Why do guys tend to stay away from shy girls?

Why do guys tend to stay away from shy girls?

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You never know what they're thinking.

Vice versa you fucking idiot

I like shy girls

But not dumb shy girls. Reminds me of my mom who never has any dreams

They're unapproachable. Hard to strike up a conversation with them, and they seem likely to reject you.

I love shy girls user.

no confidence
no adventure
no fun
same reason why people stay away from shy guys those three characteristics are necessary to have in both genders

>doesn't read OP's question
>turns it into Indian-tier begging for pussy

Because they're usually ugly or just psycho cunts when given an invh of power.

They turn me away

Everyone is sexually aroused by shy girls, you dumb bimbo whore.

They're b o r i n g but perfectly acceptable as a practice gf.

>doesn't read OP's question
>is a retarded Indian
Stop trying to talk about your dick

Translation: Why do chads tend to stay away from shy girls?

Because we assume shy girls don't like us.

Everyone, is sexually aroused by shy girls, you idiot bimbo whore.

Because they're shit to talk to

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This is not a real problem shy girls have. The only girls who dont get hit on by guys are the ones who dont go outside and set their social media accounts to private.

Unless they're ugly and shy. You're lucky if you're anything more than invisible to guys.
You can be pretty and shy, or ugly and have a sparkling personality and you're pretty much set for life.

If you have neither (like me) you're pretty screwed.

But then I'm not so much shy as socially incompetent and avoidant

>get new job
>third shift
>notice insanely shy girl come in on first shift everyday
>never ever see her go out of her way to talk to anyone
>just works in absolute silence always
>im insanely attracted to her for some reason even though she isn't conventionally attractive and I know nothing about her
>see her sitting alone at a table on her break every day when I leave in the morning
>want to talk to her so bad but never can do it
>can talk to any other girl in my department perfectly fine but shy girl stuns me every time I think about approaching her

Wtf is wrong with me why am I so scared

we dont we just stay away from ugly shy girls

Because there is no such thing as a shy attractive girl

What's the point of trying to flirt with any girl when she can game the system and ruin your life?

I call bullshit. As long as a female is moderately attractive, she doesn't need any personality whatsoever.

School, college, in my social circle, there always were females with zero personality at all. Females who never said a single word ever in class. Who just quietly said at the couch or the table at social gatherings without conversing, joking etc. If they had been men they would've been considered the weirdest fucking autist and loner. Yet all these girls always had boy friends. Outgoing boyfriends with interesting lifes and chad personality.

Because every attempt at conversation with them is like pulling teeth. If it seems like I'm being rejected, that's how I'm going to take it. Fuck shy women, every one of them I knew was a bitch anyway.

>it's a "your post killed the thread-episode again

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I stay away from all girls, you are not an exception

>but shy people are boring!
That's not how shy people even work motherfuckers. With a shy person you just have to get a firm connection with the person and they start talking. Not saying that they instance become a social master, but they talk enough to keep the conversation alive. And in a culture where everyone just wants a quick fuck, being shy adds too high of an initial investment to be worth anything. If you do have someone approach you romantically as a shy person though, less likely they just want a quick fuck, which is good.

Also send bobs

>Why do guys tend to stay away from shy girls?

this only applies to incels and shutins IME. it's because a couple where both people are socially incompetent is like being paralyzed from the waist down. you'd at least want one functional leg so you can limp through your dysfunctional life.

You're not wrong. Me I was blessed with 3/10 looks and no personality or social skills. I'm a source of pity to men around me at best. Mocked by some. If I was pretty they'd be all over me I expect.

Because shy girls are fucking ugly and disgusting. If they were anywhere near decent looking then they would have lots of confidence from all the Chads picking them up. So shut up uggo

i like an ugly shy girl but i have no excuse to talk to her and im pretty sure she wouldn't want to talk to me anyway, she always looks like she wants to die rather than be sitting next to me

you think because you have orbiters you're not a boring cunt?

Because shy girls tend to not have big social circles (so unlikely to find there someone) and since tinder destroyed offline dating, many are afraid to ask a girl out in rl

there's this shy average looking girl in freshman year who only hangs out with her one friend.
i really really want to talk to her but i have no idea how to approach.

