
24 days and 8 hours until the start of 2019 edition

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what do about depression induced nostalgia

I got banned for 3 days for my fuck niggers and fuck Muslims post kek

>stepped into a puddle about 10 cm deep and completely drenched my left foot
so lads, how's your day been?

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>brother and I have a in joke where we start singing Monorail song from The Simpsons
>person who finishes has to say 'Mono...' then hours later interrupt the other and say 'Doh!' like Homer in the episode
>did it today
>waited for 6 hours
>burst into brothers bedroom
>loudly said 'DOH!'
>he is bent over and his girlfriend is fingering his arse
>they look at me horrified

what do I do?
i just said 'you'll be given cushy jobs!' and slammed the door

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feeling particularly 'tfw no gf' today tbqh

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i'm worried that my anxiety will kick off and i will start to panic. absolute state of mee, i never used to be like this.

I get such a thrill out of making elaborate lies very convincing

literally shit like saying I've gone on a weekend away somewhere and faking photos.

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sort of know that feel, i enjoy lying to people in person but never do it here, i enjoy being able to be my pathetic self here

>bought suit this morning
>realised I can't afford suit
>now about to go back and return it
Wagies working the till are going to be mad. They were happy to have sold such an expensive suit today.

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i've been larping every few days or so on here. not a liar irl but here i just make up really mundane bullshit and bait people into arguments. sometimes i just start an argument and stop posting and let two other anons argue with eachother. i dont know why...

Next you'll be getting a letter through the door lol

I have exclusive wanked to BDSM porn for about the last 6 months now, normal vanilla porn doesn't do anything for anymore.

If I got with a girl in real life I'm not sure if I'd even be able to get hard at this point. The worst part is that I've been "attempting" NoFap for the last 2 years and have never gone longer than 14 days.

Porn addiction is real and it fucks up your brain.

I LARP about attending different unis so people think thare's a britfeeler near them.

same, I'm honest on here, but not to anyone else lel

its too easy to trick people here. The bait/larp is always obvious too like the lad yesterday that went on about girls bullying him at work

I am always economic with the truth and regularly bend the the truth, so its not a total lie and will be based in some sort of reality.

Sometimes you just need to take a step back and ask yourself "why the fuck am I spending my precious limited time on Earth in this way?"

I once had a girl at work tease me about looking at her feet. I was looking at the ground and she joked that I have a foot fetish. She asked if I wanted to touch her feet, or just stare

as always, just report it to HR

Sexual harassment in the work place. Notify HR and if they take inadequate action, sue them

shouldn't be allowed to even talk in a social capacity during working hours tbqh

yeah.. sure she did. that will be 50p in the larp jar kiddo

Reposting this in the fresh bread in case any lads having a paranoid meltdown. Sorry I'm late to the party.
>date is in November
>received letter this week
This letter is fake lads. Be conscious of what you post online, but don't turn into a paranoid wreck. I'm pretty sure this is the working of a seething American that was posting some small bait earlier, see

Wank over the girls you fancied in school

So are we not getting a 2018 britfeel december image

Don't think we deserve one lad desu

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday, I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate

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We watching telly tonight lads? Anything good on?


fresh 2018 edition

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wow it's even got snow and everything
thanks lad

>2 years later
Alri' Goku lad?

might just go to the GP to try and get treatment for cannabis withdrawl. I'm angry, can't sleep and getting nice headaches. The amount of tax I pay I should have the doctor licking my scrotum really, just found myself in a sticky one.

Mates got me smoking a little, then I found dealers, then a lot. Literally smash 5 bongs erry night, smoke 2 in the morning and usually 3-4 at night. 1 bong gets me buzzed not stoned. Been doing this for on and off 1 and a half years, though there was really only like 3 weeks break in that period.

Fuck cannabis, shite drug and it is addictive, just based bois and chavs who say it's not. Addictive(though only when you heavily use), pretty grim withdrawals I'm struggling with. Issue being I have a lot left too so temptation is too hot, smoked a lot last night and probably will smoke another now despite needing to be functional.

Need to off this shite ASAP, considering giving the stash away to mates.

