Videogames are 100% cucked and 100% bluepilled

Videogames are 100% cucked and 100% bluepilled.

Think about all the effort you pour into them. Hour after hour. Day after day. Now imagine if you dedicated all of those hundreds of hours to self improvement. Think about how much of a better person you would be if you spent 100 hours working out or reading great literature or developing an artistic skill instead of playing the next White Male Holocaust Simulator or 2D Girlfriend RPG. These things simulate the feeling of power for you so you never have to go out into the world and challenge yourself to get the real thing.

You'll never lead the life you want if you continue to play the Interactive Jew.

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>self improvement
I'm at my peak you stupid cunt. I'm not meant to have a job, friends, gf

Don't worry, I don't even have the energy to play videogames.

>You shouldn't do whatever you want with your life, you should do something else!

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>Self improvement 4 da gurlz

Fuck off

I just want to play videogames, both Jow Forums and SJW kindly fuck off please

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Yes you are right although occasionally gaming is fine, just like watching a movie from time to time.

But, another aspect is that normies waste a lot of time too, just imagine all roasties watching the Kardashian show etc. People in general really waste their time on stupid shit

yes that's exactly what i'm saying you fucking hedonist retard

What do you know about other peoples life you raging Jow Forumstard

Someone needs to put screaming wojak or blade runner on that dude.

lol jesus christ is that the real cover art? so forced and cringe

>check steam
>1.3 hours logged november
I guess I could have gone to the gym

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>he thinks being ruled by his desires is freedom

You'll come to understand the sadness of this perspective one day. By then however you will probably be too far gone and your only way out will be a noose.

Oh fuck off you pretentious little twat. You're ruled by self desire just as much as anyone, you're not striving for some higher ideal you fucking faggot, you're wasting your time on Jow Forums

>being ruled by immediate desires
>being ruled by long-term desire

>being free of desire

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>following literal cuckoldry:the religioning in 2019

i haven't paid attention to video games for several years and genuinely do not know if this cover is real or not

they're a complete waste of time. you shouldn't have to be told this. stop propping up this degenerate industry

>100 hours working out
become a soulless Jow Forums husk who spends all his money on protein and trying to get people to notice him

>100 hours reading great literature
become a soulless /lit/ pretentious faggot who gets his daily dopamine from telling people about how deep camus is

>100 hours developing an artistic skill
yeah just develop an artistic skill bro even if you show no artistry whatsoever just like start drawing for hours and hours and maybe you'll be good enough to rank somewhere among the hundred thousand patreon hentai artists who work for pennies a commission

normalfag advice is legitimately brain dead copypasted mindsoup, i dont even think you idiots consider for a tiny fucking second the actual consequences of your "bro just go outside lmao stop playing vidya" shit tier advice.

>muh self improvement
Christ give it a rest already

Imageboards are 100% cucked and 100% bluepilled.

Think about all the effort you pour into them. Hour after hour. Day after day. Now imagine if you dedicated all of those hundreds of hours to self improvement. Think about how much of a better person you would be if you spent 100 hours working out or reading great literature or developing an artistic skill instead of screaming about white power and self-improvement on Jow Forums. These things simulate the feeling of power for you so you never have to go out into the world and challenge yourself to get the real thing.

You'll never lead the life you want if you continue to post on the Website Jew

but user he didn't post a picture of christ

Shhhhh your speaking to much truth

You cant be cucked if you dont have a woman. If you feel shame from being cucked, it is only because you desire to be powerful and in control. This is a problem that exists purely in the realm of lust and vanity.

I MIGHT listen to your advice if you were a successful high-flyer Chad with a happy relationship, a healthy lifestyle, a well-rounded set of hobbies, and great intellect. But you're not. You're on a board for those who have hit the end on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum. You clearly are not one to take advice from, so why don't you fuck off and let people waste their lives how they want to.

Reddit shithead



Pretentious retard with no arguments
Post here again when you turn 18

>jesus chad christ
>whips the shit out of the moneylenders
>virgin buddha
>eh meh bleh

> You'll never lead the life you want if you continue to play the Interactive Jew.
The life I want is playing videogames while doing bare minimum for survival. Doing just fine. Fags like you were preaching to me about how I am wrong and will regret it since I was 12. Am 25, still not a semblance of regret.

