Spics are useless, they are dumb weak manlets, we blacks may be a bit dumb to but atleast we are strong and can be useful as slaves, spics arent even useful as slaves so they should be genocided
Spic hate thread
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6'3 spic here
shit up, nigger.
You dont gave muscle like us tho, you are probably skinnyfat like most spics, i bet I could beat you up
Found the falseflagging white "robot" who spams racebait on Jow Forums and serves his jewish masters
Kill yourself on livestream fucking asshole
Why would they larp as black? To upset the unbreakable racial unity between blacks and Hispanics?
>implying I wouldn't shoot a nigger coming near me on sight
Black vs Hispanic racewar?
At least they dont have nappy hair
>racial unity
I don't know where you grew up, but I grew up in a neighborhood with a Hispanic majority and most of the people hated niggers.
why do white men larp as us to stir race bait hate with other races?
Yeah cuz you know im physically superior to you, you useless spic
>Why would they larp as black?
White "robots" just likes racial chaos in general. They'll falseflag as any race whenever the chance arises.
>physically superior
>niggers on average have higher rates of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
>ugly, lower IQs, smell like shit
>can't defect bullets nor stop themselves from getting shot by pigs
>physically superior
Stop spamming that everywhere you pathethic nigger
>spiccuck is here
Now I KNOW OP is a white "robot"
Jesus that pic, so easy for whites to get women they're wasting there natural talent rotting here.
>lazy niggers think they are better
It doesnt matter cuz I can still beat you up and are Iq difference isnt that big
You probably made it as an excuse to spam your infographics
Okay yea spics came here and aren't particularly smart or particularly charismatic enough to make any cultural dent in U.S. culture, but you don't gotta put yourself down like that fellow blackanon.
you want to know why you people ended as slaves and the spics dont?
read some fuking history nigger
If you are part spic and hate it I'm sorry but I'm italian american and I have no problem making home made tacos and learning spanish. It's stupidly easy desu.
Thank god I stopped pursuing French. What the fuck is that shit.
Unfortunately I have church in the morning, so I can't stay up late tonight and defend this board from the racebaiting menace.
But I'm begging you, don't bump this thread. Let this racebait die. Don't let white "robots" win. Don't let the Jews win. Don't let OP win.
White spics made the revolutions, it wasnt the brown spic manlets
I lost my shit when I see black wojaks they look funny lol
this one more than anything kek
Have fun at church worshipping your kike god
>white "robots", spiccuck, and kikes side with Satan
Nothing surprises me anymore. I really am dealing with evil whenever these white "robots" show up with racebait.
Satan > Kikes > White "robots" > White "robot" shills like spictrap must be the hierarchy but what could be their endgame? How do they collaborate? What lies in the rabbit hole?
What is this thread? Where is the white bot? Where are these blakies from and what has happend to r9k?
>a bit
you're fucking retarded
>can't even spell "our"
>claims the iq difference between whites and blacks isn't that big