Communism is objectively the best system of governance
Communism is objectively the best system of governance
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With the best waifus too
Then why has it never worked?
Lmfao best joke all week
uhhhhh no, the only true way to live is in a system of small city-states ruled by genetically engineered high iq catgirls
Literally every ideology except for anprivs is retarded beyond belief.
Based and redpilled, my high-IQ friend. Thanks for posting this.
Because the Jews rose up to subvert it every time. You should know this by now as a Jow Forumslet
>small city-state ruled by genetically engineered high iq catgirls
So communism
>the jews
you mean wh*tes
Whats the difference famalampai
t. Assmad nazi
The rope is coming, nigger
Works fucking great for China so far. It would've worked just fine for Soviets if only they didn't have, you know, worlds other superpower actively undermining it every step of the way.
>being a commie in 2018
Literally cringe compilation stuff.
2/10 bait
Try harder next time
>worlds other superpower actively undermining it every step of the way.
You mean the capitalist countries that were supplying them with food, armaments, and welfare?
Are you retarded?
Im not gonna sit here and argue with you on a long ass thread about how you're retarded so lemme put it simply. Work for shit you want, no ones gonna give it to you for free, go get a job you incel.
I'd like to see her as a nekomimi with thigh highs and a plaited skirt. OwO
If you like the somewhat positive parts of communist ideology (not real applied communism, that doesn't work at all and is evil), you might as well just be a national socialist. It's like communism but good and actually works.
Not him, but china is as communist as the soviet union or any other perceived socialist society right wingers in the west have use to fear monger since the begging of time.
You would like to see her as a cat ears? What?
>Works fucking great for China
>it works great!
Based and comradepilled
Western degeneracy shall be cleansed with a good day of honest WORK
Fuck off tanker. Communism is socially liberal.
Except you have to win a war against your own population first, and then genocide the remaining half, and then you just have a few starving idiots left.
Your wikiposting does not mean shit considering China shall rule the world within a century while decadent West slowly eats itself in decay.
>communist LARP
The best you could describe it is capitalism in a totalitarian society
uwu, one has to get rid of porky-tan *nyaaah*. Classicide is morally justifiable :D, what are you a feudal lord xD. Private property is theft >_< *grrrr*.
It's called state capitalism and it's what the western propaganda machine has defined as communism since the beginning of time. It's silly to change definitions now since it's kicking your ass.
>j-just wait guys! if we murder enough rich people communism will work eventually!
ITT Capitalicucks SEETHING because their failed system provided them with no purpose and no happiness
> It's silly to change definitions
Lmao projecting
Lets cuckpitalists from now on
>he says while using a computer and internet
Well whatever the case is I think we can agree China is owning the west by simply having a more exploitative system than capitalism. Which real communists argued from the start, literally all you have to do to beat capitalist societies is to be even more cruel to your people.
>being a nazi in 2018
Literally cringe compilation stuff.
>capitalists invented computers
>he's going to be retarded "on purpose"
>China is owning the west by simply having a more exploitative system than capitalism
Well not really
There are more factors to this
LMAO stormcucks BTFO
Look at this sniveling example of a capitalist piglet. All his spiritually-deprived mind can think of is materialism. Endless, ravenous consumerism is all that makes up his persona. There's no spirit here, just an empty vessel, a pocket that owns it's wearer. How truly sad capitalism must be to produce such pitiful beings!
>verbose angry response
>still on personal computer
Obviously. But in general it holds true. China works its citizens to death and the government is basically a giant corporation that tells them what to do while making deals. It's as capitalist as you can get, and fortunately it's working. It's a beautiful example of being hoisted by your own petard.
america destroys everything
>capitalist politicians invented computers
El abominacion de las americanos
This. Notice how all the meme responses of embarassing people on both sides are Amerilards
>to death
>as capitalist as you can get
Aren't you defending the argument that China is a successful place and communist? Quality of life is inherently a primary component of success.
China's not terrible to live in, better than most of the countries around it. And it is relatively corrupt and exploitative, but it's not communist. I think you're just arguing to argue.
Wrong. Libertarian Green National Socialism is the best system for all races, with their consent
>works great in China
You mean like how the government censors 50% of the internet (including this site), the average wage is the equivalent of $3.50 an hour, the average work week is 80 hours, and they fine you up to 9 years worth of wages and take your family off government social plans if you have more than one child?
