My brothers, I have returned.
For many months I have wallowed in darkness and despair, mental and physical anguish, sheer agony, I suppose in hindsight one might surmise that my entire life up until this moment had been spent in darkness, wallowing in weakness and self destructive hedonism. But today, this day, marks the beginning of Winter, it is of course December 1st, and we are just over 10 minutes into this new day, this new month, this new season. For millenia, cultures have marked Winter as the beginning of the year, the start of the new cycle, for from darkness first came the light, dear brothers.
On this day, Saturn's Day, the final day of the week, the final month of the Old Year, embark with me upon our flight, our struggle, our RISE from darkness into the light. Ascend with me to the celestial heights of near godliness, through the only method available to man... that of retaining our life essence, our seed.
Gird yourself, noble brothers, for spiritual war this Winter, let us conquer our demons, our weaknesses and rise with the Spring as new men, as bold veterans. We are the Princes of Winter, and dominance over weaker, lesser men is our inevitable reward.
Join me, robots, when the clock strikes midnight in your locale, swear off fapping always and forever, now is our time.