Has anyone have one of these electric shavers...

Has anyone have one of these electric shavers? Do you need to change the 'round razor blades' (I dont know how they are called) from time to time? I never had a father that teaches me these things feels fucking bad man.

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I have one of those. Never changed anything on it but I clean it thoroughly before using it every time. Mine is waterproof so I use it while showering.

i cant even use those things, they get me horrible razor burn

they hurt that much? fuck i wanted one but now i dont know.. i think its better than this shit isnt it?

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Those things are fucking horrible and rip your hair out more than they actually cut it. Get yourself a double edged safety razor, a pack of 100 blades for less than $10, a stick of shaving soap and a little shaving bowl and brush. Way cheaper in the long run, much smoother and a much closer shave.

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dunno I've never had issues with either circular or normal razors

>shaving your beard

It's a pretty good idea to change out the blades at least once a year or you can get some pretty nasty razor burn with the dull cut. If you have sensitive skin buy some lotion to apply before and after you shave.

no razors are better.


>having a beard

>get enough hair for people to notice but not enough to grow a beard

I think i will go with that thing, I like the idea of the shaving soap and the little shaving bowl also dont ask me why but i was thinking razor blades were so much expensive.
>beard in 2019 like: bro.. look at this dud

This. Savety Razors are much better. They cost much less, the shave is better, and it will up your self-perceived masculinity by 0.000001%.

I hate facial hair and I have to shave every day. Those things really helped me and I never had any problem with them. Like that other user said, you don't need to change anything, but buy waterproof because you do have to clean them (just throw some water and it's fine, wouldn't worry too much)

>not shaving your beard

It's too expensive to buy new blades for that here. Literally 2/3 of a new electrical razor.

What about shaving your head? What can I buy for that? Can I do it alone? I'm balding anyway so would rather just keep my hair shaved

I heard that barbers use foil shavers for head. I don't know if it's good or not.

get a braun series 5 or above. below that is just not that good, better off manual.

the good ones are great to be honest. very easy, no burn, 98% clean cut, and the trimmer is useful

and no, replacement is only once or twice a year depending on your usage. the replacement head is like 25 euros.

>Do you need to change the 'round razor blades' (I dont know how they are called) from time to time?

Yes, you will be able to tell when they're getting dull, they last a long time though. But as someone else said, unless you bought a high end shaver there's barely any point in buying new ones as they cost almost as much a new machine.

A little tip for all you bros, get some distilled water to rinse your shaving bits with. A dull razor is usually caused by hard water buildup and not the blade being damaged.

Also really useful for cleaning hard water buildup around the house.

I just use electric clippers to shave my face. Works like a charm.

I like how this thread came along, pretty interesting. we should have more threads like this where you learn things

I received a similar philips electric razor. Needless to say I barely used it because It literally misses entire batches of hairs. The hairs it actually shaves are not cut short enough. Now simply use a shavette for a top tier shave

>falling for the electric jew

good goy.

hard water is a biproduct from most nuclear reactors

Uhh, hard water is the natural mineralization of water.

Are you sure you're not thinking of heavy water?

grandpa had a soviet made device related to hard water.
I'm not sure whether it created hard water or not. It's like a big jug you could connect to any power outlet.