Sounds like paradise.
>Communist civilizations invented anything of value
Ridig nationalism is not possible anymore lad. Internationalism has been a fact for almost 100 years now. With the invention of the internet and almost everyone knowing english, humanity is one Collective Consciousness. There are no real borders anymore. Even the borders of the mind are gone. Wether you like it or not, we are truly one people now.
>Libertarian Green National Socialism
Is this a meme ?
If not please explain
Nah not really. China treats its citizens abhorrently and in general goes against everything someone like Marx or any real communist would have stood for. But the fact they exposed just how pathetic and weak the capitalist system is is IMO a worthwhile revelation. It shows you it never meant anything. It was just an elaborate way of entrapping people into working way more in exchange for others living a phenomenal life.
>What is north sentinel island
part 1
# Environment: Transfer all funds from public welfare system and extraneous government into environmental cleanup. Restrict the amount of land that can be used. Redevelop inner cities. Reward with tax breaks those with few electrical appliances. End frivolous and pointless industries, and force widespread recycling in detail.
# Culture: By localizing, we give each area a chance to define its own values and policies and way of life. Localization requires that we reduce outside economic pressure, and slacken central government on most things. The advantage is that local communities handle their own upkeep for the most part.
# Ethnicity: End all anti-discrimination laws in medicine, hiring, housing and government service. Each ethnocultural group will have its own space, its own laws and customs, and leaders.
# Crime: We will concentrate city areas and make land use more efficient, and deploy more street cops to patrol. No record database or DNA database will be kept. Those who commit repeated crimes will be exiled.
# Economics: The economy will serve the State, which serves the Nation, composed of its people. Speculative economics replaced by investment in human capital, agriculture, manufacturing and learning.
>there is a cult brainwashing people to trannies on Jow Forums
>the Chinese government is bad for censoring Jow Forums
Seems like the Chinese are right
part 2
Libertarian originates in our belief in the autonomy of the individual. An individual without a world would have no way to even form the concept of caring about anything but itself. So avoiding that extreme we favor a world where the individual would have relatively few experiences of authority, unless it was doing something truly out of line. The nickel and dime stuff in government, chasing down kids with drugs and the like, crushes a system. A sparse and responsive government is better than a comprehensive but sluggish one.
National Socialist is the concept behind governments such as the NSDAP in Germany and the current government in Israel. The society is owned, collectively, by the people, and it acts in their interest. Unfortunately most of these are democratic, insuring that the lowest elements of reason prevail.
Green is a fraction of the National Socialist view on land. "Blood and Soil" is our doctrine of homeland, or origin to each person, and thus which ground is sacred to them and they upkeep for generations. Each ethnic group should have a homeland, because in a consensus group one can declare poisoning the earth to be a great offense.
part 3
Platform for Jump-Starting Western Nations
1. Tax cuts for environmental objectives
Closing the chapter of environmental disaster in human history is our first objective. A simple mandate for change will not achieve its goal, as business is an ecosystem unto itself, and must be given a chance to transition gracefully to a new way of doing things, much as it absorbs any new cost or technology. Over a seven-year period, we will increase taxes while offering large tax cuts for those businesses that achieve environmental objectives; only those businesses which do not produce tangible goods or services, such as pornography and media producers, will remain at the higher tax rate. These tax cuts will be sizable enough to allow businesses to invest most of their income into adapting to environmental requirements, and at the same time, building up infrastructure and becoming more competitive.
The same program will be applied to individuals. Those households which own fewer objects, use less power and produce less waste, will be given a larger break than those who do. Television use will be a means of measuring a family's excess time and wealth. This will not be used excessively into pressuring individuals into a spartan existence, but to encourage limits on the excessive consumption of families as currently seen in the industrialized west.
part 4
2. Removal of normative objectives
In all western states, we will remove normative regulation including all governmental moral intervention with the population. There will be no laws regulating speech, or that punish some for excelling in any field; further, all affirmative action and compensatory civil rights legislation will be abolished. Governments will be prohibited for makign suggestions for "progressive" social reform, and will be limited to functional duties and to funding cultural organizations for the upkeep of traditional culture. In public education, independent groups without profit motive will establish what is in textbooks, excluding all propaganda previously emitting from government sources.