>he thinks being ruled by his desires is freedom
pretty much all of our actions are formed by desire, if this was your attempt at sounding intelligent and deep you did an awful job.

>the biggest example of manliness that christcucks always go to is ALWAYS the one time he flips over some tables and lectures a few kikes

Meanwhile Muhammed conquers entire swaths of land and beheads 1000 jews

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I love how the fags that spew the BS about us being degenerates are the biggest hedonists of them all

They wanna get fit to slay pussy (lust) and climb up the social ladder and be alpha. Also set on being rich (materialism)

If anything doing what user says is the most woke thing you can do

I don't remember him being the literal Son of God though. If we're going to post conquerors, colonizers and spreaders of civilization, Christianity is pretty much the winner by default.

Think how much better a person you could have made yourself in the time it took you to write this post and read all of the other posts in this thread.

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Ubisoft is just as dumb as EA/Dice

based and blackpilled

vidya are a good way to revert back to our pre-history in which violence and adventure were our ways of life. modern civilization is a hyper-intellectualized joke.

>Improving your health, intelligence, or ability to express emotion is on par with improving your ability to play games
Want to know why you're an incel?

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>implying getting fit is done for your health and not to show off
>implying reading classic fiction increases your actual intelligence and not just your pretentiousness
>implying your ability to express emotion is increased by drawing anime

Want to know why you're a brainlet?

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>implying getting fit is done for your health and not to show off
Most people do it because it feels nice, makes them feel good, and know it's good for them. Yes if you're destroying your muscles and joints doing powerlifting you're just doing it to show off, but most people are not body builders.

>implying reading classic fiction increases your actual intelligence and not just your pretentiousness
Classic fiction may as well have been philosophical essays with stories attached, especially stuff from the 18th and 19th centuries.
Novels like Les Miserables literally have chapters that are just essays on relevant topics of the period.

>implying your ability to express emotion is increased by drawing anime
Seeing as art is human expression, yes.

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>Most people do it because it feels nice

Wow it's almost like everyone does things because they feel nice, including... playing... huh

>Classic fiction may as well have been philosophical essays with stories attached

Imagine actually believing this shit and thinking it increases your intelligence

>Seeing as art is human expression, yes.

Lemme make a work of art right now by expressing how much of a faggot normal you are

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>improving your intelligence
The type of person that believes this is possible is also the type of person that desperately needs it.

>Wow it's almost like everyone does things because they feel nice, including... playing... huh
Just because something feels nice doesn't mean it's beneficial. Heroin is a great example.

>Imagine actually believing this shit and thinking it increases your intelligence
Yes, becoming aware of different ways of thinking will make you "smarter". Do you think Einstein knew anything when he was a baby?
Without exposing yourself to new information and new ideas it doesn't matter how high of an IQ you have.

>Lemme make a work of art right now by expressing how much of a faggot normal you are
Wasting your time on video games is fine, but it's not really beneficial. That's all OP was saying.
Yes normalfags like to talk about how if you just did X you'd be Y and "succesful". Yes that's a retarded opinion to have, but no they aren't entirely wrong. People here would likely feel a lot better if they actually accomplished something tangible, myself included.

>Videogames are 100% cucked and 100% bluepilled.
Nope. You are.

Intelligence is how well you relate information. If you don't actually have any information because everything you know comes from the Internet and video games, then you're not going to be considered "smart" by pretty much anyone.

hey man it's not just gurlz on the line now, we gotta improve for the future of the whyte race and le western civilization

Even if you're right what's the point of being smart? Isn't that a purely vain pursuit if it won't positively affect the world? It's just vain hedonism rather than simple hedonism like vidya.

It makes things easier and more interesting desu. It also helps with depression a bit imo, but it doesn't really do much to fix it.
You don't necessarily have to read classical literature. Just watch youtube channels that have GOOD content like History Guy.
After years of lazily learning new information, you'll start to see benefits. I did at least.

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I no longer play games because I got bored of the same fucking thing over and over again.
It's the same rehashed shit over the shoulder POV, combat has slow motion option for "MORE BRUTAL", "FUCKING AWESOME" automated combos.
Now everything is busy work and MUH STORY AND DIALOGUE and quirky side characters.

>you're not going to be considered "smart"
So it really just is about being a pretentious faggot. kek.