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should social credit apply to under 18s?

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Your GP is not gonna tell you anything that the internet can't tell you regarding cannabis withdrawal. Just see it out, you'll be fine

>tfw no gf like this
Where do I find one lads?

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Mod and jannies are racist against miscegenationers

I've got an idea. everyone add a christmasy britfeel related image

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there is a rule that racism isn't allowed outside of /b/ to be fair

jesus fucking christ this is insane
thank fuck we aren't getting it here; could you imagine a progressive western government implementing it?
>post a pepe meme on twitter -50
>argue with a PoC -100
>wear a rainbow flag in public +40
>get an abortion +50
>be in an interracial relationship +150

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Who wrote that shitty weed "smoker" larp?

Is that Tim?

>Is that Tim?

Thats what you get you fucking google

>demonstration against the administration or corporations

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Not Christmassy but EU fedora lad deserves an honourable mention

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wont it just keep getting compressed and look more and more scuffed?

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is this actually a thing? looks like bull shit

alri lad original

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maybe but it will still get us all together to make something festive we can look back on

The word you are looking for is "rustic"

If people want to just keep plastering pictures on until the background is full, we can just add the words later on over the top of the images

it's a real thing that china is doing
just imagine how much more shitty it would be if our governments introduced it with their own twist

Fuck lad this had me in hysterics desu

Ntohingbetter than big tits in a small bra Wahey

at the local gay sauna


easy to game though just pretend you're trans and get infinite points


watched all 30 minutes yesterday lads, more you watch it the more you understand his own situation. he's a massive, totally functioning spaz. he works in KFC, has a girlfriend(which many of us here never have) yet he is still totally a potato. He is still thick as shit, has no judgement, can't talk very well and even looks like a total waterhead.

Poor guy though, if he goes to prison he'll be over but then again tbqh, he'd probably have lost his job anyway so he'll go back to the bottom of the barrel.

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>one of the most powerful countries is implementing something out of black mirror

jesus i dont want anything to do with this world if you are not having me on

lad I don't know what to tell you, it's a real thing that's been in the works for many years


how does someone like this even have a girlfriend?

jesus christ, I really have no excuse

>implement social credit
>chad and stacy will no longer pick on you
>people will behave in public
>no one shouting and screaming at each other at 3:30 in the morning because they're drunk

haha he's even got the humpty dumpty trousers

fucking hell. How is this even aloud? its like something out of a sci-fi plot. the leaders of china need hanging

-50points for aggression towards the administration

it's allowed because the leaders of china want it to be implemented
china is very authoritarian lad

>china is very authoritarian lad

knew they were bad like but never knew they were like this.

Soon the world will just be like Psycho Pass where even thinking about being degenerate will get you locked up.

no clue lad, just picked up she actually pops her head in and says he does NOT have mental issues, which is obviously false.

I suppose the girl could get cheap fried chicken? Maybe he's got a meaty sausage himself? Guess we need to leave it to the imagination.

Found the clip totally hilarious to start with but then found it unsettling. He looks so much like humpty it's surreal.

Evening lads.
Had a proper shit week, my boss kept taking the piss out of me, asked to talk to him on tuesday about it though. Was very uncomfortable.
How are you lids doing? Any movies you seen?

boss sounds like a chad though lol
but no I know the feel lad, not nice.
might watch football factory tbqh, looks wicked

I would fuck Munroe Bergdof no homo

Nah I wouldn't say he was a chad, basically I did something for him that he didn't want to do, then he kept taking the piss out of me for it. Feels like he was insecure about doing it, but I'm also insecure about it so it's half and half.

There was a point where everybody knew china was an awful place and treated their citizens like shit. Then they started to play ball with the capitalists in the west and surprise surprise they started getting a lot of favourable articles written about them and lots of positive press coverage; just think how many articles have you seen with titles along the lines of "[politician] is pushing china in the right direction"? That's not because they're actually improving china for the chinese, it's because they're the one who's most likely to engage with open trade with the west.