Further, welfare systems will be replaced with workfare programs, and all shelters for the disadvantaged will be moved away from functional areas of the city and given an institutional nature. All laws which regulate scholarships and hiring outside of strict meritocracy will be banished, and will be replaced by a system of promoting the most able. All anti-discrimination legislation in housing, hiring and education will be stricken from the books.
3. Restore autonomy to the states
In countries such a the United States, which are composed of independent state entities, these will be granted again their autonomy: the authority of the federal government will prevail in matters of international politics and that which is related to it, including the trafficking of dangerous weapons, but otherwise each state must define its own laws and crimes. There will be no interstate police agency; all issues of national security will be handled by each nation's equivalent of the CIA.
part 5
4. Reduction of legal complexity
Law will be written in plain English, barring the need for it to express logical construction, and lawmakers will be encouraged to reduce the amount of law on the books to a few simple principles per topic, or as close as is possible. Clearly corporate tort law will never be as simple as legislation regarding homicide, but the proliferation of laws built upon previous laws with no thought of a system of law as whole will end.
5. Repatriation of non-Germanic populations
In countries of Indo-European heritage, all non-Germanic populations and their offspring and possessions will be re-patriated to the appropriate area: Asians to Asia, African-Americans to Africa. Mixed Indo-European populations will be repatriated to Eastern Europe; mixed racial populations will be sent to Northern Africa or the Middle East, which are traditionally the areas for racial mixing. It will be acknowledged that this is not discriminatory, and no public scorn or retribution against these people will be permitted; they will be allowed to keep whatever wealth they have accrued, and will be treated honorably.
6. Create cultural center to oversee media
Between academia and government, leaders will be elected to a new cultural center, which receives funding from government and is administered by the people of the leadership caste. Government cannot withhold funding because it disagrees with the choices of this organization, which will be responsible for creating public media, textbooks and other methods of passing on learning from the past and present. This organization is responsible only to itself.
I don't know if this is really good bait or if you're just an absolute retard. Leaning towards bait.
part 6
7. Reputable international politics
Outside of regulation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), all National Socialist governments will withdraw from international politics. Tariffs will be fixed, and no longer a bargaining chip with which one pacifies local industry; high tariffs will be considered correct for every nation. All foreign aid programs will be disbanded.
8. All undeveloped land is purchased by government
Any land that is presently undeveloped, or in semi-natural state (open cleared fields), will be purchased by the government at market rates, and preserved as natural space. We have more than enough land for human use. Further, any land for which taxes have not been paid for three years, or which is derelict and empty, becomes property of the government and is preserved as natural space, or used in exchange for land which will become natural space. This will reintroduce money into the cities, and provide for the renovation of rotted inner city slums.
9. Tax incentives for inner city development
To further help inner city residents, taxes will be raised in the inner city and large breaks provided for those who develop properties in those areas. This will encourage an end to the large numbers of unused and collapsing buildings, which result in no-mans-land neighborhoods which are too violent for any person to live in.
10. Repeal of laws limiting citizen autonomy
Laws forbidding drug use, sodomy and rough personal conduct will be replaced by laws directing people who wish to engage in such behaviors toward specialized areas of each major city, chosen from derelict neighborhoods, where alone such things are permitted.
11. Return to strict meritocracy in hiring and education
All hiring and scholarships and educational admittance policies will return to a strict meritocracy: the most capable candidate is selected, regardless of his or her wealth or advantages.
I don't see any logic to your point. "real communists" have treated their citizens worse and you can clearly see capitalism being strong and productive in most of the developed world.
if it makes you feel better, when you get a little older you'll realize that even in capitalist societies there are many who hate the rich as much as you.
part 7
12. Any area more than 50% concreted must begin planting
Localities will be charged to plant natural space in any area in which more than 50% of the available surface is covered with concrete or asphalt. Tax advantages will be offered to those who are renting or have bought in areas that are less than 50% concrete; higher taxes await those who wish to live on an unending slab of grey.
13. End tax-free status of religious organizations
Religion will be recognized as a business, and subject to the same taxes as any other business, with the ability to deduct any public works or environmental actions.
