Imagine thinking that fucking prostitutes is equal or the same value as fucking a regular girl...

Imagine thinking that fucking prostitutes is equal or the same value as fucking a regular girl. This is what you look like when you defend or support prostitutes. The sex is devoid of meaning and only creates a larger market for whores.

Attached: 4D5D5241-A4F0-4221-AD6D-EF9E55D7D7C0.jpg (1000x1414, 75K)

true and this also means that anyone that suggests that you fuck a whore, whether it's some user, friend, therapist, family member, etc. does not want to help you. they are paying themselves a compliment because despite their own problems, at least they don't have to pay a whore to get sex.

I've talked with a lot of people who defend prostitution. They always deflect and get angry when I ask which one of their daughters they'd like to see as a prostitute. Must be that cognitive dissonance kicking in.

>The sex is devoid of meaning and only creates a larger market for whores.
not only that, but even if you want emotion free sex you can still get it with some charm through one night stands. that may not be healthy but at least it's an achievement.

I should be allowed to profit from my own slutty body.

It's weird that the media ran with this being an incel thing. The guy who really popularized #ThotAudit was Roosh V who probably has fucked hundreds of women. It seems like they just copied the buzzwords thots were using to complain about it on Twitter.

Sex with love is always better
Nonetheless having sex is imo always better than having no sex at all
Also sex is healthy for the brain, compared to a lot of people on here just wanking to hentai all day

I never went to a hooker and have a loving gf but i dont think visiting a hooker is that much of a big deal

How is prostitution any different from therapy? You're paying the therapist to be your friend. Think about it.

it's not any different. i'm completely against it, at least i'm against robots using therapists.

>devoid of meaning
found the virgin

>Also sex is healthy for the brain, compared to a lot of people on here just wanking to hentai all day
but nobody wanking to hentai is under any impression that they are forming a connection with someone else. if you're not careful, you could believe that by having sex with a prostitute but of course you would be wrong

>nobody wanking to hentai is under any impression that they are forming a connection with someone else

Yea i see that with all the waifu shit and i think tulpas(?) Too which seems like a serious mental health probelm
Also at least you form ANY kind of connection with a whore (physical)

And honestly sometimes you just wanna fuck

well there are negative elements to both and that's why i avoid both. i don't even watch anime anymore even though i like the aesthetics of it.

also i would argue that anyone with a daki knows that it's a poor subsitute for an actual gf. weebs are just extra delusional and prone to escapism more compared to the average robot

>how is sex different than talking

Guess thats true
Although i would argue having real sex at least motivates to find some girl to have sex with compared to overstimulating your brain with porn
Honestly the best thing is to just improve yourself and try to find a nice girl thats wife material

Thats one of the things that really makes you happy, at least for me
Anyways nice talk dude i gotta go now to my gf
Wish you a nice night

You'd be right if people were faithful and actually built relationships with each before fucking. And while this still happens, a lot of times it doesn't. So these "regular girls" are still whores and fucking them is "devoid of meaning"

>So these "regular girls" are still whores and fucking them is "devoid of meaning"
it's not devoid of meaning. they chose you. they weren't obligated to choose because of money. so while it's a small achievement, particularly if the girl is drunk, she still chose you when she didn't have to.prostitution was useful in the time period you're talking about, when sex was taboo, the woman was virginal at marriage, and the man was expected to please his wife by getting experience from a whore. now we have widespread pornography, hookup culture, safe birth control, sex therapists, etc. prostitution has worn out its usefulness. it's for losers now.

What is the inbred creature in the picture trying to say?

>it's not devoid of meaning. they chose you
I don't derive my meaning from having a female grace me once with her warm, wet hole. And they choose you based on apperance or social status, so basically what you're saying is you derive your meaning from being attractive or popular/wealthy. Also you mention
>widespread pornography, hookup culture
like these are great advances in society. It's pretty clear now you're just a vain fuck with shitty morals and values.

>like these are great advances in society
no i didn't faggot. all i said is that prostitution is no longer useful. i didn't say any of the changes are for the better.

well since the value is intrinsic, it preety much is

>no i didn't faggot
Okay fair enough, I was reaching there. But the rest of my shit still stands.

>I don't derive my meaning from having a female grace me once with her warm, wet hole.
good luck trying to fight your biological imperative to reproduce

Why are the people who demonize incels the most usually blatant incels in denial themselves?

>They chose you, they weren't obligated to choose because of money
What is a screening process? You do know that no prostitute is forced to work with a client right? In fact they often refuse unhygienic dudes, fats, uggos and assholes.

Not drunken club sluts though, those even fuck dogs.

Unless you're talking sidewalk trailer trash whores, you're absolutely wrong.

