Alcoholism is starting to take root and now it's hard to fall asleep when not drunk while my tolerance continues to...

>Alcoholism is starting to take root and now it's hard to fall asleep when not drunk while my tolerance continues to increase, along with price.
>Female best friend whom I've been in love with for years recently came out as bi and is dating a chick
>Absolutely no games appeal to me anymore and I spend my nights getting wasted and listening to podcasts while absent mindedly browsing /v/ and looking at my Steam library.

I am in desperate need of something to distract me bros. I need a game that will last me a good long while, preferably story driven, sci fi/fantasy and single player.

Pls halp

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Other urls found in this thread:

your gay shut up

are you under 20

Stop making friends with women you want to fuck, that's the mistake right there. Also, go to a therap or some shit

You could try Dragon Quest 11 I guess.







Nice blog, fag.

This, if you don't try anything, then being friends with a woman you like is just waiting to get your heart broken.

Do you guys like Street-Fighter?

bruh my female best friend who I love doesn't even talk to me anymore and my sleep pattern is fucked too

I'm 28 and can't afford therapy because I'm an Ameriburger.

I just want some escapism to fend off the suicide for another month until something else comes along.

I need games.

drug her and then rape her and her gf
then when the police come for you charge them with a knife

>Alcoholism is starting to take root and now it's hard to fall asleep when not drunk

Me right now. Also being sober is super boring.

Fuck your Jow Forums bullshit, post smash bros DLC wishlists.

just say you wanna fuck her bi niggas ain't loyal


dude stfu and turn your computer off

>can't afford therapy because I'm an Ameriburger
Why does not being able to afford therapy follow from being and American? I thought you guys had monies.

A heart break eh? No body can give you advice that can immediately sink in. Knows that there will be a day when the pain will fade. But a part of you will always look back on yesterday.

Also, don't be a friendzoned faggot like pic related.

Try Battle Brothers

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You'll just end up drinking yourself to death soon. Do you live alone?

Stop being a bitch, do some push ups and stop drinking before it gets way worse. And it will get way worse.

Been mostly sober for the last couple of years and I regret letting myself become a drunk, because i feel like I lost the five years prior. Don't be a fucking loser.

Booze will make everything much worse. Nip that shit in the bud.
Read this book and apply it to your life, become a Chad. Therepy is a Jewish scam.

>drinking yourself to death soon
why wait?

America does not have subsidized healthcare

Therapists and counselors make fun of and resent their patients. They share what should be doctor/patient conversations with their friends and family because they're human too and want to share funny or ridiculous things about their work. Therapists and counselors aren't super-human, they don't have any extra capacity to care for or take care of or treat their patients for their mental illnesses, everything they say are canned responses and repeated solutions that they tell everyone.

Literally no one will understand or genuinely like you unless you're capable of being understanding and selfless, which people with mental illnesses aren't. For these types of people, trying to get through the day is hard enough and they just can't squeeze in the effort that other people think is so easy to put out.

Dont buy booze, buy therapy, dont go to Jow Forums, tell your friend you love her and rip that bandaid rn

>I'm 28 and can't afford therapy because I'm an Ameriburger.
no. you can't afford therapy because you are a loser.

Nigga you gay.

Nice blog. Where can i subscribe?

quit acting like the world owes you shit and go get what you want out of life
don't let the world cuck you

On week 3 sober after getting fired. Hang in there user.

I'm also in America and I just started seeing a therapist myself.
There's always a way, user, you just gotta find it.

Also don't listen to the "Don't make friends with people you wanna have sex with" retards.
Stop sorting people into "Would bang" and "wouldn't bang" categories. That's only going to set you up for failure in the dating scene.
Instead, let your friend know how you feel, and if the feelings aren't reciprocated, move the fuck on with your life. Don't orbit.

Skyrim with survival mods, conquer the world around you. If not, try out DOOM. Mindlessly shoot away your troubles. Good luck user.

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I have taken care of my very elderly invalid grandfather for 4 years, left my job at a school doing computer tech work to do it. He hates me and tells me he wishes I wasn't born because my dad cheated on my mom and broke her heart, and because my dad was a cop he could never take his anger out on him.

I sincerely just want some fucking video game suggestions though...

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How about instead you stop confusing us for friends or a support group and fuck off back to the bar to wreck your liver, faggot

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>America does not have subsdized healthcare

If you're "too rich" for Medicaid, seek better employment. I used to work at a whole farts and had full medical, dental and vision and that's a fucking grocery store.

So stop fucking drinking and get help
>This girl I been in love with
Unless you said shit, you weren't shit, bitches can't read fucking minds you fucking beta orbiter
>What game help
If you don't mind Euro Jank try ELEX. What all have you already played

lol nobody fucking cares faggot

>Dude just find a better job lmao

That's flat-out wrong, and an extremely dangerous and self-destructive way to look at therapy. Therapists DO NOT share stories, or if they do, they change enough not to break doctor-patient confidentiality. And even if they do, that doesn't mean they're not taking your situation seriously. It means they see many people with problems exactly as serious as yours many times a day for weeks at a time, and sometimes they need to laugh to keep from killing themselves. I've seen it happen.