Big corporations have a huge influence on public opinion. When china didn't like to trade with the west public opinion of china was very low. Since they've started trading more and more your average person in the street has a much more favourable view of china, despite the average chinese person still being just as trodden on and treated like shit as they were before, arguably more so with the advent of digital surveillance. That's because multinationals know they can make huge profits with chinese markets so they want people to be more open to china in general which requires their opinion of it to be lightened up a bit, hence all the pro-china writing that's been consistently increasing over the last ten or so years.

There's a reason you're not hearing about the social credit system - they know that if people hear about it their opinion of china will drop and so their profits will be more tenuous to maintain as people boycott or demand they no longer trade with china or whatever.

That is, people aren't hearing about it until the governments over here decide they want a social credit system as well and they start pumping out pro-social credit shit to make people think it's a good idea.

>u got summat about feet?
I think the girlfriend probably claims carer allowance or takes any bennies he gets.

My balls are mad itchy today, lads. Anyone else Eve rget that?

really lad?
he looks fugly as hell and has obvious man face, they just plaster him in makeup and shop the pictures to make him look halfway passable
also look at the chest, he clearly has fucking horrendous bolt-on implants, some mr garrison looking tits

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Go to her instagram, she looks like a completely different person compared to this photo

>cannabis withdrawal

in tears at the state of you lad, gp isn't gonna give you shit, what can he prescribe for cannabis withdrawal?

Few tinnies to take the edge of

>brother and I have a in joke where we start singing Monorail song from The Simpsons
>person who finishes has to say 'Mono...' then hours later interrupt the other and say 'Doh!' like Homer in the episode
>did it today
>waited for 6 hours
>burst into brothers bedroom
>loudly said 'DOH!'
>he is bent over and his girlfriend is 50p deep in his larp jar
>they look at me horrified

its funny how the left always bang on about trump, the chinese government sounds way worse.

ladies have big nipples don't they lads

Normie "friend" just messaged me this out of the blue.

"I just had an Audio call with a girl i matched with from tinder lol. she was taking the piss out of me a lot cause she could tell i was nervous X'D (laughing crying emoji) Had some friends over so she said we'd talk more tomorrow.

Then sends me a pic of some average although slim looking woman.

He knows im a virgin, he knows i have no success with women, he knows I dont even want to try to date a woman, why send me this?

Is he going to tell me about every single girl he matches with on tinder? Like the story wasnt even interesting, they called eachother, he was noticably nervous. What the fuck do I have to do with any of this?

Fuck i hate normies so much

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Both are bad, but the Americans are our clear ally.

She's a model lad, instagram is basically her resume. The majority of those pics are taken by professionals with proper lighting, her in a centimetre of makeup and then photoshopped by a professional editor. Also she's a generic shitlib and half of the posts are annoying political nonsense, mostly about normalising a mental illness.

They hate Trump more than they hate the shit going on in china because Trump is white and (either implicitly or explicitly depending on how you want to see it) represents white people and their interest. The left is purely and simply anti-white at this point. Everything about their ideology, all nuance and substance and political agenda and praxis can be boiled down to:
>white = bad
>non-white = good
That's it, nothing more, nothing less.

Fucking love Christmas tbqh lads, absolutely comfy desu

I don't know lad, she still looks extremely passable even without photoshop


basically he's really really excited and wants to share it with people he gets on with. can be pretty shitty but he's probably quite impulsive with poor self control and self esteem.

Maybe he's trying to encourage you by showing comradary in that he expressed nervousness too.

that's what normies do, they talk about girls, stop being so autistic. He isn't tryna rub it in your face mate

This is sad, but I've just realised that talking to half-decent looking girl over the phone would also be a terrifying experience for me.

That's how pathetic I've become

Lads need to think of birthday gifts for my older brother (27) and my younger sister (20).
He's a bit of a manchild archetypal reddit user and she's a lesbian.

dildo for both then

Get them both a buttplug

50 social credits each

he is though really
he wants to make himself feel better than you.

This is tried and tested, and then in the future take up cannabis again to deal with being an alcoholic

fuckin hell lads just turned on Pointless and one of the pairs is a manlet and his tall gf

>manchild archetypal reddit user
nintendo switch
don't know