Who here /rich robot/?

>Have 2 richie lawyer parents who make upwards of $500,000 a year
>loving/enabling and let me do whatever I want
>still just a NEET who wastes time at home all day
>have a credit card with no spending limit
>still barely buy anything
>still have absolute financial security even after they pass
>still lonely

Attached: rare-pepe-economy-1487773339-list-handheld-0.png (640x360, 271K)

>Grew up with a single mom
>poor less than 10k a year
>Work a shitty minimum wage Job 60+ hrs weekly
>We are most likely going to lose the house soon because we can't pay the mortgage

Could be worse Anxon you could be me

Meh was surprised to learn my family's net worth is in the top 10% but I don't feel like we're that rich, just middle class

same as soon as i turn 23 i'll have acess to my trust and it contains more than enough money for the rest of my life.

not that my life is worth anything i do nothing. tfw no neet gf to spend the rest of my life with just exploring earth.

feelsbadman. nor can i make any friends cause they have work and uni and stuff and can't relate to my life.

If you had the crushing stressfulness of financial insecurity you would know how blessed you are

>>still lonely
At least you have a lot of money user.

Have you tried getting any hobbies? I'm into motorgliding.

I've often thought about just dedicating my life towards a hobby, pursue mastery. Living in a van and driving around climbing mountains and shitposting late at night under the starry night.

Do you have a problem spending money? I do, hurts to spend even something small like 1000 dollars on something I actually want. Even just ordering a pizza feels bad. I don't know why. Got any tips with this?

Attached: 1467293372266.png (747x491, 30K)

>Living in a van and driving around climbing mountains and shitposting late at night under the starry night.

OP should buy pic related and take some anons for a nice roadtrip

Attached: roadbear_motorhome_strand_590x300.jpg (590x300, 42K)

Bo-fucking-ho. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.

Y'all /richbot/s think life is so damn worthless, yet you have it all set out for you.

I'm out here studying and working 2 part-time jobs at the same time as I'm running two side business. At the age of 18. Stop whining and do something.

Stop blaming your parents/society/peers/the world, the only one stopping you from greatness is yourself. Please, for the love of God, use your time for something productive instead of watching hentai.

Yeah but we don't need to work 2 part time jobs and run 2 side business at the same time as studying.

That means the time you spend doing all of the aforementioned we have to find something else to do unless we also decide to work/study.

Also OP literally didn't blame anyone but himself.