I was given sertraline by my doctor for my crippling anxiety and depression but I've read online about the side effects...

I was given sertraline by my doctor for my crippling anxiety and depression but I've read online about the side effects and it's pretty bad. I'm currently on no medication and would love something to help me with my panic attacks but it causes erectile dysfunction and all, was wondering if that could have a permanent effect or would it only be while under the effects? I'd like to try it but not if it has long term negative effects like that after i stop. I also plan to drink on them but not everyday like now, maybe once a week. Has anybody taken it before? Is it any good? Cheers

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Hi user, i was on sertraline for a couple of months, it absolutely kills your sex drive (couldnt even cum if i tried). Also had no appetite. It definitely felt like my energy was slashed in half every morning when i would take it, and when you're depressed you have no energy anyway. Once you go off it your dick comes back to life. It didnt really do anything for my anxiety

hi user,

it does kill your sex drive and even if you don't have one bc depression memes it ensures you don't cum

other than the shitty side effects I literally felt that it did not do anything for me, didn't help depression didn't help anxiety, it was garbage

it's like the big pharma trial drug I swear

I'm suppose to take the lowest doze now and go back to her in two weeks time for an increased amount but I don't think I'll bother now. I don't care for my depression because I've learned to deal with it so it's mainly for my anxiety. I was thinking about Prozac, thoughts?

SSRIs affect everyone differently you may not have side effects. But there are other options for medication for anxiety if the side effects are that bad

She also recommended Quetiapine but I refused any sort of antipsychotic for prideful reasons (I used to have episodes when I smoked weed years ago but I feel as though it has faded and is under control now). I remember them doing more harm than good when I was going through an episode on weed.

I seriously hope you aren't taking pharmaceutical advice from anons.
These kinds of drugs affect everyone differently and the only way to know if they'll work for you is to try them.
They'll tend to affect close family members similarly but even then it's not a certainty.
Do what the doctor says. If you still feel like shit tell them and they'll have you try something else.

I feel as though this doctor isn't great, some foreign one who wouldn't really listen to what you have to say at all. I was trying to tell her that I wanted to have it there and then try whatever plan she recommends when I feel the anxiety getting extreme again and take it from there but she sort of just ignored me because of my history of drug induced psychosis. I can't see my regular GP because of my history so there are usually different doctors. I definitely feel as though she got the wrong medication when I look up things like prozac and the likes, seems more accurate. I think she just has that mentality of "you are psychotic" even though I have been fine for the last 4 years with no medication (other than anxiety).

I use sertraline. I had a few headaches for a little bit at the start, but I'm okay. I'm on 125mg at the minute and it's increased in a month. Otherwise, it's not really that bad. The side effects are an exhaustive list of everything that's ever happened, no matter how rare.
Your sex drive will be fine. I can cum everyday. Only once have I not been able to cum on sertraline

Additionally, if you don't bother with sertraline, they won't prescribe you with Prozac. Because they'll feel insulted you didn't listen to them just because of how you feel. That's how they work. I don't know if Prozac is prescribed though, I'm not familiar with it, I'm British

Would you drink on it? As much as I don't like reading about the side effects I'm desperate to be able to just chill in public.. I wanted to have a few beers tonight though

Not that user but also on sertraline. You can drink on it, although it makes me sleepy. I also wasn't able to nut easily for a really long time, I'm talking sitting there furiously beating my meat for a good hour with no results, but it's less of a problem now (bear in mind I've been on it for 5 years at this point). Like a few other anons have said it affects everyone differently, plus it takes a while to really start having an effect in my experience so I'd recommend sticking with it for a few months at least unless you have some really adverse side effects.

Main concern was if it had permanent effects if I ever decided to stop taking it, thank god it doesn't after a while. I'm a bit nervous to take it but I will try it and see because I'm sick of feeling like an anxious wreck! Thanks lads for the help, feel free to add to this as I'm still curious.

I'm on sertraline for a couple months now. At the beginning side effects were real bad, like thinking about suicide and crying at night bad. But these vary from person to person. I was glad I had someone to talk to alot during that time and you should ensure you do aswell, just to be sure for your own safety.
Sexually I haven't noticed much, sex drive hasn't really gone down. Headaches a little bit in the beginning, other wise fine. After 2-3 weeks the worst was over and I honestly feel better now that I did before taking them, but those first weeks were absolute shit.

went on prozac, killed my dick a week in, along with making me hypomanic and unable to sleep. suffice to say i'm not touching ssri's again, but they keep pushing for them and shut me down ever time i try to bring up ndri's, so i don't know what the fuck i'm going to do.

She said take half of one for 3 days, if feeling good take a full one a day and if that is okay after 3 days take one a half.. will I just skip it and take a full one? It sounds dumb but I really just wanna zonk out and not give a shit so I can actually do shit like walk to the shop

this shit made me feel...shit

>he hasn't heard about PSSD

do not, DO NOT touch SSRIs. devil shit.