14. Certain destructive things banned
Banned, upon pain of death, will be: genetically modified foods; dumping of toxic waste; child molestation or possession of child pornography; possession of nerve toxins.
Then why are you here proliferating the alleged problem?
By what metric? What did the USSR do so well at?
No shit. A socialist revolution will come to the united states and various capitalist shitholes. It's only a matter of time.
>go to higher education
>suddenly become radical left leaning
wat da fuug
Maybe because I don't want to "do the right thing"?
Maybe because I like to do bad things?
Arguably it's not America. It's modern times. Both left and right have plenty of bad representations internationally.
If their ideology doesn't qualify them immediately.
>"nazis btfo once again.jpg"
>Assumes critic of communism is a nazi
Because im fighting it
I didn't assume that. Nazis call slavs the niggers of europe, so that pic btfos them. Regardless of if you are a nazi or not it holds true.
But lets be real you probably are a nazi
So what you're saying is you're a tranny?
I think you lack reading comprehension. I can't say it directly, or I get banned. So I just say, I'd rather "proliferate" the occurrence of them
Isn't Jow Forums all about trolling?
State of that nose, fucking hell
Are you implying that Germans never created anything
Communist China only works for western companies who want cheap labour
Those are pretty much the backbone of western prosperity. Once you remove those you have a bunch of imperialist swine invading the middle east, sillicon valley which again is barely tethered to the west and not really much else.
How come then it never existed?
Each and every socialist country couldnt manage the leap from socialist to communist.
Each became what commies today call state capitalism.
My point being is that communism cannot exist at all.There is no way you can establish such a system.
>no money
How would you then know who provides how much value towards society at large?Altough im not a dude that really likes the current status of today where money is the be all end all purpose of life,one still has to accept that money is a useful tool to measure these things.
>no classes/hierachies
To establish this you practically need to destroy peoples sense of "self" on an individual level,make a world where there is only the collective.Where all are of one mind.You need to abolish the very idea of there being "value" because if something or someone is "valuable" it demarcates position within groups,and this creates hierarchies,this is a fact of life no system can cure,abolish or replace.
You should just accept that equality is a lie.
It doesnt exist,it cant exist and it isnt achievable.
Why the hell would you draw that conclusion from what i just said? I never said anything about Germans
Communism is a 100 year old ideology. Its only had one opportunity in time, one is not exactly a statistically relevant bumber
>Its only had one opportunity in time
What the hell does this even mean, retard?
so why is it a relevant ideology?
Natsoc is such a played out meme. Nobody takes you more serious just because you LARP as a nazi.
Nazi socialism is literally a meme. It doesn't mean anything. You might as well call everything socialism at that point. Universal healthcare? It proves we're socialists. It's so braindead it's hard to believe anyone but fox news grandpas and steven crowder associates the nazis with socialism.
That user was agreeing with you.
Because its objectively the best system
He's advocating shitty turbocapitalism with even less responsibility towards the ruling class and blaming all problems on not being ethnocentric enough. Nazism is just about the stupidest ideology ever invented.
nah xd, commies are for assassinating not for governing.
That's a (bad) opinion based on a fantasy. Objectively, there have been far better systems created in mythology and science-fiction novels. A system that murders virgins and gives everyone else a gold trophy is better.
The best form of governance right now is liberal democracies edging toward social democracy. Their big weaknesses are environmental destruction, and an undue tolerance of right wing populism (and by extension fascism in the colloquial but not literal sense).
Assuming humanity survives long enough to reach the ideal form of governance, it will be some kind of ecologically friendly, tech-dependent form of community organized direct democracy vaguely resembling the historical ideology of anarcho-syndicalism. But anyway...
who else here is ready for the /comfy/ Christmas season. i imagine commies cant stand a time where half the population celebrates consumerism while the other half celebrates religion and loved ones. Must really piss them off considering they have neither xd.
Yeah. I agree, the nordic societies are slowly edging towards communism. Which is what many other countries would have done successfully if not for US interference btw.
Okay, but that's not what your post was about. You were talking about how Nazism isn't Socialism and that user was agreeing with you that Nazism isn't Socialism in the SocDem or Marxist sense.