*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

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I love Norway

Wave it high and proud gypsy

John wilkes booth is literally the worst American of all time prove me wrong

>Be president
>Get shot

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Even these two, a gay and a paranoid were able to clear that.

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I hate this part of my country as much as I hate Jew York and Commiefornia.

You've probably never been down South before. They're the nicest people down there.

I've been all over the South and the people are low iq retards. They're only friendly to their own.

Can confirm. The whole Southerners are nice thing is a meme. Joining a church is an easy in though. you pretty much have to if you want to find employment and your a non native. However I wouldn't say they are any dumber than city retards, the ratio of honestly intelligent people too your average monkeys. seems about the same.

What part do you like then? The midwest is shit and the rest of it is so fucking irrelevant I don't have an opinion on them.


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i was literally listening to dixie's land when i saw this post
thanks for the chuckle, op

I wish I was in the land of cotton


I like parts of New England and the Western US. The upper Midwest isn't too bad either.

But there are retards outside of the cities in the South. The upper Midwest and Northwest keep their monkies caged in cities.

>tfw staten island

James Buchanan is the worst in my opinion.

Wrong. The correct answer is Donald Trump's. My english professor said that and it must be true because she is very smart.

>Outside of the cities
That's where all the whites live you fucking retard, all the niggers live in the cities and make them shit like Atlanta

I don't mind Washington or New England.

Now this is my kind of thread!

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Damn skippy!

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>Rising again intensifies

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