This is why we have inceIs

This is why we have inceIs

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this is you OP, this is what you look like. This is why do the things you do

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>prefer doesn't mean they'll only date a man who's taller than average, just that they find him more attractive
>32% of men are 5'8" or under, so this would account for a very little part of men being unable to find a girlfriend

5'9, have a good face and workout so I have a greek god body

literally never been an issue for me

basically don't be ugly, and don't be unattractive

and most men prefer big, perky boobs and a fit body

what's your point

I'm 5'6, no working out will ever be enough to compensate.

>27% of women don't prefer men over 5'9"
>32% of men are smaller than 5'9"
OP is part of the magic 5 %

>very little part of men

yeah and guys prefer stacie models and are hypocrites

depends how ugly your face is

but the 27% are much higher quality than the 73% so it works out in the end

>tfw your 5'10"
Manlets btfo

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>32% of men are shorter than 5'9"
>only 27% of women are willing to date men shorter than 5'9"
>thats 7 million men

I can't work out my face either.

32% of men don't fit into the preference of 73% of women, so 28% of women don't care/prefer shorter than 5'9".
This means that there's a 5% discrepancy between men's height and women's preferences for height.

Just buy some of those shoes that add inches

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They prefer it. Most just want a guy taller than them though, and if you're smaller than the average women then honestly she's not really the one at fault and you should find something to overcome your flaw like many people do. Instead of bitterly stewing

That's not what the OP said. It said "prefer a man taller than 5'9".
I prefer tall guys, my ideal husband would be around 6'2 or 6'3".
I dated just one guy taller than 5'8".

>workout so I have a greek god body

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this manlet has a terrible body, and terrible muscle insertions

look at the statue of david for example, if that kind of body was on a 5'8 frame then most girls would still find it jaw dropping

this manlet also has a higher fat % than connor, this is a terrible comparison

Look at her face and tell me she would date a 5'2" monkey-boy.

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95% of guys prefer a woman that isnt a whale..

even if i was 4'11 i wouldnt fuck that

10/10 argument, your logic could never fail.

Even if the manlet had the same body, he'd still look like a overcompensating child.

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Weight can be changed. Height can't.
Shit analogy brainlet

this guy looks like he's 4'11

obviously at some height theres not much you can do unless you find a midget femlet that somehow doesn't have a fetish for 7' giants

but at 5'9 you're fucking fine and if you have a good body + decent face you are still in the top 10-20% of men

people are fucking ugly and out of shape

Keep deluding yourself manlet.
As long as you sleep better at night

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>5'9 feet
>175 centimeters
>There are people who have gone through puberty and are still shorter than that.
>Didn't you like have food when you were growing up?

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I like tall men because they make me feel safe

The person who keeps making these imagines really needs to get his life together.

I don't know what's more pathetic: making those crappy images to feel better about yourself or being a manlet?

You're just proving his point lol. A man will never be able to hold down a stable marriage or relationship with a woman lusting after the hundreds of taller men in her environment.

This is why I like absolutely hot stunning perfect tited and assed women. They make me feel safe.


i like women with curves, big ass, big boobs because they make me feel gud

The manlet in this webm is 5'3-5'5

tfw 6'1
see you later, manlets

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What? I literally dated mostly short guys, how am I proving his point?
I prefer tall guys, but short guys are alright too. I never dumped a short guy for a tall one or anything like that.

always nice to see some pure retardation to remind us normies ain't shit.

B-BUT a woman doesn't need any of that to make you sexually feel good?! It's almost as if the very idea is completely superficial!

This proves women's brains are still in the cave ages. Yeah, a tall lanky guy that has never been in a fight or has done any resistance training definitely makes a cunt feel more safe than a shorter guy who has.

>tfw exactly 5'9 but long legs and skinny so I look even more like a weak faggot instead of having a nice V shape
5'8 is the average height of girls in my country, so I'm pretty much literally overlooked when it comes to finding a partner.

