Change my mind

School shootings are the most effective counter to bullying

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No, because now people bully the "potential school shooter". Bullying is a bigger problem than ever before. Therefore it is easy to deduct that school shootings do nothing to fix the problem.

Brainlet inquiry. Try this one.

School shootings create more bullies. Prove me wrong.

The answer to this is MORE school shootings

Wow OP you were really ready to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas.

K bro. Keep doing something that doesn't work. The mark of a genius.

>Jumping doesnt work
>You shouldn't jump higher

no, working out is, because you look stronger, happier, prettier and wholeseome than your bully is and thn he starts to doubt his pathetic live actions

school shooters werent bullied hard enough.

Or just end his pathetic life

T. Bullied victim too pussy to shoot up the school

>No, because now people bully the "potential school shooter"
does that really happen in burgerland? I would be scared shitless to bully anyone in a country where you can buy a handgun in your local Walmart
>t. eurob

instead of shooting up a school, i take estrogen pills and dress like a woman. bullying solved the incel problem.

School shooters are the best thing that happened on this globe since 9/11

t. NCIS/NSA employee

hello officer

revenge against the bullies plan
>make propane tank bombs and pipe bombs from the anarchist cookbook
>buy a bunch of weapons and spend minimal time learning to operate them
>day of vengeance
>propane tanks don't explode
>pipe bombs fizzle out
>everybody runs away
>guns all jam immediately
>shoot like 4 kids in a library and kill yourself

>user tries to come up with the most pathetic attempt at revenge
>still better than Randy Stair
damn he done goofed

asa coon is the king of failed shootings

Yes, there's no real way for them to retaliate that isn't illegal, so it builds up until they're willing to go to this extreme

School shootings are a result of our fucked up parenting and society.

Parenting has gone to shit, and the increasing amount of single motherhood definitely has something to do with that. The family unit has been chipped away by the media and culture. The bedrock of western civilization is the nuclear family. Back then, if your son was bullied, your dad would tell you to stand up for yourself, consequences be dammed. Nowadays, if you strike back, you're punished.

I'm not a polfag or conservative, but I do believe that bringing back strong family values and discipline would fix a lot of these issues. Too bad it's impossible to get that shit back without religious faggots fucking it up.

I have to say... im preety surprised that people still bully kids in school knowing they can snap and go full carnage.

>Parenting has gone to shit, and the increasing amount of single motherhood definitely has something to do with that.
I am Jack's embarrassing Jow Forums post

Attached: 52963b0369bedd0155aae1b0-750-375.jpg (750x375, 51K)

They're the most based counter to the normalfag scum.

Arming autists is the most effective counter to bullying

>try to 360 no scope the Chads and Stacies
>they're all wearing bulletproof backpacks
>school SWAT team tackles me and I shit my pants

Why do people care if they get suspended though? It's just getting to go home the rest of the day.

>The answer to this is MORE school shootings
Made me lol irl.