No, it's about being knowledgeable. Even if you have a low IQ you're better off knowing more than knowing less.

knowledge is only relevant when you use it

You're absolutely right. You can't use it if you don't have it, so the more you have the more you can use.
Just because there's a bunch of know nothing smug college kiddies pretending their geniuses doesn't mean you should disregard knowledge for the sake of knowledge.
It's useful without being used as social flair.

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no, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is useless. no matter how many novels you read, they're all worthless unless they impact your life somehow. no matter how much you bench and squat, your strength is worthless unless you put it to use other than gaining more muscle. no matter how good you are at art, your skills are gonna be worthless if you never use them to express yourself to others.

self improvement for the sake of self improvement is the most egotistical thing imaginable

You eventually have to go outside your room. Preparing for that helps immensely.

going outside does not necessarily imply any of the things mentioned, you can be a selfish faggot even when sorrounded by people

>all these retards saying 'you just work out because you want to like I want to play videogames'

This is how I know you have never worked hard for anything in your life. I do not want to go to the gym. I do not like going to the gym. Its awkward, uncomfortable and painful. I do it anyway because its good for me. I do it because thats how I get stronger. Thats how my mood improves. Trust me, I would rather stay at home and drink soda and eat chips and play RDR2 but I dont because that way lies ruin. That is a waste of a life. I would rather read comic books than read Kant. I read Kamt because the brain is a muscle and needs to be excercised. Excercise is painful. No one really enjoys the pain. What we enjoy is the progress. Ee enjoy overcoming the pain. We dont want to, we have to.

You've never done anything even close to this in your life. It is literally impossible for you to undrrstand a world view not driven by desire. For that I pity you.

peak pretentiousness

Le sophisticated intellectual gentleman. When you get a little older and less insecure, you will realize that as long as you have balance, there is nothing wrong with occasional self-indulgence. You are free to live how you want, but it doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else. If you can't grasp this, then all the philosophy in the world is lost on you.

I don't need to improve I'm already perfect.



*Modern videogames are 100% cucked and 100% bluepilled.

This last gen has been the worst gen by far.

>No, it's about being knowledgeable
You could have said that, but instead chose to make a point about other's perceptions of one. You betrayed your true intentions faggot.

Remember how we told sjws to not get offended by trivial shit that doesn't mean anything?

Yeah this is one of those things.

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ITT retards get mad at a probable larper and for some reason they care so much about what one random anonymous internet person thinks about how they spend their free time they feel like they have to defend themselves

Seriously, what are you guys doing?

yeah i'm sure you don't care so much that's why you came into this thread and made your little post showing us all how you, like, totally don't care man

Retard gets mad that another random anonymous person on the internet criticizes retards getting mad that a random anonymous person on the internet thinks something they do is stupid

Yeah, current gen video games don't appeal to me in the slightest. I'm still stuck on every video game generation from before PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. Like says, it's all the same boring, cliche shit now.

Jow Forums is 100% cucked and bluepilled.

Think about the time your into browsing this board. Hour after hour. Day after day. Now imagine if you dedicated all of those hundreds of hours to self improvement. Think about how much of a better person you would be if you spent 100 hours working out or reading great literature or developing an artistic skill instead of refreshing your browser for (you)s or waiting for the next waifu claim thread. These things simulate your desires for knowledge stimulation instead of challenging you to go out into the world and challenge yourself to get the real thing.

You'll never lead the life you want if you continue to browse online imagejews.

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lmao look at these losers discussing things on a discussion board

Taking bait on a """discussion""" board

Holy fucking shit is this real? This is the most on-the-nose, lazy, "fellow kids" shit I've ever seen. Honestly, kudos to Ubi for officially just giving up

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>That is a waste of a life.
And meaningless busywork isn't? I mean if you're really so dumb that you can convince yourself you're doing something when you're increasing your "stats" that you post on a board filled with gays and virgins, more power to you, but anyone with an IQ above 110 will not be satisfied with that.

ITT: poltards who didn't even google the name
The niggers ARE the villains in this game. If you redditors would bother googling you'd know that.

>teacupping that 1911

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>t. online test
inb4 you got it tested by mensa

How is having ghetto whore looking nigresses on the cover "fellow kids shit". Is that what the kids are into these days?

therefore you should be better than normie and ascend to godhood
it's a nice feeling, come join us

Not really but it's what the super vocal leftis minority (that controls contemporary pop culture) think kids are into, thankfully they are alienating their customer base and soon will stop making shit like this due to poor sales. (even though they don't think they are shooting themselves in the foot)

I doubt that black people alone can support games, in order to succeed games need wide appeal, they can't pander to a tiny subgroup that's is known for being poor and under privileged.