The difference in how a man would have made this post is: I have dated girls with small boobs but I am dating one with big so I guess you're right.
I prefer big boobs, but small ones are alright too. I never dumped a small boobs girl for a big one or anything like that.

They legit look like father and son.

Manlets look like children.

>I literally dated mostly short guys
How short

Manlets are basically like children in a womans eyes, you'll just be her beta provider that keeps her bills paid and financially secure.

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Why do you keep posting this same shitty bait thread? How tall are you?

Who cares. They're both normies and both detestable.

That also includes you. Get out fucko

So if you're a tall, a woman will be paying another man's bills and keeping them financially secure or something? That doesn't make much sense.

Can't wait until full body immersion VR is a thing, then none of this will matter.

I'm 5'3'' and I've had several girlfriends. I just work out to stay in shape. I'm also pretty ugly by my own judgment (bad teeth, glasses, bad facial hair, shitskin). The couple of girls I've dated long term have all been qt blondes, dated homecoming queen in HS, dated a really hot girl for a couple of years in college. Talking to like 4 girls right now. My height has definitely shut me out from the majority of women, but there are still some that will date, you just have to be likable.

No, I didn't. I was cripplingly poor during my early-mid teens and my parents neglected me. I ate an average of probably 800cal a day, and most of that was cheap, low-nutrition food. It's a wonder I even made it to 5'6" desu.

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> I never dumped a short guy for a tall one or anything like that.

So you're married to a short guy and literally have already died of old age? If you marry a taller guy it means you dumped all the short guys in your past to eventually get with a tall guy. There's no way around this fact.

No, she'll be rawly sexually attracted to her provider instead of just using him for cash/stability and getting a baby put in her by a taller man to pass off as their child.

And if she marries a short guy it means she has dumped all tall guys in her past. There's no way around this fact.

The only women manlets can get are single moms. She'll only be thinking about her kid, who by the way, will be taller than you by the time they reach 12. The tall chad that fucked her most definitely will not ever pay child support, and she's okay with that, because he was tall and cool.

Look on the bright side. Atleast you'll get some women attention even if they dont care to fuck you or really be around you much.

This is just the cycle of life.
Short men take care of tall men's babies.
They do not breed, as that would upset the gene pool.

height (and muscles) is useless if youre ugly

t. 191cm 23yo kissless virgin

From 5'5 to 5'8". I never got asked out by someone under 5'5".

>If you marry a taller guy it means you dumped all the short guys in your past to eventually get with a tall guy. There's no way around this fact.
Do you think that the only way a relationship ends is when a girl meets another guy and she dumps the first one for the second?

My last ex cheated on me and we broke up. After a year, I met the guy I'm dating, who's the tall one. I never broke up with one guy to date another one.
I dated other 3 guys, they were all pretty short.

Nice to know that I'm part of the percentage of throwaway men.

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why would he even put himself into this situation?

Why not? She's a 9/10 qt

How tall is 5 9 in the metric system?

28% of women don't have a preference or have one for short men, 32% of men are 5'8" or shorter.
There is a small % (around 5%) where it doesn't overlap, but then again it's a preference and not a "I'm only willing to date tall men".
I'm one of those who prefer tall men, but most of the guys I dated are short.

175 cm, I believe. You should google tho, fag.

Dude was probably minding his business trying to talk to the girl, and Chad came out of nowhere and blew him the fuck out.

>99% prefer a guy that has more than 100 million networth
yeah i don't think that's why we have incels buddy

Well I'm lucky then I'm 1m90, and no I won't make the conversion, you can keep your monkey system you're the only one in the world to use.

Honestly who cares? You don't need a woman to be happy in life. Divorces rates are nearly 60% so clearly people are shit at picking partners regardless of height.

>27% of women don't prefer men over 5'9"
>32% of men are smaller than 5'9"

The original graphic says that women prefer men taller than 5'9". That means that 5'9" men are included in the group that isn't preferred.

So the percentage is not 32%. It's 47%.

73% of women don't want anything to do with approximately half of all men.