Also, therapists aren't there to solve your problems. They're there to offer a sounding board and the occasional outside viewpoint to help *you* solve *your own* problems, and the simple act of expression towards another living human being is cathartic all on its own.

Yes. That's what I'm saying you dumb cunt.

What you're too good to stock shelves or wash dishes you little faggot?

>Implying alcoholics go to bars

No lush is going to pay a premium for shots when they can be at home and drink from the bottle for a fraction of the cost.

Well, I always go to playing SRPGs because it takes my mind off things and seeing numbers and grinding in general makes me forget about killing myself. Games like
>Tactics Ogre: LUCT
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Shining Force 1&2
Especially Tactics Ogre was a great game.

Stop drinking faggot.
That's the first thing you should do
>but I need it, I'm sad!
Fuck off, put it down, go seek help. Alcohol is 90% of your problems right now.

Stop buying alcohol
Start buying therapy

Yeah your brain will make you fucking shit yourself in the process, but call your brain an alcoholic faggot and beat it by living.

things will get better but only if you seek help user, so please do.

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Hey op, did you just turn 21? I did too and struggled with alcoholism for months and was on the slippery slope of suicide. I've since quit alcohol and started depression medication, it's only a month and I already feel a million times better.


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>Yeah your brain will make you fucking shit yourself in the process
Depends on how deep down the rabbit hole he is, if he's just now developing a tolerance, chances are he'll feel amazing within several days of going cold turkey.

>Therapists do not share stories
Tell that to self admitted pedophiles confiding in them for help and getting arrested.

Don't. Fucking. Trust. Therapists. If they will breach for any reason, they will breach for every reason.
>But that's an extreme case
It honestly, 100%, objectively, doesn't matter. He could be a convicted murderer and you're still breaching.

how new are you

>Alcohol is 90% of your problems right now.

This. As an alcoholic, I've been there. it sucks, because it makes you not feel shitty when you're drunk, but it 100% makes you anxious and depressed, not to mention is fuckng terrible for you physically.

Just watch out for withdrawals. I quit cold turkey after years of daily drinking and I thought I was dying and had some really shitty symptoms, panic attacks and the worst nightmares I've ever had for about a week. Luckily it didn't actually kill me, but it can. Talk to a doctor. Tapering off is the best way to get off booze, but anti anxiety meds also help for that one shitty week.

Now man the fuck up and start taking responsibility for who you are as a person and clean your room faggot.

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....most people aren't pedophiles and murderers you weird fuck. Therapists, doctors and lawyers have no reason to go to the authorities unless they have reasonable belief in you hurting yourself or others. What is wrong with you?

Don't buy drugs, if you're not actually fucked up you'll be fine. If I don't drink I depersonalize and basically control my body like a mech, I fucking hate. I love booze and weed, it puts me in the moment, even if the moment is pure shit.

>Tell that to self admitted pedophiles confiding in them for help and getting arrested.

>Situations in which confidentiality will need to be broken: There is disclosure or evidence of physical, sexual or serious emotional abuse or neglect.

>If they will breach for any reason, they will breach for every reason.
That makes zero sense

>unless they have reasonable belief in you hurting yourself or others

this is why I'll never go to a therapist.

That sucks. Play LISA or something.

So what if a therapist laughs at him for being an alcoholic? They can pull his pants down and laugh at his small dick while they're at it, but at least he'd be more inclined to get out of drinking.

Thanks for actually recommending games. The only reason for the so story was for reference of what kind of diversion I was looking for.

I never actually beat Skyrim's main story or touched Dragonborn so I'll probably fire that up and relearn how to work the Creation Kit. Should tide me over. If not, I'll try out Dragon Quest. Thanks bros.

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well have fun with that then. nobody here actually gives a shit.

Good, more people should be concerned with politics then mental healthcare.

Now that you have story heavy games, take the time to throw out all your alcohol and only drink water, a LOT of water, and try and focus on the story while you overcome withdrawals.

IF you keep drinking while playing games you're a tremendous fuck up.

No problem doggo!

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I'm going to give your blog post a 4/10.

Most people also don't have mental problems.

Its exactly the kind of people I'm talking about that therapists are made for. Or do you not fucking get that?
No, no it still makes sense. Total nondisclosure means total nondisclosure, not MOSTLY nondisclosure.

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I turn 29 tomorrow. going to have one last night of drinking.

You should also look into old wrpgs, like
>Planescape Torment
>Baldurs gate 2
Absolutely great games, the writing in Planescape is so good and getting immersed into the world and caring about the story and world is great. It might be a lot of reading so that might put you off, but trust me it's worth it

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Make your birthday gift being clean. No "One more drink" you're done. You can't have regrets about the last one.

sweet shit your me instead of podcasts i listen to musicals

Don't be a tool. Quitting an addictive material is also a sign of weakness. You like drinking, so drink, but don't let it control you like a fucking wastoid. You and I both know it's not gonna be your last drink, but you CAN make conscious progress towards improving your addiction.