Some guys just want to have a nice chat with a 10/10 and then blow a load in their throats. That's what prostitution is for.

because they think defending whores will lead to sex but even if it does it's always pay to play and thus meaningless

>What is a screening process? You do know that no prostitute is forced to work with a client right? In fact they often refuse unhygienic dudes, fats, uggos and assholes.
so what they still chose to have sex on that given day or else they wouldn't support themselves. the club slut can go home without a guy and it won't lead to their financial ruin.

>financial ruin
Have you ever seen an escort? These girls blow money on clothing, shoes, handbags, cars and trips to Europe and Asia.
They make so much money you wouldn't believe.
The good ones have politicians, businessmen and athletes visiting them.

More like found the asexual

i'm not sure what you're trying to say. and i'm not sure why you're making a distinction between street whores and high end escorts. for both types of workers, without money in exchange sex does not happen. that is not the case with club sluts. if you're against drunken one night stands with sluts that's fine but please don't pretend that that is exactly the same as prostitution.

All women are whores.

All women require an investment of resources before they grant you access to their vaginas.

If you have more money to give than time and patience, why bother trying to charm some half-drunk slut into a bland, unfulfilling hump session when you can just drop some cash on a prostitute and let her use her practiced talents to give you a five-star orgasm?

As "cringe" as the guy in your pic might be, he's entirely right. The fact that he's ugly doesnt mean he's wrong. Are you actually 12?
>it's just sex
Literally who cares? It's just sex, some people just wanna fuck. If they wanted meaningful sex they'd find a gf

>All women are whores.
no. but in the west i'd say at least 90 percent are.
>All women require an investment of resources before they grant you access to their vaginas.
>If you have more money to give than time and patience, why bother trying to charm some half-drunk slut into a bland, unfulfilling hump session when you can just drop some cash on a prostitute and let her use her practiced talents to give you a five-star orgasm?
because the pleasure from that orgasm is fleeting. the confidence from knowing that you can charm someone into doing what you want will help you form other relationships that are not necessarily sexual. whereas bribery may be effective but it's often illegal. and sometimes the first option costs less than the second, at least in money. prositution costs less in time.

I already have confidence in myself and plenty of friends. Chads fuck prostitutes all the time. You can acquire confidence from sources other than cocksleeves.

It's just sex*
Didnt mean to greentext that lmao

Street prostitutes tend to have STDs, mental, criminal and/or problems, live in poverty, have unsafe sex and go for anyone.

Escorts are usually college girls who want side cash to brag about and buy expensive stuff.
They get tested, screen clients, have safe sex and are usually well off, educated and intelligent.

You can't say most of these for club sluts, since they compare more to street prostitutes. Maybe the sexual experience is the only common point between the three.

My biggest confidence booster is knowing that even if I get rejected, I can legally have sex with a 10/10 escort in a few hours if I want to.
Lets me see women for what they are and reminds me to never put pussy on a pedestal.

>Mental, criminal and/or psychological problems.

it's slightly less pathetic for chad because he doesn't need it. if no woman will touch you except a whore then yes it's pathetic and you should kys. most conversations about whores on r9k are about whether virgin robots should use them anyway.

Criticizing the ideological motivations behind #thotaudit (let's be honest, nobody are really concerned about taxes) hardly implies that you fuck prostitutes

>Lets me see women for what they are and reminds me to never put pussy on a pedestal.
it's entirely possible to follow this and still avoid the false emotional boost of prostitution. not using whores doesn't mean i respect wamen or at least not all of them

You're actually more likely to catch an STD from some tramp you picked up at a club than a professional escort, I'd imagine. The escort treats her pussy as a product and makes sure that it's up to a certain standard to support her continued livelihood. The club skank just goes around fucking on a whim because her giney tingled.

>if no woman will touch you except a whore then yes it's pathetic and you should kys
Why should anyone kill themselves because of women? That sounds more pathetic than anything else. If you're not attractive or charismatic or even interested enough to constantly try and pick up women, why not just hire an escort, get your nut and divert your attention elsewhere until the next time you're too horny to concentrate? This mistaken belief that there's some kind of inherent shame to buying an escort or that it's pathetic to not have women lusting over you is little more than a holdover from your inner caveman. There's literally no reason to care, especially in the 21st century where women are usually more trouble than they're even worth anyway.

>Talking about personal challenges and trying to find solutions
>Banging a whore
Ya, these two things are the same.

but the heart of this discussion isn't attractiveness it's that sex for money does not entail actual emotional connection, and that's true no matter how ugly the girl is or isn't. also seduction is the perfect way to not put women on a pedestal and prostitution never involves seduction. it's loaded dice, not getting lucky.

Found the normie. There's a website for your kind, it's called r*ddit.

Absolutely. I think every man is entitled to and should have his own philosophy regarding women.
The only one that is 100% wrong on all accounts is thinking women are special beings with angelical traits and unparalleled beauty. This is a recipe for cuckery and ruin.

