Being disfigured is a nightmare

Hello Jow Forums,

You guys often talk about your life and how hard it is so... here's why I think being disfigured is an absolute nightmare :

- the way people look at you, like you're some kind of monster

- the way they talk to you in a very careful manner, as if you were some kind of dangerous beast

- having a hard time finding a job

- getting uglier and uglier as you get older

- being told by surgeons that they have done their best and won't do anything else, otherwise it might get worse

- children get scared when they see you

- praying every single day for things to go back to normal except that they never will

- never ever finding love, no matter how low my standards are

Nobody truly realizes how important it is to have your own face.

No matter how ugly you think you are. Atleast it's your face.

I would give anything to go back in time and prevent this...

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How bad is it OP? Is it as bad as that one marine? You know the one, no ears or nose?

No shit. Looks are everything, and only the looks that are beyond your control matter (genetics, disfigurement, disease etc.)

I'm very sorry about that

What origrinally happened?

Hey, hope youre doing well man, seriously

It's not as bad, but still bad enough to get stares and be naturally rejected by others

I was in a fire

Did the fire start cuz you were listening to Kendrick? AY AY AY ESKETIIIIT

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However surprising it may sound, I was not listening to Kendrick at that moment

there's people with kinks and all that shit

Good luck, Bacon Boy, I hope you find happiness in life.

If you speak truthfully OP, then I know all about the struggle you face. It's not easy, in actuality it's utterly hopeless, life that is. I'm dying slowly as I type this words

I don't think so...
Even if there were, I don't want to be with someone who likes me because I look like some monster from their favorite anime

Thanks, I don't think I will

I do speak truthfully

im not disfigured and have most of those issues too. welcome to life OP. At least you have an excuse unlike us who are just social failures and conventionally ugly

Yeah, but they're all men and I doubt OP is a faggot despite the fact that OP is always a faggot.

Serious disfiguring burns to the face are ropefuel. You are a true bot but you're in luck since all femoids love to show off how much they care, how generous they are etc. One might start a relationship for you (just for twitter points obviously) but don't feel bad -- foids do not have emotions (as in more complex than pain, pleasure and sadness) anyway.
I will pray for you tonight. Bless you.

>Even if there were, I don't want to be with someone who likes me because I look like some monster from their favorite anime
I do not understand this mentality at all. If you look extraordinarily unique, why not go for people who have a fetish for the way you look? The VAST majority of relationships start based on physical attraction, that would be no different. Seems to me that people who say shit like that are just shutting themselves off from happiness. I see the same line from short men who refuse to date taller women, trannies who don't want to be with "chasers", and now apparently burn victims who won't even consider being with a hypothetical person who actually likes them for how they look.
Look, dude, I get you want to be normal. But you're not. Accept it. You're going to have a shit life, but it will be better if you don't spend all of your time thinking about impossible ways you could be different. If you want to stay trapped in self-pitying fantasies just kill yourself, honestly.

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Presentation counts for a lot! But kind of true

brutal black pill
thank you
very cool

How many people would consider their prayers answered were they in your position?

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I don't mind if someone likes the way I look, if that's what you mean by "having a fetish"

However if someone has a sick fetish and sees me as some kind of monster, then that's simply not for me. I'm not fond of people with sick fetishes

Anyway, I don't think anyone has a thing for burn victims so it doesn't even really matter

What's the extent of your issue .. ??

Do you just have some funny colored skin?

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Funny colored skin that's got a weird texture to it, kind of looks like a melted candle
I can't be out in the sun, my lips are constantly dry etc etc...

I feel sorry for you OP, I really do