Please don't take medical advise from anons.
If you don't trust your doc then go to a different one.

I'm on sertraline now. It helps. Stopped me being suicidal and anxious and massively improved my mood.
Only side-effects are some splitting headaches if I miss a couple of doses and I find it slightly harder to cum. Not impossible, I just have to jerk it harder and longer - feels incredible when when I do finally cum though.

Yeah I took it there like she said, I don't mind trying it. It's a weight off my mind knowing that none of the side effects will last if I choose to stop taking it. ATM I'd rather be able to go outside rather than wank, lol.

Dont expect to feel much in way of any change to your mood for at least 2 weeks, max results in 4-6 weeks. But I noticed improvement in energy almost straight away and the side-effects from D1

Just went outside there and didn't think about people around me for once while moving a giant tv for someone I no (living in a town too).. it could be the placebo effect, i'm sure it is but I would usually be dying doing that

I've been on more SSRI's than you can name, and only had sexual dysfunction from paroxetine. Nortriptyline isn't an SSRI but I had it from that too. Whacking it 2-3 times every day at 28, on an MAOI. My lowest since I hit puberty was once every other day.

I'm on sertraline and it was a fucking god send. I went from randomly crying several times a day and barely being able to get out of bed to feeling a million times better. It absolutely does not cure depression and I still go through rough patches but it has definitely helped. I've been on it for about 2 years now.
For the first few weeks I was on it it made me feel very sleepy and gave me some killer shits but those side effects went away pretty quickly.
It never affected my sex drive. As some anons have said there was a period where it was really hard to cum but like the shits and sleepiness that went away fairly soon.
It never gave me any suicidal thoughts.
I would highly advise giving it a go and persisting with it for a while and only stopping if you really don't like it, as opposed to never trying it because some other anons had a bad experience.

Massive tip: don't go on Jow Forums regularly. I only rarely come here when I've got some particular sperglord issue that I need to vent about. As soon as I come here and start reading all the usual robot stuff I immediately start feeling moody. This place is a fucking pit user, don't be afraid to climb out of it.

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Wanted to ask you guys what it's like mixing it with weed?

I hate zoloft and lexapro too. Been on seroquel and olanzapine additionally. SSRI make me impotent, fat, ocd, paranoid. Antipsychotics only make me fat and impotent. I just take diazepam in the evening after a stressful day because of the extremely long half life. If you don't take it all the time you won't be addicted to it.

Fine so long as you don't smoke too much consistently. I'm a big DUDE WEED LMAO and having a joint every now and then doesn't fuck me over. However, if I smoke weed for six or seven days in a row then it starts making me feel sad.
Weed also makes me feel comfortably numb so sometimes when I run out I get a bitch antsy for more, but I think that's more of a general depression thing than anything to do with the sertraline.
You're also not meant to drink on SSRIs but I haven't noticed any interference.

i was given an SSRi for my anxiety, these supposedly take weeks to start working so i feel like shit

Jesus why is the #1 concern for people about this medication their dick? If you're having such severe depression or whatever that you can barely function in life why is your dick your primary concern. Maybe your problems aren't that big in that case and you don't need the meds.

I've been on 100mg and I had little side effects aside from it being a bit harder to cum. I have some drinks every other week or so without any ill side effects. Since taking them I'd say I've improved noticeably, anxiety is down to normal levels(I think) and I can handle everyday life and emotions better. I also took therapy alongside tho(which is something every doctor that's worth a damn will advise you to when prescribing antidepressants.)

You'l have to try them since they can work differently for different people, and be aware of eventual changes, and keep in touch with your doc about eventual negative effects. Don't listen to the guys harping about the pharma jews, they're fucking retards.

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I was on the max zoloft adult dosage (200mg) when i wasnt even an adult, and i swear to god it did literally nothing to me whatsoever. no mood change, no appetite change, still fapped 1-2 times a day with no issue, etc. i feel kinda cool that im immune to meds desu

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honestly? it's one of the few things that still reminds me I'm human.

>love something to help me with my panic attacks but it causes erectile dysfunction
Like you were ever gonna get your dick wet anyway kek

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i stopped taking that shit about 5 months ago, i had taken it for a few months before that. my sex drive is basically completely gone and probably isnt coming back.

that's weird. I was given these yesterday. Just read the side-effects for the first time this morning. Nice timing.

But yea remember the sideys are everything that has happened - and are legally mandated to be in the description of the medication. Don't let them frighten you. Also good luck on the journey. Try no-fap while you're at it for added t. you'll gave a beard by the end of this

Hope that's not the case, user, but it is possible.
I guarantee your doctor didn't tell you about this permanent side effect, either. The people who prescribe these pills are scum.

That stuff is in the meds description about side effects here. Dunno why it's different in your nigger country tho