Definitely. Escorts even make clients shower and check their dicks for sores, weird smells or wounds beforehand. See if a random drunk girl will do that.
They are called professionals for a reason.

>sex for money does not entail actual emotional connection
Neither does most sex. Actual human connection as you would define it is rare in this day and age. You think Chad feels anything for the random women he bangs on Tinder? You think Stacy feels anything for the average Chad? This isn't a movie -- real sex is usually just two people looking to get their biological urges taken care of while half-drunk. Watch less anime and go outside more often.

>seduction is the perfect way to not put women on a pedestal and prostitution never involves seduction. it's loaded dice, not getting lucky.
Why are you so hung up on this? Is your ego so fragile that you really can't handle not feeling like you "earned" sex. It doesn't matter.

>If you're not attractive or charismatic or even interested enough to constantly try and pick up women, why not just hire an escort, get your nut and divert your attention elsewhere until the next time you're too horny to concentrate?
because that's not self improvement and you can just fap or lift or distract yourself from your sex drive until you better yourself and find a willing partner.
>This mistaken belief that there's some kind of inherent shame to buying an escort or that it's pathetic to not have women lusting over you is little more than a holdover from your inner caveman.
the biological drive to reproduce is much older than prostitution user. you can't just ignore it even if society has changed. you have to find a partner based on your own merit not based on paying.
>especially in the 21st century where women are usually more trouble than they're even worth anyway.
if you have no intention of having children this may be true but i do

you can't pay for honor. you can pay for sex. and i already said i don't watch anime. but you're right i do need to get off the internet more often.

>because that's not self improvement
Why is that now a factor? I can't self-improve and fuck whores?

>the biological drive to reproduce is much older than prostitution user. you can't just ignore it even if society has changed. you have to find a partner based on your own merit not based on paying.
This is just silly. Most people aren't going out to find sex thinking "oh yeah I can't wait to find the perfect mate to impregnate". We're not solely bundles of biological instincts, we're capable of higher thought and hedonistic behaviours and most sex is done because it makes you feel good, not because babies.

>if you have no intention of having children this may be true but i do
Well alright, then.

>you can't pay for honor
You pretty much can, it'd just be a matter of fixing the narrative to make it so you look good.

This is questionable. Although the mindset in the sex industry is all business oriented, more often than not (don't believe me if you don't want to, but you'd be surprised) working girls do have feelings for Johns, especially regular ones.

For one, being an escort entails liking sex, that's an absolute, given the nature of the work. On top of that, since it's rarely all about sex and they do get to know their clients while talking, and get to share their sexual intimacies, escorts do get attached to Johns.
I'd say that's the reason most of them end up quitting: Getting a John SO.

The older or more experienced girls tend to advocate for younger and newer girls to never catch feelings, because often it leads to freebies, heartbreak and/or the end of the career.

Prostitutes are human and have feelings too. Sex by itself entails emotion and intimacy. That translates to transactional sex too.

only the dishonorable wouldn't see through your shit though. but if you want to make the claim that most people are dishonorable i guess it doesn't matter then

Now you just sound a bit unhinged.

>Prostitutes are human and have feelings too
[citation needed]

they're just failed stacy cumdumpsters who occasionally try and make idle conversation so you'll give them a higher rating

>For one, being an escort entails liking sex, that's an absolute, given the nature of the work.
i don't buy this for a moment. then again i have never met a prostitute so maybe i'm wrong. i think a lot of girls do it because it's somewhat quick, high paying work that lets them have a comfy lifestyle. it also requires pretty much no training or education compared to actual professions.

>For one, being an escort entails liking sex, that's an absolute, given the nature of the work.
You don't actually believe this do you? Of course not all escorts enjoy what they do. Sometimes the money's too good to pass up, sometimes it's just easier than having to develop real skills and get a real job. Hell, sometimes they're literally slaves or smackheads looking for their next hit. To believe that every escort is just a nympho is woefully naive.

Can't help but feel you may have been mislead into thinking your regular girl loves you because she's willing to have an actual conversation with you.

The girls who don't do shit jobs and end up getting complained out of the industry by unsatisfied johns. At least that's how it works in my country.

As with any other job too. If you don't like your job, you're only going to be able to hold the facade for so long, and when you slip, you get fired for being a bad professional.

Just because you're good at your job, doesn't mean you love it all the time always.

You're delusional.

>I must speak, in the next place, of beneficence and liberality, of which there are two sorts, kindness to those needing it being shown either by personal service or by money. The latter is more easy, especially for one who is rich; but the former is more noble, more magnificent, and more worthy of a strong and eminent man."
>for it is a bad case when what ought to be effected by virtue is attempted by money.
if cicero is unhinged then i guess i'm unhinged user

dude chill it's just consensual sex