What does a roastie see in a beta male like this?
they got married before he got big so stfu about money and shit
What does a roastie see in a beta male like this?
they got married before he got big so stfu about money and shit
>they got married before he got big so stfu about money and shit
Investment. It paid off.
>What does a roastie see in a beta male like this?
Height. That's it. Manlets are true robots.
He's actually good looking.
well some women have a manchild fetish I guess
the absolute levels of cope
>Sperging your jealousy of Ninja on the internet
Go back to r/Livestreamfail
she is not particularly model-tier other sometimes people just like eachother yknow?
that guys makes millions a year playing video games all day
He's literally living our dream
she's jewish and he's white
I though this guy died of ligma?
Ninja is cryptobased
>tall, slim, blue eyes
nerd chad
>beta male
clearly you don't know shit about him, he was in the military and would fuck your shit up buddy
that dude is minimum a 7. 7.5-8 more likely
plus, you know, the fame and money
they look pretty looksmatched imo but i wouldn't be surprised if either of them cheat within a year
Is he that Fortnite streamer? Kinda cool that you can make it from your own bedroom nowadays
He needs to go back to natural hair color desu
>He earns over $500,000 per month from streaming Fortnite
Capitalists and libertarians will defend this
Does he? Fucking hell he got lucky as fuck. Is he the best in the world at it or something?
Girls don't like slim guys. Tall on the other hand is the reason she's with him.
fuck off OP, ninja is /ourguy/ and does not associate with thots.
yes he actually is one of the best players in the world
He is not forcing people to watch him so he is meeting a market demand. If you want a slice of the pie, compete and do better than him
my niggas he is only 6'1". That's well within average range for 20-somethings in most developed countries nowadays.
>Drug dealers make millions
>They fill a piece of the market so it's OK :)
Liberturdians thinking people will choose what's best for them if given the chance. Yet we see time and time again, for all of humanity they decay into despair. Legalizing it doesn't help.
Robots are mainly tall skellies. Few virgins are under 6'.
how tall are you, manlet? thought so
im also 6'1 and my height shouldn't even matter. 6'1 is not tall.
yeah right i bet youre 5'6 you manlet truthlet
>he is only 6'1"
>only 6'1"
I'm 5'6
yep, too much freedom is bad
shit makes almost exactly what I make it the stock market per month.
???????? he wipes his ass with 500,000
he makes 1 mil+ a month easily
500k if you count just the subs, what about the sponsorships/ads/yt channel/deals with epic/other companies
>Comparing normies watching a nerd stream a shitty video game to buying drugs
State of authoritarians
why do you guys hate money? just create youtube channels that pander to the little kid/zoomer demographic
He's not that bad looking, she's not that good looking. A wellformed chin is literally like 5/10 of the male aesthetic, almost impossible to be below average with it.
at least they have a state
>never had a gf at almost 20 years old now
Height does not really help you. The only women who comment on my height are the old ladies at my church who ask every sunday if I got taller.
>in most developed countries nowadays.
More like in developing* countries.
He's the type of guy who goes "clubbing" and fucking dances while he's there.
>has a lot of chad like friends
>good face
>probably one of those "class clown" type of chad
I've seen these type of guys and even if they're trailer trash, they always get married and have gf. One more this is that he's probably not stupid and has personality.
6' 1" is taller than 90% of men in the US, and 80+% of 20 something men in the US. Its far from average. That's like calling a person who is 8/10 an average person.