Why do most """""men""""" still unironically think it's okay to hit a woman...

Why do most """""men""""" still unironically think it's okay to hit a woman? This is one of the most revealing opinions to have. A real man knows that you never hit a woman, even if she is hitting you. If a woman is physically attacking you, you use your man strength to overpower her and push her away, you don't fucking punch her back. Women are weak, fighting them is incredibly cowardly and beta, no different than beating up a child. anyone who assaults a woman deserves to get socially ostracized and fired.

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My question is, in what situation would an autistic NEET from here ever have a woman trying to kick his ass?

Shut the fuck up y-chromosomelet

>mfw trying to figure out what you expected when you made this thread

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>woman is attacking you
>refuse to defend yourself
Are you fucking canadian or something?

I said it's okay to push her away like Gif related, but punching a woman is unacceptable

If a woman was coming at you with deadly force, you wouldn't hit her? You'd be willing to die for your white knight principles?

Most men do not think that, OP has the tards.

extremely good fucking post the only time it's okay to hurt a woman is if she's someone you don't know who is actively threatening your life which pretty much never happens

White knights should be hanged

If women continue to think that harming men will lead to little to no consequence, they're only going to continue to test what they can get away with. And if we hold no reason to hit women, they will get more vicious with their attacks, leading to someone getting hurt badly. I agree that we should treat women like children, discipline them in the early stages, not keep babying them. Just because you're weak doesn't give you a free pass to attack people stronger than you.

There are times when it's okay to smack a child, why is smacking a woman any different? This is one of those weird nu-values that cropped up in our parents generation. There are plenty of times when it's okay and necessary to smack a woman in the face

Correct, but you only hit them in a specific place...

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Spanking is bad and you should not do it

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i hit women if they are attacking me, im doing them a favour by reminding them that actions has consequences, womens had become the stupids cunts they are now because we men have been protecting them for too long, they have forgotten how the world really is, we should remind them of this, is for their own good

always retaliate with deadly force lol

Who the fuck even puts points into unarmed these days? Just shoot whatever's attacking you, it takes like no effort.

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>OP is so idiotic he thinks a push like pic related wouldnt give someone head trauma or possibly kill them

it's only the icing on the cake of your complete stupidity but my god lmfao

You wanted equality, bitch.

They don't want equality, they want superiority.

Wtf leads you to believe that most men believe it's okay to hit women? I mean are speaking of the 3rd world or Islamic nations?

My dad told me, and most people I've talked to about it agree, that if a woman hits you like a man, then she can be hit like a man. Otherwise you just restrain her until she calms down. I'm talking like she punches you in the face, and it actually hurts. Also acceptable if she has a weapon.