This is really an issue in itself. Plenty of us would be happy with any sort of meaningful male attention, but we're wary from people (chads mostly) asking us out as a joking bullying tactic or low self esteem thinking it must be a joke. (Also not going out and meeting people contributes)

The types of nice similar looks guys asking us out doesn't happen either due to their own self esteem issues and such.

Genuinely I never received a positive bit of male attention until I was 23 (from a similarly shy dude) I was crazy about. and didn't even realise he liked me until years later as the signs were so subtle. But if he'd just asked me out in a serious way it could have made my lonely fucking life. Maybe I wouldn't be on here bitter and jaded. my mental condition has a lot to answer fit

Because you don't care as much bout the other girls as you do about her, so you're subconscously scared of being denied and in this case you would care about it, in the others you wouldn't mind it too much or don't even feel the need to ask those other girls out

Why do girls tend to stay away shy boys?

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Not true, girls stay away from confident boys too. They might smile at them though, but rarely ever ask anyone out

Yes. No. Ok. Sometimes. Oh right. I know. Huh.
Because you give this kind of answers.

Shy girls are fine and all, but I prefer a girl with a little fire in her belly and a decent dose of stubbornness to boot. I want someone who isn't afraid to butt heads every now and again. Helps keep me on my toes and prevents me from growing too complacent.

Another thing to consider is that extremely shy girls, generally speaking, have some manner of physical or psychological issues that pose as 'barriers to entry' to begin with. Dating is already hard as fuck as is, it's made hundreds of times harder when you drag things like poor mental condition or trauma into things. So on paper, shy girl might sound appealing to some. But many people will stop and consider 'why is she like that in the first place' before making any meaningful moves.

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I second this, when you actually do try and talk to them the conversations last a minute or less.

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You're very right. And still robots tell me I could get anyone purely for having a vagina. I know if I even somehow got into a relationship again (eventually met a similarly neet guy from here a couple of years ago) I'd self sabotage like an absolute crazy with my lack of self esteem. I didn't end up a social retard without years of others grinding at my self worth. That's just how things are I guess.

But guys are willing to put up with anything from a genuinely pretty girl

You can get someone, multiple men even, just for having a vagina. Sorry you can't have EVERYthing you stupid spoiled cunt.

shy people emanate a "leave me alone" aura
t. a shy person who's had the uncomfortable misfortune of being in a room with other shy people

im willing to put up with social your retardedness i just find it impossible to break through to a shy girl. i want to talk to her but she won't make even make eye contact

>Woman doesn't act like she wants to talk.
>I don't talk to that woman.

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>he actually thinks she struggles
"I wouldn't mind you femcel"
Priceless, really

I could probably get random sex if that were the positive thing you all seem to think it is. Doesn't mean anything. I'm as trapped mentally as anyone here

Put it this way. I haven't had a conversation with anyone in over a year, I would sit on my own on lunch breaks then got fucking fired from fastfood for being too socially incompetent and not fitting in. Now I just don't leave my house except 3am food trips so I don't see as many people.

I mean whatever though. You obviously can't contemplate unhappiness outside your own little bubble

I doubt it, probably just low self esteem.

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People do mind though. Attitude and personality are the most important things. You can't have a relationship if you can't talk and enjoy each other's company, I can't have a relationship if talking to people makes me panic. Look at everyone on here who can't get a partner, and it's not down to how they loo, that's just a factor of many

I'm being pretty realistic honestly. I'm aging now. I had a stroke that fucked up any facial symmetry I may have had. I wasn't pretty before or anything but now it's a flabby droopy mess set in perpetual sadness.

Let's find out. What's your discord?

Well I will say that the barrier to entry for relationships is much lower for women, but I will also say, as controversial as it is to say around here now, that women can also be robots too. However, like I said before, its most often predicated on physical or mental issues (disabilities or trauma for example).

>I'd self sabotage like an absolute crazy with my lack of self esteem.

It rolls into my point from before, most people who are thinking with their heads are aware of this and will actively avoid relationships, with men or women, who have deep emotional issues.

I dated a girl with serious self worth issues briefly and it was utterly taxing. I still keep in touch with her, but we are definitely not dating. I'll give you a bit of advice I learned from that experience. You don't need a boyfriend, you need a friend who's willing to give you a bit of support, and more importantly, kick you in the ass when you're dragging it.