Where the fuck else is he supposed to get it tested. I assume you think mensa is an online iq test. Its an organization you moron. They have face to face iq tests.

vill I ver slpash te qt?

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>i assume you th
Retarded speculation not backed up by anything i said that you pulled out of your arse lole
>where the fuck else is he supposed to get it tested
>they have face to face iq tests

>Videogames are 100% cucked and 100% bluepilled.
Brutal Doom with Doomguy's voice turned off, the saturation turned down and the contrast turned up is blackpilled as fuck. Play it with some drone metal and hit the wall of despair.

>video games
lmao desu

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>I doubt that black people alone can support games, in order to succeed games need wide appeal, they can't pander to a tiny subgroup that's is known for being poor and under privileged.
The black people are the villains in this game. They made the cover art edgy so the alt right would obsess over it. Eventually you'll all buy it out of curiosity.

The left sure can't meme but they sure can make all the video games and movies.

You Jow Forumslacks need to get out of the basement and make your own games/movies that support your beliefs and ideologies.

>reading Kant

Get a load of this brainlet.

>they sure can make all the video games and movies
Because the (((industry))) panders to them. You can't be right wing and be successful anymore, (((they))) won't allow it.

Shut the fuck up, the internet exists and you can become popular without Jewish intervention. You're just a lazy, talentless armchair political scientist. The fact you given up and accept that means the Jew's mind games are working and you have too much self-doubt to even try if you had a good idea for a movie, video game, book. If generation Z(ylok) is so right winged and the red wave is coming and Trump is tricking it to the globalist jews then you have nothing to worry about because that means that every moderate NPC normie will begin to think right winged.

>dumb black and white low iq broad brush ideology

yup that's a Jow Forums cultist

>this game

jesus fucking christ I thought this picture was a joke

it is, r-right?

I am not talking about hedonism, I am talking about living your own life. Do what YOU want to do, all things considered. Not what others or society expects or demands from you.

And while long-term thinking is a good thing, it is also important to live in the present moment and enjoy yourself here and now. Balance, my friend.

It's not about being ruled by creature comforts, it's about choosing your own path.

Also, fwiw, there is nothing wrong with suicide. That too is to choose your own path in life, saying "I do not want to do this anymore", and acting accordingly.

But I doubt that a true NPC will ever understand the concept of self-agency and autonomy.

You are not happy, so you do not inspire others. The people who really inspire us are those who are doing their own thing and who do not care about "obligations" and "musts" and "what is maximally healthy" or whatever else responsibility you have deluded yourself into thinking is a metaphysical must in life.

It is a much more rewarding spiritual life to follow your heart and life your life in your 20s to the max, than to life the life of a healthy nut until you are 94.

Quality > Quantity.

I know that NPCs can't really be argued with, so this should be understood more as a response to the lurkers, rather than to you all personally. I am well aware that reason can not reach you.

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The only emotions I have to express are hatred and regret.

thought thread would be moderately ok and present an argument but it was a let down at least i have games

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>he doesn't enjoy going to the gym
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit.

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hmm.. supposed what i want in life is to shoot down aliens and protect the planet from these so called "invaders"..

yes it is impossible and it is something i can only do in simulations such as videogames..
because i cant find no aliens,
should i be fishing for squids then??..

however i see your point that playing these simulations are distracting me from real life..
i agree that it is not healthy..
would you rather live a fake life or not live at all??..

I'm glad white males aren't the bad guys again. Doesn't seem like a bad title to me.

>I do not like going to the gym. Its awkward, uncomfortable and painful.
Fatboy here. I know that feel somewhat. Once I'm in the gym I love it but the act of actually going there, getting up and getting on the train and taking 1-2 hours away from something that might be more productive(school work, etc) makes me not want to do it. I hate going there and leaving but the middle part of being there is top tier. There has only been one or two days where I legitimately was so fucked up that I couldn't muster the energy to workout.

Tea-cupping is when you place your support hand under the grip. She's holding it one-handed.

Please stop pretending to know shit about guns, it's embarrassing.

t. Jow Forums

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