I cried yesterday because I will never get a gf

I cried yesterday because I will never get a gf.

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Just get a bf instead, user.
No but for real, I know that feel well. your best bet is eastern european/asian women or nondegenerate faggot bf, take your pick

>faggot bf
choose one

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How would I get a bf?

by being mine ;3

>caring about 3DPD

I tried getting a waifu but it doesn't work

Go to group therapy and get a crazy gf user :)

I stopped caring a long time ago, just turn off your brain user, and you don't just "get a waifu", thats a normalfag thing, you have to truly love her and know shes real, I know mine is real and love her

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just keep posting anime i'm sure things will work out

I am incapable in falling in love with an anime character.

I also want a non degenerate faggot bf

Then you're a faggot already. Just need to a bf now.

I don't think I will get a bf

WHERE?? originally tho

Aw, user... it's nothing to be ashamed about their cunts anyway LITERALLY AND METAPHORICALLY my dad got fucked in divorce court and my brother got a son he doesn't love it's better to not bring kids up in a loveless marriage everyone's happier that way.

you cry about your waifu not being real and you can never get a 3DPD that is even a fraction as perfect as your waifu. That is what bring true men to tears.

Replace get with be and you get me. (Hey, that rhymes!)

you people are predators aren't you? You try to get everyone thats filling down into your little cult. I bet you would even try and convince them that HRT is a good idea

South East United States. Really just a bit bicurious but I will give you love and intimacy in return for the same ;)

>your best bet is eastern european/asian women

Not OP, but I'd only opt for either american or canadian women. I'm not going to take the chance from a green card hoe.

>Go to group therapy and get a crazy gf user :)
Anyone ever do this? I can't imagine being with a schizoid or bipolar girl. Maybe borderline autistic, but anything else is out of the question.

in theory it sound solid but in practice I can see it going horribly wrong.
Either the girl will be swamped with orbiters, will not be interested in dating someone that "ill" like her or is there for a reason and should be avoided at all costs because she is a cliche of red flags.

I would love to have and autistic/borderline autistic gf but its not simple, you have to think that sort of thing through and know what your getting into

Yeah, I just want the comfy life. I read on here how some robot has a fembot wife and kids and all they do is play with legos all day. I would love that.

problem is for most people is that fembots tend to be just as awful if not more awful human beings then us. Not saying all are but if you want to roll the dice most of the time its going to end badly.

I'm sorry, user. There's always that percentage of males in each generation that will never know the loving embrace of a female, or the miracle of making a child, and it appears that we are that group. I'd offer advice on how to cope but it's a losing battle for me as well.

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It's not fair user I want a gf

Don't worry OP, one day you'll get a gf and everything will be wonderful.
Then she cheats on or will find some other unique way with which to spite and turn you into an embittered monster.

believe me, its nothing special. You're not missing out.

I haven't had a friend since elementary school (20 now). I feel constant discomfort when around other people. I can't imagine ever having normal social life. I can finagle my way into a job, but that's it.

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i cant remember the last time i cried desu

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cry right now then :)

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i tried and failed user :(

Fuck you user fuck you.