Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with you? What do you have to offer?
Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with you? What do you have to offer?
Literally nothing. I know this thread isn't directed to me but I've given up. I'm just wasting my time on Jow Forums and eve online until I die of liver failure.
Dem sweet sweet gubbermint bennies
They wouldn't and they don't. Why do you ask?
I have cummies and video game skills
datamining mostly
i could be their surrogate daddy
>good job
>good health insurance
>own place
closer to becoming a normie everyday
chad has all those things as well
what do you have that chad doesnt?
>Be CIA glow nigger
>Doesn't even have to hide it anymore
I would hope because he loves me and finds my personality interesting. I'm smart, not ugly, caring, chill, and enjoy deep discussions. I feel like I have a pretty mild disposition so it's not like I'm hard to get along with, just shy.
Im going to write the most important philosophical text of the 21st century.
Because I can be entertaining to her. Because I can listen and care for her when no one else will. Because I'll provide for her. These are just some of the things I'll provide and some of the things for why she chose to have a relationship with me.
I am also 6'4 ottermode.
I'm smart, charming, handsome and rich.
I dunno. I just started trying to get rich. And if I make it I'm also attractive. Being with me then would be like driving a Ferrari. But at the moment I'm some poorfag NEET on meds who is scared to go outside because niggers will beat me up. I'm legit scum to women for all my hangups and failures. Even so, I can almost tell by grils' expressions that I talk to at, say, the pharmacy, that they want to talk to me or something. At least it seems that way. They look rather happy and smiley. But I don't want to do anything because I'm a subhuman. You may as well laugh at me. I only come here out of boredom. I don't even relate to you assholes but I like reading your stories. Here's some food for thought though. I don't even want to be a chad. Being a mere chad would be a hell. It's like Eminem says, why be a king, when you can be a god?
Just that I don't sell shit.
I play golf
sorry about that oreganoil
>Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with you?
I'm moderately attractive and would probably be a good companion.
>What do you have to offer?
Not very much. I could probably recommend him some good movies and shit and give good financial advice.
This is a fucking excellent question. But here's the problem with it: I don't know what the fuck women want (from me) - I think I have to offer a lot, but whenever someone shows interest in me, it's not because of those qualities that I rate as important.
Women that show interest in me seem to think of me as a confident scruffy guitar playing poet, when I'm a scruffy anxiety ridden visual artist.
I'm fun, I promise.
Chad wants to lick 50 year old women's buttholes and not have to clean up after children or have any sort of long term responsibilities
t. Someone who a Chad literally told this to
a big girthy penis and aspergers
what more could a lady want
Tough question user. I guess I'll list my physical stats first.
>5/10 face
So probably 5/10 or 4/10 as far as looks go.
Personality is a little tougher. What I list here is dependent on what I think is worth listing. Women probably have other values, so I'm just going to list some stuff that might show my personality a bit.
I tend to be a little aggressive or even rude. This is probably a little spergy, but at least I am not submissive or shy.
Probably most robots share this trait. Its probably not worth anything, but it defines my character, so I think its important to include it.
This trait is so common its expected. I wouldnt call myself witty, but I crack some good ones occaisonally.
I have a vision of myself in the future of being an honorable and respected man. Maybe thats a little narcissistic, but I want people to view me as a kind of fatherly figure.
This is another one that is probably stupid and archaic. I am an emotionally reserved person, I dont cry or lose my temper.
I like to learn about new stuff. I like to read articles on subjects like science, psychology, etc. Kind of makes me a psuedo-intellectual tho.
I also watch anime, browse this site, and play vidya, which I feel detracts from my manliness a bit. I try to keep it a secret from people who know me. They dont know I am a virgin either, I lied to them and even lied that I have gone on Tinder dates.
>What do you have to offer?
What is this bullshit? This isn't a job interview. Question: What do you have to offer that can't be offered by someone else? Why shouldn't someone leave you if someone with a better "offer" shows up? Or why shouldn't you leave them? If you pull a blank, it isn't because you are unworthy but because your concept of a relationship with another person is bankrupt.
thank you sir your info has been put into the database
Quite a lot actually, but I will only tell her and only when she does the same in turn.
What women want is irrelevant. People have to remember that women didn't have a say in this stuff for most of history. It's only been recently when feminism and lefties have destroyed everything. Women have to pick men like us in order to maintain the social order. Monogamy is essential to keeping a society running and pairing as many men up will lead to the most optimal and happy scenario. It's not about want, it's about what women fulfilling their duty.