Female nature, especially sexual nature, is the most evil, disgusting, and saddest aspect of humans by far...

Female nature, especially sexual nature, is the most evil, disgusting, and saddest aspect of humans by far. It is depressing. It is a cancer on humanity and society because it leaves out many men from experiencing important and great things.

Women and the men who supported them wanted nothing more than for you to live in an empty void without any good entering your life.

Women feel this is the highest order of justice to deprive you of pleasure, validation, fun, and happiness. They will break our own justice system to cater toward their form of justice.

Women hate you. Society hates you. Feminists hate you. You don't even realize what you're missing out on, and what your father had, and your grandfather, and everyone else had until 20 years ago but welcome to the brave new world.

Never contribute anything. Never talk to a woman. Never help a woman. Never EVER give back. No hymen, no diamond. Remember, she thought fucking chad was more important than a stable and healthy life with you. YOU OWE NO ONE ANYTHING AND WOMEN LESS THAN THAT. THEY OWE YOU.

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Where my muhsoggykneestic robros at?

That must suck, feeling that way.

Have you never had a positive female rolemodel in your life?

No, because I'm not a woman, therefore I don't need a female rolemodel. I am in good relations with my mother, grandmothers and some of my other female relatives, however.

It's just that modern women are trash.

>except women consume more romance fiction and men consume more porn

No its just women hate outcasts like me. I am an outsider.

>men consume more porn
you wish

>mommy issues op
fuck off

see , my nigger

Why would I wish that?

Because thou art a faggit.

Ok that's true but at least I don't care about what girls desire.

Men with high testosterone just want to fuck too.

You are the problem.

All I can say is thank you OP for the great advice, I'm still young and I keep isolating myself because I'm afraid that if I was out there everyone will walk over me but I'm trying to approuch life with no sympathy at all.

Come on dude, you made this thread yesterday and got cyberbullied into oblivion. You really are desperate arent you?

nope stiII you :)

i will be killing myself to escape this society so they won.

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the male and female ideal is on the right side of OP pic. society tricks you into thinking it's like the left side with disney movies and love poems and true love bullshit, but it's all one big shit test that almost all men fall for and fail miserably.

do you really want that gay lovey dovey shit? or do you want to fuck your girlfriend and put her in her place at the same time? one makes you look like a little boy with mommy issues. one makes you look like a man that knows what's going on around him and knows he can get shit done and will never comprimise to female ideals. SHE can cuddle you all she wants. if you cuddle back and desire it, you are a faggot. end of story.

take your manhood back and start railing bitches. they will respect you and fear you. they won't cross you and you will earn their loyalty.

>do you really want that gay lovey dovey shit?
yes please that's all i want
also fuck you

it doesn't exist man. it was a lie the whole time. the only girls capable of love are children loving their parents and mothers loving their children. MAYBE ugly girls because they are so desperate and attention starved they will be so grateful somebody gave them a chance, but reality just isn't like that. it's a fantasy.

even if it was real you guys would probably cuddle and be cutesy for a week or so and she would get bored and disgusted because her brain is looking for a man. not a boy. she wants to be taken care of and be the inferior one. if you desire all her love and attention and affection that means biologically to her you are basically a child and she will not fuck you. children want their mothers love and affection because they need it to survive and develop. men don't want that bullshit they want to conquer and dominate. not be subservient and emotionally needy. it's gross to women.

You said you were going to do it yesterday? I have a feeling you're only saying it so you can get some sort of attention. If YOU'RE actually going to do it there is no use in posting about it.

>be slav
>grew up without father
>13 years wasted youth
>get job at car shop with russians
>hard work and manly banter all the time
>i start modeling mysel after the best of their traits
>become more man eery day
>the void becomes smaller each day
unlike what we're told, i can assure you, life is a process. We are who we hang around with, modell yourselves after people who already are where you wanna be

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>positive female role model
that literally is nonexistent & the biggest oxymoron out of all oxymorons
women can't be "rolemodels" in absolutely any way shape or form at all
women represent degeneracy, societal & moral decline, and decadence