Men are fucking pathetic, and I'm a man myself

He seems like he wants to be upset if i'm honest

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Everything he said is correct.

Last one. I'm not even sure why i'm posting these here, maybe just by association.

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He doesn't seem any better than the "fuck boy" children he's complaining about. He's acting childish himself by whining that she won''t date him. What even makes him a "real man"?

Tone-policing is not an argument. Try again.

those last messages are so turbo fedora

Kek, the absolute chad, can one man be more based and do I dare say it redpilled

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Tone-policing? Whining is whining, no matter how you say it. What makes him a real man?

>Whining is whining
Whether or not he's "whining" isn't relevant. It's what he said that matters, and he's not wrong.

But what makes him a real man though?

Makes you think that you never know who is trolling and who is actually autistic.

If he has a penis and he's over the age of legal adulthood in his country he's a "real man."

Ok you're just baiting now

Are beta cucks "real men"? Only you seem to think so. If you're going by a biological standpoint, then he's is just as much of a man as those fuckboys he whines about.

>Can't even (You) like a real man
>Questions why others are real men

>Are beta cucks "real men"?
Yes, if they have dicks and are over the legal age of adulthood within their jurisdiction
>Only you seem to think so.
[Citation Needed]

>gets dubs like a boss

wasn't me
i usually delete the app and my profile if any girl says hi to me on there
social anxiety is fun!
>i just like to browse and imagine any of the girls wanting me

Congratulations, you can read. Do you have a rebuttal or are you just gonna shitpost?

Citation, did you forget your own words?

>Only you
Please provide a citation that it's ONLY me.

>How am I creepy? Lol

>I don't think you know the meaning of those words haha

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Personally I think the idea of a real man is subjective, and that it can vary so widely from person to person, to the point where no one decinition can be true.

>the Wave Technique:
>Like the wave you must slowly but surely whittle down her cliffs until she becomes a beach before you begin your assault

A thing to note is that it usually doesn't lend itself well when you're online and when you do use it you have to be somewhat humorous about it
.t wang long dong

>Personally I think
I don't care

What more do you want? I've given you a quote that is YOUR OWN WORDS

You've given me a quote suggesting that I indeed think this way. Now it's on you to prove that I, and NO ONE else, thinks this way. Go on. No more dodging.

Personally i think that you are not a real man

But I already did that

who gives a shit about this argument? we're talking about a retard who claims he's a real man and dismisses all the other men on a dating website as fuck boy children. he was obviously projecting his insecurity.

>Personally i think
Again, don't care.
>But I already did that
No, you didn't, and you know you didn't. This conversation is over.

Man and I thought I was bad for flippin muh lid when I got the dumps
Do aynons really lose it when they merely get rejected?

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Unbelievably based and redpilled
He put that whore in her place

>he was obviously projecting his insecurity.
Or maybe you're just projecting yours by thinking that.

>this conversation is over
Wow, really putting the foot down aren't ya?

Did he though? He just blew his fuse at a girl who was practically a stranger, then got ignored

This desu. He counldn't handle that fuckboy children get more pussy than him

maybe you're projecting by thinking i'm projecting by assuming he's projecting?

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He's retarded, yeah. If she said something stupid to deserve it, he still isn't a "real man" for being a whiney bitch about it. A "real man" would laugh at the rejection and immediately move on to something better because nothing would have been lost. That type of baiting is just used to make the person on the other end look bad no matter how they respond

Lol, obviously you were projecting about me projecting about your projecting of thinking the OP was projecting.

On the other hand, you may be projecting by thinking I'm projecting by thinking you're projecting by thinking he's projecting.

No no, you've both got it wrong. He was projecting about your thoughts of projection by projecting the original projection of the OP.

He's an absolute MADLAD. Maybe not a Saint like Eliot or an Icon like Blopscel but a shining disciple nonetheless.

Based and redpilled, calling out roasties on their thotty nonsensical behaviour

>Im just curious about humans in general
Aaaaaaand up goes the serial killer flag

How is he acting like a retard? He asked what she wants in terms of dating and she did not answer

I would say the (((roasty))) is retarded for not knowing what she wants