Post the girl you lost your virginity to

Post the girl you lost your virginity to

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Here she is


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get out chad

Who said I was a dude?

This baebe

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Fuck off roastir

How do you guys bag such qts :(

I did. There are no girls on r9k

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Because woman arent funny.

Well I am funny sooo

The hand thing wasn't exactly funny either when it's the first go-to answer for most virgins here who think they have a sense of humour. Might've been funny 10 years ago, now it just got annoying.

damn... she's a hottie

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But your not a woman, user.

Doesn't matter. If you were attractive you wouldn't be here anyways

Great, now we got 13-year-old German kids posting here.
Fuck outta here underageb8

It's the tumblerina exodus. Expect more of them to arrive and shit this place

Why r9k of all places... Why can't the retards just go to /b/ like they're supposed to...

What was it?


A picture of something that looked like a 13-year-old German boy, obviously. You know, chubby cheeks, short blonde hair. Said "who said I was a dude" and "lol, I know I'm attractive".
Fucking tumour on this board.

No because you'll Google search her Pic and find her and she's the kind of girl you guys would not shut up about and annoy. She's on an album cover of a punk rock band though. There's a hint. Not a Hollywood famous band though, just a local one.

Fucking hell. Fuck tumblr retards. They deserve the gas.

just some underage girl that looked like a guy

She is a cutie isint she?

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Fucked so many guys before my first pussy so im not sure anymore who was the first lul

Hope the hand bit wasn't your funny side

Yikes Saw the first 3 threads on this page and thought I was on /b/.

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it was a girl I met through r9k

lady liberty of course

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Literally to a prostitute

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a gross fat goblina
I regret it every day

girl on the left, didn't last long

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