Do herbal supplements for lucid dreaming work...

do herbal supplements for lucid dreaming work? i've been trying it the "old fashioned" way for about 7 years now and i'm starting to lose my patience a bit.

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I dunno bout herbal shit but take some 5 htp before sleeping and you'll trip balls

I unwillingly lucid dream and have been for about 10 years. I can tell you the cons heavily out weigh the pros. What have you tried thus far?

does it make you lucid though? i'm really just interested in something that will help me become aware. but i'll try it, thanks.

What method are you trying? If checking your watch 6-7 times a day and setting an alarm for the peak of your rem cycle doesn't work then I don't know what to say.

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>I can tell you the cons heavily out weigh the pros.
why's that? I've become lucid a handful of times and I've been trying to learn how to do it ever since the first time I experienced it. is it just because it happens without you wanting it to, or is there something specific about the experience that's unpleasant to you?
I've tried keeping dream journals in the past and am keeping one now, and my dream recall is generally good. I've made notes of the most common themes in my dreams, and I do reality checks whenever I think to do them. so far though, the only thing that seems to have worked for me is the thought itself of inducing lucid dreams. most nights that i've been able to pull it off were on days that I'd spent a considerable amount of time reading about them. i can't imagine that will always work though, which is why I've been trying to find a reliable way. I've also heard meditating helps a lot but I haven't done it much lately.

>setting an alarm for the peak of your rem cycle
i've tried this, but I don't fall asleep easily and I seem to always miss it. the fact that I don't really have a regular sleep pattern is no doubt a setback.
never tried the watch thing though, although I don't wear a watch I suppose a phone will work just as well. if you're saying it works for you, I'll try it for sure.

Not him but I find that lucid dreaming can wake me up and ruin my night's sleep. I lucid dreamed for a few days in a row then without fail for the next week id wake up two or three times a night.

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baroque/ 4/4 time classical musical, clear head, count backwards from 100. if you take pharmacuticals or recreationals/smoke/drink just forget it. your rem sleep is fucked.

this works for you? how long do you listen for? i smoke weed here and there but that's it.

It's the experience and the after effects. I'm not sure if it warns you (usually looking into lucid dreamings there's some warning) but with lucid dreaming comes the risk of sleep paralysis, of you don't know what that is look into it, but it's basically being stuck in between half asleep and awake and it's just a really bad trip.
Experience overall, I'm not able to fully enjoy sleeping since I'm hyper aware all the time. I can't fall asleep unless I'm on the brick of passing out. I can't lay in bed and just pretend to sleep. I'm only in deep sleep (I think) for 30min Max throughout my sleep of 6-8hrs. Deep sleep is important it's basically where you get the most rest. Everytime I start dreaming I'm aware and have no fun because it's all fake, it was fun at first but I want to see how fucked my sub conscious is.
The only time I can actually have a full night's rest and have dreams are when I smoke the devil's lettuce.

Anyways, if that didn't scare you off I can give you another method.
>Lay on your back when you're trying to go sleep
>Keep your arms and legs straight, not crossed not bent, straight but relaxed
>Don't move your body for anything, you'll want to scratch or sneeze or wiggle, don't. Don't acknowledge it don't move
>Have your eyes closed and concentrate on one sound only
>You'll soon fall asleep
That's pretty much it I think, it'll take some practice and might not work Everytime but this is how I first started and regretti the spaghetti


I think regular sleep helps a lot. It's hard to be mindful with inconsistent sleeping.

If you have trouble getting to sleep and a consistent pattern doesn't help with that then setting an alarm that starts off quite and builds up might allow you to wake up without being made completely awake so getting back to sleep is easier.

Weed fucks with rem although back when I used to smoke on weekends it gave me pretty crazy dreams about Tuesday/Wednesday time.

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Sorry the (I think) is for the terminology I'm not sure if it's called deep sleep or not, but I got the 30min part because my sleeping was so bad I needed to go get tests done

worked when i was straight edge in hs. been smoking for 20 years, i dont dream anymore and neither do u for 2-3 hours after u smoke. suppresses rem activity. look it up. dreamings not something i prefer to do, it usually leads to screaming.

Jesus christ dude, 7 years ? Read crazyinsane's CANWILD tutorial on drramviews and to that shit. Also read Michael Raduga's The Phaser, you can download the Free pdf, just google it

it sounds like your method is a way to induce sleep paralysis. sorry to hear that you have such trouble sleeping, that sounds like fucking hell. i'm going to try it though, I've experienced sleep paralysis before.
that's a good idea, i'll try it, thanks. and yeah i need to fix my sleep, lucid dreaming notwithstanding.
I never knew that about weed, but i smoke maybe once or twice a month, i don't think it's really a concern for me.
nice, this is what i'm talking about. definitely going to read these, thanks. and yeah ever since I discovered lucid dreaming about that long ago, I've been keeping dream journals trying to get it to happen and I get maybe two lucids in a year. i guess it just comes more naturally to some people, i clearly don't know what i'm doing. lol

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It's okay, I live. Also try looking into listening to frequencies while you sleep/do this. It might help. It's some kind of white noise idk. Even if I don't sleep like that, I always end up on my back and get stuck in sleep paralysis. If you need a way to wake yourself up try flexing your fingers/toes while in paralysis

Look into WBTB

They are not sure whether lucid dreaming in deep 4/5 REM sleep triggers by micro-wakes or something more piecemeal (difficult to analyse as there are between 3600-600 seconds when that moment could happen...) but I think it could still help to work on your Stage 1 when those brief sensations or falling out of daydream happen.

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Whilst you are at it check out some writings of dream autist Zhuangzi, chapter 2-3, so old but no less interesting.

Put a nicotine patch on before bed.