Thanks for trying to make me feel better but no matter what I do I will always be a B grade man, at best, and chad on a bad day is a A- at worst.

Divorce rates are steadily decreasing since the 80s.

>73% of men prefer lighter then 150 lbs

If you think of yourself like that, yes, you'll always suck.
Your height doesn't determine your worth as a man.

Why does everyone believe this obvious bullshit number?

all the vaginas my 5'9" dick was in dont count as real vaginas because im not an awkward dyel lanklet

Umm... My guy. That's connor murphy and he's just 6'4. The manlet in that webm is shorter than the girl who looks about 5'4. You figure the rest. He's around 5'2 or so.

Less people are getting married, and the ones that do get married do it much older than before.

Whore whore everywhere

Yes. That doesn't disprove that divorce rates are going down and down.

I really don't care if it's true or not. I already know generally most women prefer tall men. Even if the woman is 5'0 and I'm fucking 5'7, they'll still prefer someone stupidly towering above them at 6'3 or something.

Nothing you can do about it and it's honestly a waste of time even thinking about. Dwelling on things you have 0 control over is cancerous.

Women preferring tall men is a meme. Even the ones who say they want a tall man will end up with a short man who pushes her buttons right.

I mean it kind of hurts their significance

Life is only worth living if you're a woman or a good looking male. Anything else is just a waste of time

>Even the ones who say they want a tall man will end up with a short man
Yeah because all the tall men are taken at an early age and she can't get anyone else. Doesn't have much choice.

I want you all to imagine being me.
Being 5'11. Most girls being taller than you. In the tallest country in the entire world. There is no greater pain. And don't even mention the men. Most guys in the NBA are from my part of the world(unless they are black)

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The only short men that have a chance fall into three categories, rich fags, beta fags, and dudes with very good looking faces. If you are not one of those three then you have no chance, but becoming the beta fag provider is always an option.

>tfw 6'4"

All of you are manlets

Wealth > Height > Looks > Weight

Being wealthy overrides height, looks and weight.
Being tall overrides looks and weight.
Looking good overrides weight.
Weight is the last thing that factors anything.

This means you can be disgustingly fat and tall, and still have a better chance at finding a woman than a guy who is short and looks good, because height is > looks & weight.

This also means you can be disgustingly fat, short and ugly but if you're wealthy you'll have a better chance at finding a woman than a guy who is tall and looks good.

This chain is an unbreakable bond that women cannot refute.

I dated a 5'6", average looking, broke guy.
He never had issues finding girls before or after dating me.

Blackest of pills right here


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There are always outliers and exceptions to the rule, but without a doubt the chain speaks for majority.

Which country in the dinaric alps do you live in?

Its ok OP, you just need to relax and be the bigger man

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Absolutely and unequivocally false. I am 6'4 but I'm ugly, so I get no poon, while my 5'6" friend with a jawline carved from marble is far more successful.

(Before you call me a LARPing manlet, this is 100% true.)

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how come you guys are so obsessed with height?

i'm 5'8 but never had any serious problems...

>all the tall men are taken at an early age
Surely you have something to back this up, and aren't just pulling it out of your ass. Go ahead.

>I am 6'4 but I'm ugly, so I get no poon
I don't know what the fuck you're doing then. You probably aren't trying remotely at all. I mean you have to put in at least a minimal effort so women know you exist.

I'm sure most women simply think you're already taken since you're tall. A misunderstanding my tall friend.

Stupd lying lanklet virgin. In no country are most girls taller than 5'11". Do you expect someone to take your weak bait?

Tfw when 5 foot 10 :-)

>how come you guys are so obsessed with height?
>obsessed with height

Women being obsessed with needing tall guys for 'safety'(you realize people have guns today right) in turn forces guys to be insecure about their own height.

Looks over height, always. That's why ugly tall guys are all virgins, and good looking short guys are the biggest pussy slayers. And statistics say shorter guys are better looking on average, so that explains why there are so many tall virgins.