"Shy" is just code for being an obnoxious/retarded cunt.

I can't talk one on one there's too much pressure. (Plus I, fucking boring) I'm used to Jow Forums as its been the bulk of my social interaction for a long time now. It's user, no pressure. Besides at points robots ghost me when they realise I'm not a secret Stacey. Even here my objective view of my looks is being doubted because they want to believe I'm somehow an awkward attainable 6/10

There are other easy moders you can complain about not being able to get handsome enough boyfriends with attention whore

They assume you're a bitch. Resting bitch face +not speaking = avoid

Shy girls are bitches, it's why they're shy. All shy people are just self absorbed assholes.

>im a 3/10
Any girl that says this is a liar.

well, i'm not gonna put any pressure on you but youre sabotaging yourself before you give yourself a chance. Think about it and shoot me an email at [email protected] later if you want

Yeah I tried to date a robot out of desperation. To feel like a normal human who has relationships. Shit can't work if you're dragging each other down. I don't think women can reach the same level of bitter nastiness and hypocrisy I see on here honestly. But I'm not on here role playing at being a mental cunt for shits and giggles. I would never doubt somebody's unhappiness, I guess I still have empathy if nothing else.but st this point in life Jow Forums is all I have for social contact and as well all know, it's a poor substitute

>All shy people are just self absorbed assholes

Well yes, thats a requirement for the condition lol

You're right that I could never hope to touch your level of hypocrisy lady

I haven't even been able to get ugly boyfriends. I've been treated shittily enough I'm not holding value in people's genetics. The types I'd be quite happily into (I like fat guys tbf) just don't approach for similar reasons, whether that be they are too shy themselves, or absolutely deluded in what they can get (like many here) hell, the ugly guys treated me even worse so they fit in with chads.

You wouldn't date an ugly mental girl yourself. Face it. None of you have the looks or personality to be desirable to the girls you think you deserve and refuse to settle because you think a girls worth lies entirely in her being pretty. That to me is hypocrisy I see time and time again on here.

You dated a robot bitch! Go make a dating profile and have more men than you can even talk to

Its more dependent on the mindset of two people involved as two broken individuals can build each other up. Both just have to be equally committed to doing so, which is rare.

>I don't think women can reach the same level of bitter nastiness and hypocrisy I see on here honestly.
Wew. Thats pretty god damn wrong. Its not a matter of which sex is shittier, people in general, regardless of sex or anything else, can be pretty fucking wretched.

>Jow Forums is all I have for social contact.
If your life is a shit as you think it is, then why not work to improve it? If you're not actively trying to change your life, you have no right to complain or mope around about it.

>Now I just don't leave my house except 3am food trips so I don't see as many people.

This is when you know you have a problem. Your internet induced fantasy reality is impairing your real life. Stop it.

ironic seeing as there are guys trying to get in contact with you in this thread

I would say it's even worse for shy guys. Shy girls are considered cute. Where as shy guys are considered creepy or a pussy. Also the role of making moves (especially the first) fucks shy guys even more while not really affecting women.

I online dated him until we had some shitty awkward meets for a time because we were both incapable of it. Totally counts. Besides the online dating world is skewed. Doesn't really mean much. You think they'd work out on knowing my real self. I'm no more capable of a relationship with them than anyone else.
I know I have a problem, good going.

I don't really know the steps to improve my situation though. I tried to get therapy but the mental health system here is a mess and it took over a year before I could get an appointment, then I was dropped for being too nervous too follow up the appointment. I go through periods of feeling like i might improve my life but then I'm back in the same situation soon after, every time I try and get back on my feet some shit happens. Most recently losing yet another job for being a freak

I've had robots contact me before, they eventually ghost me because I'm ugly and boring. And honestly I can't do one on one chat anymore than I can do real life chat. If the Internet was a real replacement for a social life we'd all be much happier

Because if I fucking do anything you'll scream rape then I'll be sent to jail and not be able to play Sonic!
You women are all demons! Demons sent up from hell to torture us men! But I see through your facade! You cannot fool me, you evil demon!