>Most people also don't have mental problems.

I think you have a very narrow understanding of why people go to see therapists and what "mental problems" are.

Literally just stop drinking (taper gradually) it’s that easy.
If you don’t want to do that then it’s your own fault.

There is no such thing as total non disclosure.
If the patient is a danger to himself and others or is found to be harming a defenceless person, therapists can break confidentiality.

>Total nondisclosure means total nondisclosure

And breach of nondisclosure under very specific, pre-enunciated circumstances doesn't mean total disclosure of everything.

Alcohol is a pure poison. It is weakness to forfeit yourself to destruction because it causes temporary "Joy"

>Quitting an addictive material is also a sign of weakness
What the fuck is this stupidity

Destiny 2

No, it just means disclosure of things that the other person who DOESNT have mental issues considers bad.

Considering their entire job is to provide comfort to people with mental issues, this is an extremely big, legitimate deal for some people, like OP.
It's weakness. You're still letting it control you by cutting it off cold turkey like a boyscout. Saying "This is bad for me and I don't need it" is one thing, but "This thing is controlling me and I need to cut it off before it destroys my very existence" is the frame of a weak individual.

Drinking helps him feel good, and there's no reason to stop other than a complete and total surrender of the ideal that he's strong enough to control his addiction.

how do you get a cute small gf (girlfriend)

Once an addict always an addict, but staying clean is not a lie or forfeiture.

Then there we go, conversation over, and OP is vindicated in his fears.

Are you going to say the same for heroin, meth, or crack?

>You're still letting it control you by cutting it off

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This is an extremely simple concept. For all intents and purposes, the downsides of recreational alcohol use are not THAT bad. Sure it's not in any way GOOD for you, but it's for recreation, to be taken with responsibility and personal disclosure.

Cutting yourself off from it completely means you're treating yourself like a dog, spraying yourself in the face whenever you piss on the rug. You're a human being, and life is short and first world problems involve getting through the day in a good mood.

Isn't therapy supposed to be for the losers?

As a nursefag I can confirm. I've worked 3 years in mental hospital and of course we talk about our patients. It's not meant to be in a mean way. It's a way to survive the job. The amount of crazy shit you hear and see is so much you have to let off steam and talk about it with coworkers.

That doesn't mean I say "that guy Gary Johnson shat on the floor and tried to throw it at me"

I would say to non coworkers something like "I had a patient today who tried to throw shit at me". As much as I can I refrain from using gender.

But everyone who works at the place you are in bed at will read through your medical history and know your back story you tell them when you first are admitted.

Wait until you find you're addicted to the medication. That's the really tough part to deal with.

OP isnt just pissing on the rug. He is shitting and vomiting on it as well as slowly eating it.

>came out as bi
she's trying to get attention from you

>Female best friend whom I've been in love with for years recently came out as bi and is dating a chick

I know that feel all too well bro, hang in there, we're all gonna make it.

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is the new dragon quest good?
also as a psych veteran i can confirm teachers who have a practice constantly violate confidentiality to get student giggles

That doesn't mean that letting go of an addiction is a sign of weakness. If the only way you can get through the day in a good mood is to fuck your brain up with addictive substances that are, as you said yourself, not in any way good for you, wouldn't you need the self-control to stop using them and work to find happiness in other ways?

This guy gets it. Enjoy life reasonably. Everything in moderation. We all have our vices and our ways to feel happy. But letting it take control of your life and you have to do something about it. Good for those who can cut out cold turkey but that's extreme. Tapering down and reducing drinking alcohol from everyday to weekends would be a good start. You get to look forward to alcohol but have to discipline yourself to stay sober in weekdays.

Fuck. If you are a fatty and can't get started with exercise, just walking for an hour is miles better than just sitting at home. Baby steps is key to change. We are all different. Some can go cold turkey, others have to go step by step.

>came out as bi
it's not like she's a full dyke, stop drinking and get your shit together.

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Exactly. I couldn't fucking find the word: Moderation. That's what modern life is all about.

Everyone is so polar with blacks and whites, when life is a sequence of colors. OP likes drinking, but he likes it too much. He can't just blow it away, not only is it hard and painful, it's also unrealistic since he's not willing to get professional help.

He needs to come to his own realistic answers, and slow down. Not stop, not completely, or not at first anyway, but slow down.

First, you just stop drinkkng. There is no easy way round this. You just won’t drink any more. First month will feel like shit, but it get’s so much better after that. Slowly you will start to feel like alive again.

Get your bi friend to introduce you/hook you up with her single girl friends.

I kind of want to quit drinking so I can be more productive, but it's literally the only thing in life that isn't terrible.