Femanons, when you walk down the street, do you ever think about how almost every man who passes you would rape you, if given the chance? How does this make you feel?
Femanons, when you walk down the street, do you ever think about how almost every man who passes you would rape you...
fuck you faggot for ruining this board.
when will you finally go back
for fuck sage
No, I am too busy thinking about abducting all the cute twinks.
No. I'm ugly and people don't want to fuck me even if I offer.
My dad already does beat me for fun, no need for others. My big brother gets treated better so it's not in my head.
In short; already experienced it unwanted
I'd fuck you, user. You're beautiful in my eyes.
I especially want to rape the ugly ones because I know that deep down they'd be grateful and secretly enjoy it.
Are those threads made/replied to by bots?
Is this truman show or some injoke that I'm just on in? It's all the same, It's all the fucking same
They might be but it's most likely an r/incels "raid" of maybe 10 angry third worlders.
not a person on earth would rape me
but i'd feel sorry for them if they did, i'm disgusting and ugly, and wouldn't deserve their attention