>no social interaction but Jow Forums

I don't even have the energy to go through this right now but simply put
If it's become this bad then leave

Jow Forums = toxic
Reddit = not so much

Forget your internet edgyboy/girl points and substitute 4ch for Reddit at least act like you want to give yourself a chance and stop wallowing in this cesspool

What's your Discord? If you're complaining about being ghosted, you're about to find someone who won't.

I'm obviously here because like everyone Ive given up and want to wallow.
>seriously suggesting Reddit tho

It's faunny2698

I can't promise I don't ghost myself though. Shit makes me anxious

You should be anxious, you're like a 9/10 when it comes to being insufferable

well if you want to be defeatist, then fine ignore the people who are willing to give you a chance. You'll never get over your social hurdles if you won't talk to people. Just think of it as practice conversations and there's no pressure because the two of you don't even know eachother irl, you can ghost him just as easily if you find its not working

In my opinion therapy is a fucking joke. How the hell is someone suppose to help you if they have no actual investment in you? Nothing beats family, friends, and pure will power if you're trying to sort you shit out.

You need to start forming good habits. Get yourself on a schedule and pull your god damn teeth out sticking to it. The repetition of doing basic shit like going to the gym, sleeping at decent hours, and cooking meals will become routine and natural if you keep them up for a few weeks.

Honestly, reading some of your other posts, I can't help but feel you project your own feelings on to others, to some degree. The reality is I think you're probably just embittered with your own shortcomings and how they've effected your life. Seeing what we hate most about our selves in others is something that comes so naturally we don't consider it.

All relationships are transactions when you boil them down. What your personality brings to the table can easily tip the scales one way or another. Be mindful of how others perceive you, as it can tell you important details about yourself.

If you ghost then whatever. I don't take that shit personally.

You're acting as though I never admitted to having a shitty personality myself

What makes this one insufferable?

>make valid criticism
>she just text walls about how robots aren't good enough

Well that might be an option if I had family or friends. I also do have a routine but that doesn't make days less long and lonely. If what you're saying is so simple then would we even have half the posters here. I can't change who I am as much as I'd need to. I'm honestly tired of trying.

Not him but she implied a certain type of robot is insufferable. She's not wrong and I don't think I fall under that banner myself.

I think the hardest part about trying to interact with shy girls is if they even want you to. In an environment so fucking charged and ready to call you a rapist/sexual harasser by eve giving someone unwanted conversations, it's awkward to even try at this point.

Assuming you gave me the right name, it's sent.

Your life is so simple you shouldn't be here easy mode cunt. Fuck you retarded orbiters for validating this piece of shit, if this vapid wretch had a penis you wouldn't be helpful.

I work with a cute shy girl and here's why:

-seem unapproachable
-react hardly or in a weird way to things that help bonding with normal girls like jokes, help offers etc

most guys simply stop trying after they don't get any substantial reaction from the girl because it seems like she's uninterested, weird, or both

Because shy die

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Whatever man find any excuse you need to approve of her you're not getting laid

They are completely unapproachable. They purposefully make themselves look taken / busy / disinterested.

I'm confused as to what you know about my life.

It's not a contest user. There's always people who have it worse. It's not on us to assume and invalidate anyone who has problems

Obviously not. But you're just finding any excuse to shit on her, going as far as to make sweeping assumptions you really have no idea about because you can't contemplate anything but your own misery

All women can get guys, stop making up these stupid vague excuses as to why you're allowed to larp here about being lonely. You don't know shit about sadness, you find nothing but approval everywhere you go, I'm the worst thing that's happened to you in a while just disagreeing with you.

Its simple, not easy. Pulling yourself up out of the fucking gutter by yourself, with little to know external help is grueling. I know because I've been doing just that. At the start, everyday was a horrid grind felt like an unending nightmare, but it slowly got better.

You build your disciple up with routine, and fill what time you can spare by investing in hobbies or interests. Go out there and learn new skills, deepen your understanding of the world. As you do that it opens up a shit ton of opportunities to meet new people and learn more about yourself.

You can make all the excuse you want. You can rage at the world, and blame everything on how unfair life is. But that wont make things better. The horrifying truth is that you're responsible for yourself. Man the fuck up, grit your teeth, stop bitching, and actually put some effort into improving.

and meanwhile all you have to do is make some shitty thread and have several dudes take the bait yet you are still here complaining about being lonely. try imagining what it is like for your male equivalent